Gastric cancer susceptibility genes are frequently associated with other diseases as well as gastric cancer, with potential implications for how carriers of these genes are screened and managed. Unfortunately, commonly used genetic resources provide heterogeneous information with regard to these genes and their associated diseases, highlighting the importance of developing guides for clinicians that integrate data across available resources and the medical literature.Host preference behavior can result in adaptive advantages with important consequences for the fitness of individuals. Hopkin's host-selection principle (HHSP) suggests that organisms at higher trophic levels demonstrate a preference for the host species on which they developed during their own larval stage. Although investigated in many herbivorous and predatory insects, the HHSP has, to our knowledge, never been tested in the context of insects hosting selfish endosymbiotic passengers. Here, we investigated the effect of infection with the facultative bacterial symbiont Wolbachia on post-eclosion host preference in the parasitoid wasp Trichogramma brassicae (Hymenoptera Trichogrammatidae). We compared host preference in Wolbachia-infected individuals and uninfected adult female parasitoids after rearing them on two different Lepidopteran hosts, namely the flour moth Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera Pyralidae) or the grain moth Sitotroga cerealella (Lepidoptera Gelechiidae) in choice and no choice experimental design (n = 120 wasps per each choice/no choice experiments). We showed that in T. brassicae, Wolbachia affects the post-eclosion host preference of female wasps. Wolbachia-infected wasps did not show any host preference and more frequently switched hosts in the laboratory, while uninfected wasps significantly preferred to lay eggs on the host species they developed on. Additionally, Wolbachia significantly improved the emergence rate of infected wasps when reared on new hosts. Altogether, our results revealed that the wasp's infection with Wolbachia may lead to impairment of post-eclosion host preference and facilitates growing up on different host species. The impairment of host preference by Wolbachia may allow T. brassicae to shift between hosts, a behavior that might have important evolutionary consequences for the wasp and its symbiont.We present a multi-dimensional continuum mathematical model for modeling the growth of a symbiotic biofilm system. We take a dual-species namely, the Streptococcus-Veillonella sp. biofilm system as an example for numerical investigations. The presented model describes both the cooperation and competition between these species of bacteria. The coupled partial differential equations are solved by using an integrative finite element numerical strategy. Numerical examples are carried out for studying the evolution and distribution of the bio-components. The results demonstrate that the presented model is capable of describing the symbiotic behavior of the biofilm system. However, homogenized numerical solutions are observed locally. To study the homogenization behavior of the model, numerical investigations regarding on how random initial biomass distribution influences the homogenization process are carried out. We found that a smaller correlation length of the initial biomass distribution leads to faster homogenization of the solution globally, however, shows more fluctuated biomass profiles along the biofilm thickness direction. More realistic scenarios with bacteria in patches are also investigated numerically in this study.This study aimed to evaluate the influence of a magnetic field (MF) intensity of 25 mT on Chlorella fusca cultivation in outdoor and indoor conditions, and evaluate the changes in the macromolecules, pigment content and protein profile. C. fusca was cultivated for 15 d in raceway photobioreactor. MF was applied for 24 h d-1 and 1 h d-1. In outdoor cultivation, MF applied for 24 h d-1 increased 23% in the biomass concentration, while indoor assays resulted in an increase in both modes, with biomass production increasing between 70 and 85%. Biomass composition was altered when MF was applied for 1 h d-1 in indoor assays; the highest protein content was achieved (32.7%). Nitrate consumption was higher in outdoor assays, while MF application did not alter the protein profile. The results showed that combining the outdoor conditions with MF is advantageous, as higher biomass concentration can be achieved with lower energy expenditure.Kinesins play important roles in the progression and development of cancer. Kinesin family member C1 (KIFC1), a minus end-directed motor protein, is a novel Kinesin involved in the clustering of excess centrosomes found in cancer cells. Recently KIFC1 has shown to play a role in the progression of many different cancers, however, the involvement of KIFC1 in the progression of prostate cancer (PCa) is still not well understood. This study investigated the expression and clinical significance of KIFC1 in PCa by utilizing multiple publicly available datasets to analyze KIFC1 expression in patient samples. High KIFC1 expression was found to be associated with high Gleason score, high tumor stage, metastatic lesions, high ploidy levels, and lower recurrence-free survival. These results reveal that high KIFC1 levels are associated with a poor prognosis for PCa patients and could act as a prognostic indicator for PCa patients as well. This review aims to summarize interventions used in the perioperative period to reduce the development of new persistent postoperative opioid use in opioid-naïve patients. The development of new persistent opioid use after surgery has recently been identified as a common postoperative complication. The existing literature suggests that interventions across the continuum of care have been shown to decrease the incidence of new persistent postoperative opioid use. Specific preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative interventions will be reviewed, as well as the use of clinical pathways and protocols that span throughout the perioperative period. Common to many of these interventions include the use of multimodal analgesia throughout the perioperative period and an emphasis on a patient-centered, evidence-based approach to the perioperative pain management plan. While the incidence of new persistent postoperative opioid use appears to be high, the literature suggests that there are both small- and large-scale interventions that can be used to reduce this.