The phase 3 CHIASMA OPTIMAL trial (NCT03252353) evaluated efficacy and safety of oral octreotide capsules (OOCs) in patients with acromegaly who previously demonstrated biochemical control while receiving injectable somatostatin receptor ligands (SRLs). In this double-blind study, patients (N = 56) stratified by prior SRL dose were randomly assigned 11 to OOC or placebo for 36 weeks. The primary end point was maintenance of biochemical control at the end of treatment (mean insulin-like growth factor 1 [IGF-1] ≤ 1.0 × upper limit of normal [ULN]; weeks 34 and 36). Time to loss of IGF-1 response and proportion requiring reversion to injectable SRLs were assessed as broader control measures. Mean IGF-1 measurements were 0.80 and 0.97 × ULN for OOC and 0.84 and 1.69 × ULN for placebo, at baseline and end of treatment, respectively. Mean growth hormone (GH) changed from 0.66 to 0.60 ng/mL for OOCs and 0.90 to 2.57 ng/mL for placebo. Normalization of IGF-1 levels (≤ 1.0 × ULN) was maintained in 58.2% for OOCs vs 19.4% for placebo (P = .008); GH levels were maintained (< 2.5 ng/mL) in 77.7% for OOC vs 30.4% for placebo (P = .0007). Median time to loss of response (IGF-1 > 1.0 or ≥ 1.3 × ULN definitions) for patients receiving placebo was 16 weeks; for patients receiving OOCs, it was not reached for both definitions during the 36-week trial (P < .0001). Of the patients in the OOC group, 75% completed the trial on oral therapy. The OOC safety profile was consistent with previous SRL experience. OOCs may be an effective therapy for patients with acromegaly who previously were treated with injectable SRLs. OOCs may be an effective therapy for patients with acromegaly who previously were treated with injectable SRLs.The scientific community's understanding of how the SARS-CoV-2 virus is transmitted and how to best mitigate its spread is improving daily. To help protect patients from acquiring COVID-19 from a dental office nosocomial infection, many state or local governments have classified dental treatments as "nonessential" and have paused routine dental care. Dentists have been instructed to perform only procedures designated as emergencies. Unfortunately, there is not a good understanding of what a dental emergency is among governmental leaders. What a government agency may perceive as an elective procedure may be seen as "essential" by the dental clinician responsible for maintaining the oral health of the patient. Each dental specialty understands the effects delayed care has on a patient's oral and systemic health. Dentistry has made extensive progress in improving oral health through prevention of the dental emergency. The dental profession must work together to prevent the reversal of the progress dentistry and patients have made. This American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) White Paper discusses what COVID-19 is and how it impacts dental treatments, presents guidelines for dentistry in general and for dental implant related treatments, specifically. Recommendations for implant dentistry include the following (1) what constitutes a dental implant related emergency, (2) how patients should be screened and triaged, (3) what personal protective equipment is necessary, (4) how operatories should be equipped, (5) what equipment should be used, and (6) what, when, and how procedures can be performed. This paper is intended to provide guidance for the dental implant practice so patients and dental health care providers can be safe, and offices can remain open and viable during the pandemic.Nosema disease is a prominent malady among adult honey bees [Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera Apidae)], caused by the microsporidian parasites, Nosema apis Zander (Microspora Nosematidae) and N. ceranae Fries et al. 1996. The biology of N. apis is well understood, as this parasite was first described over a century ago. As N. ceranae is an emerging parasite of the honey bee, we do not yet understand how long spores of this parasite survive in honey bee colonies, or all the potential modes of transmission among bees. We investigated the viability and infectivity of N. ceranae spores in honey and on beeswax over time after exposure to 33, 20, -12, and -20°C. Spores in honey maintained viability at freezing temperatures for up to 1 yr and remained viable considerably longer than those on beeswax. Based on this evidence, honey may act as an important reservoir for infective spores to initiate or perpetuate N. ceranae infections in honey bee colonies. This work provides information that may help enhance current management recommendations for apiculturalists. We set out to characterize the dynamics of islet autoantibodies over the first 15 years of life in children carrying genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes (T1D). We also assessed systematically the role of zinc transporter 8 autoantibodies (ZnT8A) in this context. HLA-predisposed children (N = 1006, 53.0% boys) recruited from the general population during 1994 to 1997 were observed from birth over a median time of 14.9 years (range, 1.9-15.5 years) for ZnT8A, islet cell (ICA), insulin (IAA), glutamate decarboxylase (GADA), and islet antigen-2 (IA-2A) antibodies, and for T1D. By age 15.5 years, 35 (3.5%) children had progressed to T1D. Islet autoimmunity developed in 275 (27.3%) children at a median age of 7.4 years (range, 0.3-15.1 years). The ICA seroconversion rate increased toward puberty, but the biochemically defined autoantibodies peaked at a young age. Before age 2 years, ZnT8A and IAA appeared commonly as the first autoantibody, but in the preschool years IA-2A- and especially GADA-initiated autoimmunity increased. Thereafter, GADA-positive seroconversions continued to appear steadily until ages 10 to 15 years. Inverse IAA seroconversions occurred frequently (49.3% turned negative) and marked a prolonged delay from seroconversion to diagnosis compared to persistent IAA (8.2 vs 3.4 years; P = .01). In HLA-predisposed children, the primary autoantibody is characteristic of age and might reflect the events driving the disease process toward clinical T1D. Autoantibody persistence affects the risk of T1D. These findings provide a framework for identifying disease subpopulations and for personalizing the efforts to predict and prevent T1D. In HLA-predisposed children, the primary autoantibody is characteristic of age and might reflect the events driving the disease process toward clinical T1D. Autoantibody persistence affects the risk of T1D. These findings provide a framework for identifying disease subpopulations and for personalizing the efforts to predict and prevent T1D.