Google has recently expanded the company's homegrown VPN service into the United Kingdom, making it accessible as an optional bonus for customers with 2TB or greater cloud storage subscriptions. The new service, which was first introduced in the US earlier this year, in addition to the $9.99/month plan, is now available in seven countries according to 9to5Google. The VPN also known as a virtual network, secures all the data you transfer to the internet. shields you from hackers who could intercept your connection and masks your IP address , which is an essential feature if using public Wi-Fi for accessing sensitive data like bank accounts, or shopping websites. A VPN is a valuable security tool to ensure your privacy when streaming video specifically in countries where authorities have restricted certain videos. Secure VPNs are able to bypass geo-restrictions for websites such as Netflix, which might vary depending on your location regarding pricing and library availability. The VPN also hides your IP address, which is a benefit when you want to get around blocking software for content. It might be a bit disappointing when you find out that GoogleOne VPN doesn't allow pretending that you're from a different nation when you watch Netflix since a number of good VPNs will allow. Although limited in its scope It is, however, an efficient and simple way to block online tracking and protect your online activities. It comes with no additional fee, and the activation process can be controlled using quick Settings. Google One VPN for Android What is the best way to use it? To use the VPN services offered by Google One, users must first log in using your Google Account. This can be done either by using or through the Google One app (available as an additional download in the Play Store for Pixel or Pro owners) or via quick Settings under Network and Internet settings on the Android device. The Google One VPN service will mask your IP address while surfing on the internet. It also encrypts information for secure communication. This is ideal for users of Wi-Fi on public networks in another country who needs to keep the privacy of their personal data when giving sensitive information to strangers or posting personal details through social media sites. It is possible to get around any restrictions on geography which might prevent you from getting access to specific content, like live television or sports coverage. This option is beneficial for those who frequent travel and need to get access to content beyond their home countries. A reliable VPN provider is essential for safeguarding your online identity and transactions. Many reliable providers are available and some offer great prices that start at as low as $10 per month. Some also offer free access for users of Android and iOS devices. Once you've got the perfect provider set up, securing your online privacy becomes easier.