Beside psychopathology symptoms, both basic and higher cognitive skills are also independently predictive of professional functioning in schizophrenia. This suggests potential areas of cognitive rehabilitation that could affect employability. Multiple associations among basic and higher cognitive skills provide support for the concept of a generalized cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia. Beside psychopathology symptoms, both basic and higher cognitive skills are also independently predictive of professional functioning in schizophrenia. This suggests potential areas of cognitive rehabilitation that could affect employability. The study was aimed at finding out whether, and to what extent, it is possible to introduce and maintain proper nutrition habits in chronically mentally ill residents of a24-hour Nursing Home. The study involved 52 residents of a 24-hour Nursing Home (NH) for the chronically mentally ill. The study was carried out with a prospective method using questionnaires, nutrition-related interviews, anthropometric measurements, and analysis of selected blood biochemical indicators. Diet modification, accompanied by simultaneous health-promoting nutrition-related education, involved balancing the energy and nutrient contents, with adue consideration to gender and age as well as the major ailment and the accompanying disorders. Sources of the basic nutrients, i.e., proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, were replaced by recommended and/or health-promoting ones. Both female and male patients showed a statistically significant reduction in energy uptake, resulting primarily from a significant reduction in the uptake of lipids and simple carbohydrates. Changes in nutritional habits were reflected in statistically significant increase in the uptake of vitamins, minerals and liquids (in the form of water). Diet composition modifications translated into beneficial changes in concentrations of glucose, triacylglycerols, cholesterol (total as well as HDL and LDL fractions) in numerous patients examined. The study showed chronic mental patients to be capable of adopting, with full acceptance and cooperation, proper nutritional habits. Changes in those habits were reflected in improved body functions, including carbohydrate-lipid metabolism indicators, also in schizophrenia patients treated with antipsychotics. The study showed chronic mental patients to be capable of adopting, with full acceptance and cooperation, proper nutritional habits. Changes in those habits were reflected in improved body functions, including carbohydrate-lipid metabolism indicators, also in schizophrenia patients treated with antipsychotics. The aim of this publication is to analyze the organizational units of mental healthcare for adults based on the data on the services reported to the National Health Fund in 2010-2016. The following organizational forms of care were analyzed mental health outpatient clinics, general psychiatric wards, general day care psychiatric wards, community mental health teams, and psychiatric emergency rooms. These organizational units were analyzed in terms of their number, utilization and accessibility. In addition, a preliminary simulation of the expected Mental Health Centers was carried out. In Poland, in 2010-2016, the number of mental health service providers under contracts with the National Health Fund increased by 5%. The most robust growth was observed for community mental health teams, whose number increased by 282%. However, this organizational form was used by a marginal (1.9%) percentage of patients. The highest rate of admission to general psychiatric wards was observed in districts where a general psychiatric ward and a mental health clinic were available with no day care psychiatric wards or community mental health teams. Asmall number of entities providing comprehensive care was in operation in 2016. The preliminary simulation has shown that in 2016 a total of 156 MentalHealth Centers should have been in operation, assuming that each of them would have provided care for 200,000 inhabitants. It would be advisable to analyze the exact geographic distribution of units, human resources in individual organizational units, and to take financial outlays for mental healthcare in their various forms into consideration. It would be advisable to analyze the exact geographic distribution of units, human resources in individual organizational units, and to take financial outlays for mental healthcare in their various forms into consideration. In Poland, there is no systematic epidemiological research on mental disorders of children and adolescents in the general population, as well as a register dedicated to mental disorders. The aim of the presented study is to analyze psychiatric services reported to the National Health Fund that were provided to children and adolescents in the years 2010-2016. The starting point of this study was report entitled Maps of health needs in mental disorders published by the Ministry of Health. The analysis concerns all mental health services provided to children and adolescents in the years 2010-2016. The analysis covers seven largest, in terms of the number of patients, groups of mental disorders according to ICD-10 in children and adolescents. In the years 2010-2016, both the number of psychiatric service users under the age of 18 years and the total number of healthcare services have increased in almost all of analyzed areas. Unusually high increase in the number of services provided in the ad hoc mode in Ae in A&E department and a small share of services provided in the home environment indicates significant discrepancy between the needs and the availability of resources.This article aims to describe the experience of transforming the Clinical Department of Adult, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the University Hospital in Krakow (CDACAP) into award designated by the Malopolska Voivod to provide the treatment for mentally ill adults from Malopolska Voivodship and adolescents from the south of Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic. We discuss sequent stages of transformation, practical solutions and difficulties encountered in the process. 9 patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection were hospitalized in the CDACAP between 09.04 and 29.05.2020, and 97 were tended to by consulting psychiatrists in the main building of the University Hospital in Krakow between 23.03 and 23.05.2020. In our experience, the Polish healthcare facilities, especially psychiatric and long-term care ones, were ill-equipped to operate during the pandemic crisis. This situation has brought out the nationwide lack of systemic solutions, particularly in the areas of child and adolescent psychiatry as well as forensic psychiatry.