Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) show homing capacity towards tumor sites. Numerous reports indicate that they are involved in multiple tumor-promoting processes through several mechanisms, including immunosuppression; stimulation of angiogenesis; transition to cancer-associated fibroblasts; inhibition of cancer cell apoptosis; induction of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT); and increase metastasis and chemoresistance. However, other studies have shown that MSCs suppress tumor growth by suppressing angiogenesis, incrementing inflammatory infiltration, apoptosis and cell cycle arrest, and inhibiting the AKT and Wnt signaling pathways. In this review, we discuss the supportive and suppressive impacts of MSCs on tumor progression and metastasis. We also discuss MSC-based therapeutic strategies for cancer based on their potential for homing to tumor sites. Clinical data suggest that BMI and gestational weight gain (GWG) are strongly interconnected phenotypes; however, the genetic basis of the latter is rather unclear. Here we aim to find genes and genetic variants which influence BMI and/or GWG. We have genotyped 316 type 1 diabetics using Illumina Infinium Omni Express Exome-8 v1.4 arrays. The GIANT, ARIC and T2D-GENES summary statistics were used for TWAS(performed with PrediXcan)in adipose tissue. Next, the analysis of association of imputed expression with BMI in the general and diabetic cohorts (Analysis 1 and 2) or GWG (Analysis 3 and 4)was performed, followed by variant association analysis (1Mb around identifiedloci) with the mentioned phenotypes. In Analysis 1 we have found 175BMIassociatedgenesand 19 variants (p < 10 ) which influenced GWG,with the strongest association for rs11465293 inCCL24(p = 3.18E-06). Analysis 2, with diabetes included in the model, led to discovery of 1812 BMI associated loci and 207 variants (p < 10 ) influencing GWG,with the strongest association forrs9690213 inPODXL(p = 9.86E-07).In Analysis 3, among 648 GWG associated loci, 2091 variants were associated with BMI (FDR < 0.05). In Analysis 4, 7 variants in GWG associated loci influencedBMI in the ARIC cohort. Here, we have shown that loci influencing BMI might have an impact on GWG and GWG associated loci might influence BMI, both in the general and T1DM cohorts. The results suggest that both phenotypes are related to insulin signaling,glucose homeostasis, mitochondrial metabolism, ubiquitinoylation and inflammatory responses. Here, we have shown that loci influencing BMI might have an impact on GWG and GWG associated loci might influence BMI, both in the general and T1DM cohorts. The results suggest that both phenotypes are related to insulin signaling, glucose homeostasis, mitochondrial metabolism, ubiquitinoylation and inflammatory responses.The WHO defines a possible case of COVID-19 as a person experiencing fever, cough, shortness of breath, and neurological signs including anosmia, ageusia, or dysgeusia. However, experiences from hospitals all over the world have shown that presentations vary widely. Some atypical presentations include cardiac, gastrointestinal, neurological, and cutaneous and while some are driven by the inflammatory response, others are a consequence of the hypercoagulable state. In our emergency department in a private hospital in Mexico City, we received two patients with very different symptoms on the same shift. Two previously healthy men in their 40s presented to the ER with very atypical manifestations of COVID-19. Neither of them complained of fever, cough, or shortness of breath. The first referred a 3-day history of hiccups that had not resolved with metoclopramide. The second presented with an acute episode of altered mental status. While the first case revealed lung involvement of the disease, the second case had a clean chest CT scan. These cases are relevant as manifestations of COVID-19 vary widely, especially in previously healthy young adults.The spread of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 for short) has caused a large number of deaths around the world. We summarized the data reported in the past few months and emphasized that the main causes of death of COVID-19 patients are DAD (Diffuse Alveolar Damage) and DIC (Disseminated intravascular coagulation). Microthrombosis is a prominent clinical feature of COVID-19, and 91.3% of dead patients had microthrombosis.Endothelial damage caused by SARS-CoV-2 cell invasion and subsequent host response disorders involving inflammation and coagulation pathways play a key role in the progression of severe COVID-19. Microvascular thrombosis may lead to microcirculation disorders and multiple organ failure lead to death.The characteristic pathological changes of DAD include alveolar epithelial and vascular endothelial injury, increased alveolar membrane permeability, large numbers of neutrophil infiltration, alveolar hyaline membrane formation, and hypoxemia and respiratory distress as the main clinical maniand treating COVID-19-related microthrombosis. Further research is urgently needed to clarify how SARS-CoV-2 infection causes thrombotic complications, and how it affects the course and severity of the disease. To cultivate a more comprehensive understanding of the underlying mechanism of this disease. Raise awareness of the importance of preventing and treating microthrombosis in patients with COVID-19. Functional outcome post-stroke depends on time to recanalization. Effect of in-hospital delay may differ in patients directly admitted to a comprehensive stroke center and patients transferred via a primary stroke center. We analyzed the current door-to-groin time in Germany and explored its effect on functional outcome in a real-world setting. Data were collected in 25 stroke centers in the German Stroke Registry-Endovascular Treatment a prospective, multicenter, observational registry study including stroke patients with large vessel occlusion. Functional outcome was assessed at three months by modified Rankin Scale. Association of door-to-groin time with outcome was calculated using binary logistic regression models. Out of 4340 patients, 56% were treated primarily in a comprehensive stroke center and 44% in a primary stroke center and then transferred to a comprehensive stroke center ("drip-and-ship" concept). Median onset-to-arrival at comprehensive stroke center time and door-to-groin time were 103 and 79 min in comprehensive stroke center patients and 225 and 44 min in primary stroke center patients.