If you want to drive, then you are going to have to go car shopping at some point. A lot of people don't really know what they're getting themselves into when going car shopping. Take the mystery out of looking for a new or used car by following the handy article below. When buying a used car, a great way to tell if the car has been in an accident is to look into the door frames. Usually when a car is repainted, you will notice over spray in this area. This is not proof that a car was in an accident, but it will let you know it was repainted. Have in mind before you head out to a car dealer. You should do some research online to learn more about different kinds of vehicles before you make your decision. This can help you see the price range of the car you want so that you won't get tricked by a slick salesman. Focus on the overall price, not the monthly price, in negotiations. Dealers will do anything and everything to get you that monthly price, even if it means saddling you with higher expenses and interest over the years. Negotiate the best overall deal for the course of your lease. From there, look into the monthly cost. Never pay full price for a car. No sane dealer believes he or she will get full sticker price. Bring a friend that is a good negotiator if that is not your strong point. Make sure you research the car you are interested in first, however, so you have some idea of what to offer. Do not wait until you go car shopping to think about how you are going to finance your car. You need to arrive at the dealership with your car loan pre-qualified at a decent interest rate. You are almost always going to be able to get a better deal than the dealership would provide for you. Be aggressive and assertive. You will inevitably end up nego