On an genuine Chanel bag, the stitching is clean and tight with a high stitch rely per inch. Sloppy handiwork, free threads, uneven stitching and misaligned quilting lines generally indicate a poorly made counterfeit. Authentic Chanel luggage are available a duster bag, whose high quality may help point out if the purse inside is real or not. True Chanel duster luggage have the Chanel logo printed within the heart in white. First, the quantity in the bag should match the one on the accompanying Chanel authenticity card. By continuing with any online buy from us, you verify that you simply consent to our ID verification process following cost for your buy. If you do not want to proceed with bank card fee there are different fee options out there to you corresponding to bank switch, or are available retailer to make in person buy with cash or eftpos funds. Also, the quilting is commonly overstuffed on the counterfeits. The back of the clasp should have two screws, with "CHANEL" engraved on the left and "PARIS" engraved on the proper.