Interestingly, Alba3 and the closely related Alba4 are functionally redundant in slender forms, but Alba4 cannot compensate for the lack of Alba3 during differentiation from the stumpy to the procyclic form. We postulate that Alba-domain proteins play similar roles in regulating translation in other protozoan parasites, in particular during life-cycle and host transitions. Inadequate efforts towards meeting the sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents and young people, who disproportionately share the burden of unwanted pregnancies, poor maternal and child health outcomes, risks of RTI/STI and HIV/AIDS, increase the risk of losing much of the progress made towards the Millennium Development Goals over the last decade, particularly in the context of low-and-middle-income countries like India. Using the nationally representative data on 160551 unmarried young women aged 15-24 years from the District Level Reproductive and Child Health Survey (DLHS 2007-2008) in India, this research evaluated the demographic and socioeconomic differentials in the access to family life/sex education (FLE) among youth in India. Using the adjusted multiple logistic regression models, the association between access to family life/sex education and attitudes towards a range of sexual and reproductive health matters among young unmarried Indian women were investigated. Less than half ofroductive health demands of the adolescents and young people in India. The present research underscores the protective role of family life education towards improving the sexual and reproductive life experiences of young people. It further underscores the vital need to implement a comprehensive and culturally appropriate programme of family life education in order to meet the sexual and reproductive health demands of the adolescents and young people in India. Understanding the T cell response to SARS-CoV-2 is critical to vaccine development, epidemiological surveillance and disease control strategies. This systematic review critically evaluates and synthesises the relevant peer-reviewed and pre-print literature published from 01/01/2020-26/06/2020. For this systematic review, keyword-structured literature searches were carried out in MEDLINE, Embase and COVID-19 Primer. Papers were independently screened by two researchers, with arbitration of disagreements by a third researcher. Data were independently extracted into a pre-designed Excel template and studies critically appraised using a modified version of the MetaQAT tool, with resolution of disagreements by consensus. Findings were narratively synthesised. 61 articles were included. 55 (90%) studies used observational designs, 50 (82%) involved hospitalised patients with higher acuity illness, and the majority had important limitations. Symptomatic adult COVID-19 cases consistently show peripheral T cell uation in specific sub-groups, including vaccine recipients, should be prioritised. A complex pattern of T cell response to SARS-CoV-2 infection has been demonstrated, but inferences regarding population level immunity are hampered by significant methodological limitations and heterogeneity between studies, as well as a striking lack of research in asymptomatic or pauci-symptomatic individuals. In contrast to antibody responses, population-level surveillance of the T cell response is unlikely to be feasible in the near term. Focused evaluation in specific sub-groups, including vaccine recipients, should be prioritised.Supplier selection and segmentation are crucial tasks of companies in order to reduce costs and increase the competitiveness of their goods. To handle uncertainty and dynamicity in the supplier segmentation problem, this research thus proposes a new dynamic generalized fuzzy multi-criteria group decision making (MCGDM) approach from the aspects of capability and willingness and with respect to environmental issues. The proposed approach defines the aggregated ratings of alternatives, the aggregated weights of criteria, and the weighted ratings by using generalized fuzzy numbers with the effect of time weight. Next, we determine the ranking order of alternatives via a popular centroid-index ranking approach. Finally, two case studies demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed dynamic approach. The applications show that the proposed appoach is effective in solving the MCGDM in vague environment. Hazard perception ability, which develops with driving experience, has been proven to be associated with drivers' traffic involvement. Although classic reaction time-based hazard perception tests have been developed in many developed counties, experience-related differences may not be found in drivers from developing countries due to their increased opportunities to experience hazards on roads. Therefore, the present study aims to develop a hazard prediction test for Chinese drivers based on a predictive paradigm called "What happens next?" and assess its reliability and validity. Thirty-six video clips filmed from drivers' perspectives of Chinese driving settings were presented to 54 novice drivers and 47 experienced drivers. Participants were asked to answer three questions after each video clip was blacked out and to then quickly press the mouse button on a reaction time-based hazard perception test. Both the differences in the test scores between novice and experienced drivers and the differences in scores between drivers with and without traffic violations were compared. The final hazard prediction test consisted of 20 video clips. A high internal consistency coefficient of the test, i.e., Cronbach's alpha = 0.862, was obtained. The total scores of the test were positively and significantly correlated with reaction times as measured on the video-based hazard perception test, thus providing evidence regarding the discriminant validity of the test. More importantly, drivers with traffic violations obtained significantly lower total scores on the test than did drivers without traffic violations. The newly developed hazard prediction test exhibited adequate psychometric properties and provided a practical alternative for assessing drivers' hazard perception ability in China. The newly developed hazard prediction test exhibited adequate psychometric properties and provided a practical alternative for assessing drivers' hazard perception ability in China.