Numerous cytokines have been proven to participate in the pathogenesis of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD). The present study aimed to investigate the aqueous humor cytokine expression profile in nAMD patients before and after ranibizumab treatments in comparison to cataract patients. This prospective study included 20 treatment-naïve nAMD eyes of 20 patients who received three consecutive monthly injections of ranibizumab. Aqueous humor samples were collected before the first (baseline), second (1 month later), and third (2 months later) injections. Controls were 20 age- and gender-matched cataract patients without any other ocular disease. The aqueous concentrations of 28 cytokines were measured using a multiplex bead assay. Central macular thickness (CMT) and maximum retinal thickness (MRT)-3 mm were measured by spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). The greatest linear diameter (GLD) was measured by fundus fluorescein angiography (FA). Three cytokines in aqueous humor, including angiogenin, interleukin-36β (IL-36β), and fibroblast growth factor-acidic (FGF-α) were significantly higher in nAMD patients in comparison to cataract patients, both before andafter two consecutive monthly ranibizumab injections. Compared with the nAMD patients' basal levels, two consecutive monthly ranibizumab injections effectively reduced the aqueous concentrations of VEGF-A and placental growth factor (PlGF), as well asthe values of CMT, MRT-3 mm, and GLD. Angiogenin, IL-36β, and FGF-α have higher expression levels in nAMD patients in comparison to cataract patients, bothbefore andafter 2 months of ranibizumab therapy. These cytokines may have correlations with the pathogenesis of nAMD. Angiogenin, IL-36β, and FGF-α have higher expression levels in nAMD patients in comparison to cataract patients, both before and after 2 months of ranibizumab therapy. These cytokines may have correlations with the pathogenesis of nAMD. More than one third of the neonatal deaths at Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Debre Tabor General Hospital (DTGH) are attributable to birth asphyxia. Most of these neonates are referred from the maternity ward in the hospital. Concerns have also been raised regarding delayed intrapartum decisions for emergency obstetrics action in the hospital. However, there has been no recent scientific evidence about the exact burden of birth asphyxia and its specific determinants among live births at maternity ward of DTGH. Moreover, the public health importance of delivery time and professional mix of labor attendants haven't been addressed in the prior studies. Hospital based cross sectional study was conducted on a sample of 582 mother newborn dyads at maternity ward. Every other mother newborn dyad was included from December 2019 to March 2020. Pre-tested structured questionnaire and checklist were used for data collection. The collected data were processed and entered into Epidata version 4.2 and exported professional mixes of labor and/delivery care providers should be given more due emphasis. The prevalence of birth asphyxia has remained a problem of public health importance in the study setting. Therefore, the existing efforts of emergency obstetric and newborn care should be strengthened to prevent birth asphyxia from the complications of fetal mal-presentation, premature rupture of fetal membranes, meconium stained amniotic fluid and vacuum delivery. Moreover, night time deliveries and professional mixes of labor and/delivery care providers should be given more due emphasis. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries instituted closure of borders from international and local travels. Stranded citizens appeal to their governments to embark on citizen repatriation missions. Between February and April 2020, the Government of Malaysia directed repatriation of its citizens from China, Iran, Italy and Indonesia. We describe the preparation and execution of the repatriation mission using chartered commercial aircraft. The mission objectives were to repatriate as many citizens based on aircraft capacity and prevent onboard transmission of the disease to flight personnel. Five repatriation missions performed was led by the National Agency for Disaster Management (NADMA) with the Ministry of Health providing technical expertise. A total of 432 citizens were repatriated from the missions. The operations were divided into four phases the pre-boarding screening phase, the boarding and in-flight phase, the reception phase and the quarantine phase. The commercial aircraft used were from ttrol practices. A clear understanding of socio-political situation of a country, transmission routes of a pathogen, disease presentation, and knowledge of aviation procedures, aircraft engineering and design is of great importance in preparing for such missions. Our approach of multidiscipline team involvement managed to allow us to provide and execute the operations successfully. This is a brief report of a 57-year-old Caucasian female presented with a 4-day history of worsening left ear pain. Her symptoms began with left otalgia and otorrhea which progressed to helical erythema, prompting a visit to the emergency department. She was noted to have erythema of the left auricle and swelling of the left auditory meatus. Our otolaryngology service observed erythema of the auricle with sparing of the lobule. The diagnosis to be otitis externa with perichondritis was established, and we recommended otic ciprofloxacin-hydrocortisone, IV vancomycin, and ciprofloxacin. The patient had marked improvement and was discharged on an oral and otic fluoroquinolone. In this case, the diagnosis of perichondritis was made by a classic physical examination finding erythema and edema with sparing of the fatty lobule. This key finding helps to distinguish perichondritis from otitis externa. The diagnosis to be otitis externa with perichondritis was established, and we recommended otic ciprofloxacin-hydrocortisone, IV vancomycin, and ciprofloxacin. The patient had marked improvement and was discharged on an oral and otic fluoroquinolone. In this case, the diagnosis of perichondritis was made by a classic physical examination finding erythema and edema with sparing of the fatty lobule. This key finding helps to distinguish perichondritis from otitis externa.