In the present study, we assess the molecular targets and mode of action of furanone C-30 on P. aeruginosa QS system. Our results suggest that furanone C-30 binds to LasR at the ligand-binding site but fails to establish interactions with the residues crucial for the protein's productive conformational changes and folding, thus rendering the protein dysfunctional. We also show that furanone C-30 inhibits RhlR, independent of LasR, suggesting a complex mechanism for the agent beyond what is known to date.Red yeast rice has been used to produce alcoholic beverages and various fermented foods in China and Korea since ancient times; it has also been used to produce tofuyo (Okinawan-style fermented tofu) in Japan since the 18th century. Recently, monacolin K (lovastatin) which has cholesterol-lowering effects, was found in some strains of Monascus fungi. Since statins have been used world-wide as a cholesterol-lowering agent, processed foods containing natural statins are drawing attention as materials for primary prevention of life-style related diseases. In recent years, large-scale commercial production of red yeast rice using traditional solid-state fermentation has become possible, and various useful materials, including a variety of monascus pigments (polyketides) that spread as natural pigments, in addition to statins, are produced in the fermentation process. Red yeast rice has a lot of potential as a medicinal food. In this paper, we describe the history of red yeast rice as food, especially in Japan and East Asia, its production methods, use, and the ingredients with pharmacological activity. We then review evidence of the beneficial effects of red yeast rice in improving lipid metabolism and the circulatory system and its safety as a functional food.Systemic mastocytosis (SM) is a hematologic neoplasm with abnormal accumulation of mast cells in various organ systems such as the bone marrow, other visceral organs and skin. So far, only little is known about epigenetic changes contributing to the pathogenesis of SM. In the current article, we provide an overview of epigenetic changes that may occur and be relevant to mastocytosis, including mutations in genes involved in epigenetic processes, such as TET2, DNMT3A and ASXL1, and global and gene-specific methylation patterns in neoplastic cells. Moreover, we discuss methylation-specific pathways and other epigenetic events that may trigger disease progression in mast cell neoplasms. Finally, we discuss epigenetic targets and the effects of epigenetic drugs, such as demethylating agents and BET-targeting drugs, on growth and viability of neoplastic mast cells. The definitive impact of these targets and the efficacy of epigenetic therapies in advanced SM need to be explored in future preclinical studies and clinical trials.The relationship between serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEA-S) and anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) levels has not been fully established. Therefore, we performed a large-scale cross-sectional study to investigate the association between serum DHEA-S and AMH levels. The study included a total of 2155 infertile women aged 20 to 46 years who were divided into four quartile groups (Q1 to Q4) based on serum DHEA-S levels. We found that there was a weak positive association between serum DHEA-S and AMH levels in infertile women (r = 0.190, p less then 0.001). After adjusting for potential confounders, serum DHEA-S levels positively correlated with serum AMH levels in infertile women (β = 0.103, p less then 0.001). Infertile women in the highest DHEA-S quartile category (Q4) showed significantly higher serum AMH levels (p less then 0.001) compared with women in the lowest DHEA-S quartile category (Q1). The serum AMH levels significantly increased across increasing DHEA-S quartile categories in infertile women (p = 0.014) using generalized linear models after adjustment for potential confounders. Our data show that serum DHEA-S levels are positively associated with serum AMH levels. Studies have suggested that trauma centre-related risk factors, such as distance to the nearest trauma hospital, are strong predictors of fatal injuries among motorists. Few studies have used a national dataset to study the effect of trauma centre-related risk factors on fatal injuries among motorists and motorcyclists in a country where traffic is dominated by motorcycles. This study investigated the effect of distance from the nearest trauma hospital on fatal injuries from two-vehicle crashes in Taiwan from 2017 to 2019. A crash dataset and hospital location dataset were combined. The crash dataset was extracted from the National Taiwan Traffic Crash Dataset from 1 January 2017 through 31 December 2019. The primary exposure in this study was distance to the nearest trauma hospital. This study performed a multiple logistic regression to calculate the adjusted odds ratios (AORs) for fatal injuries. The multivariate logistic regression models indicated that motorcyclists involved in crashes located ≥5 km from the nearest trauma hospital and in Eastern Taiwan were approximately five times more likely to sustain fatal injuries (AOR = 5.26; 95% CI 3.69-7.49). Distance to, level of, and region of the nearest trauma centre are critical risk factors for fatal injuries among motorcyclists but not motorists. To reduce the mortality rate of trauma cases among motorcyclists, interventions should focus on improving access to trauma hospitals. Distance to, level of, and region of the nearest trauma centre are critical risk factors for fatal injuries among motorcyclists but not motorists. To reduce the mortality rate of trauma cases among motorcyclists, interventions should focus on improving access to trauma hospitals.Many insect pests directly compete with humans for food, damaging several crops in the field and during the processing and storage [...].Most patients with hydrocephalus are still managed with the implantation of a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunt in which the CSF flow is regulated by a differential-pressure valve (DPV). Our aim in this review is to discuss some basic concepts in fluid mechanics that are frequently ignored but that should be understood by neurosurgeons to enable them to choose the most adequate shunt for each patient. We will present data, some of which is not provided by manufacturers, which may help neurosurgeons in selecting the most appropriate shunt. To do so, we focused on the management of patients with idiopathic "normal-pressure hydrocephalus" (iNPH), as one of the most challenging scenarios, in which the combination of optimal technology, patient characteristics, and knowledge of fluid mechanics can significantly modify the surgical results. For a better understanding of the available hardware and its evolution over time, we will have a second look at the design of the first DPV and the reasons why additional devices were incorporated to control for shunt overdrainage and its related complications.