Gardnerella vaginalis has recently been split into 13 distinct species. In this study, we tested the hypotheses that species-specific variations in the vaginolysin (VLY) amino acid sequence could influence the interaction between the toxin and vaginal epithelial cells and that VLY variation may be one factor that distinguishes less virulent or commensal strains from more virulent strains. This was assessed by bioinformatic analyses of publicly available Gardnerella spp. sequences and quantification of cytotoxicity and cytokine production from purified, recombinantly produced versions of VLY. After identifying conserved differences that could distinguish distinct VLY types, we analyzed metagenomic data from a cohort of female subjects from the Vaginal Human Microbiome Project to investigate whether these different VLY types exhibited any significant associations with symptoms or Gardnerella spp.-relative abundance in vaginal swab samples. While Type 1 VLY was most prevalent among the subjects and may be associated with increased reports of symptoms, subjects with Type 2 VLY dominant profiles exhibited increased relative Gardnerella spp. abundance. Our findings suggest that amino acid differences alter the interaction of VLY with vaginal keratinocytes, which may potentiate differences in bacterial vaginosis (BV) immunopathology in vivo.Although ACE2 (angiotensin converting enzyme 2) is considered the primary receptor for CoV-2 cell entry, recent reports suggest that alternative pathways may contribute. This paper considers the hypothesis that viral binding to cell-surface integrins may contribute to the high infectivity and widespread extra-pulmonary impacts of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This potential is suggested on the basis of the emergence of an RGD (arginine-glycine-aspartate) sequence in the receptor-binding domain of the spike protein. RGD is a motif commonly used by viruses to bind cell-surface integrins. Numerous signaling pathways are mediated by integrins and virion binding could lead to dysregulation of these pathways, with consequent tissue damage. Integrins on the surfaces of pneumocytes, endothelial cells and platelets may be vulnerable to CoV-2 virion binding. For instance, binding of intact virions to integrins on alveolar cells could enhance viral entry. Binding of virions to integrins on endothelial cells could activate angio routes of cell entry and novel integrin-mediated biological and clinical impacts. The highly infectious variant, B.1.1.7 (or VUI 202012/01), includes a receptor-binding domain amino acid replacement, N501Y, that could potentially provide the RGD motif with enhanced access to cell-surface integrins, with consequent clinical impacts.The Sendai Framework of Action 2015-2030 calls for holistic Indigenous disaster risk reduction (DRR) research. Responding to this call, we synergized a holistic philosophical framework (comprising ecological systems theory, symbolic interactionism, and intersectionality) and social constructionist grounded theory and ethnography within a critical Indigenous research paradigm as a methodology for exploring how diverse individual and contextual factors influence DRR in a remote Indigenous community called Galiwinku, in the Northern Territory of Australia. Working together, Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers collected stories in local languages using conversations and yarning circles with 20 community members, as well as participant observations. The stories were interpreted and analysed using social constructivist grounded theory analysis techniques. The findings were dialogued with over 50 community members. The findings deeply resonated with the community members, validating the trustworthiness and relat facilitating sustainable Indigenous DRR in Australian Indigenous communities requires Indigenous and non-Indigenous partners to genuinely work together in two-directional and complementary ways.Biological soil crusts (biocrusts) accommodate diverse communities of phototrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms. Heterotrophic protists have critical roles in the microbial food webs of soils, with Cercozoa and Endomyxa often being dominant groups. Still, the diversity, community composition, and functions of Cercozoa and Endomyxa in biocrusts have been little explored. In this study, using a high-throughput sequencing method with taxon-specific barcoded primers, we studied cercozoan and endomyxan communities in biocrusts from two unique habitats (subarctic grassland and temperate dunes). The communities differed strongly, with the grassland and dunes being dominated by Sarcomonadea (69%) and Thecofilosea (43%), respectively. Endomyxa and Phytomyxea were the minor components in dunes. Sandonidae, Allapsidae, and Rhogostomidae were the most abundant taxa in both habitats. In terms of functionality, up to 69% of the grassland community was constituted by bacterivorous Cercozoa. In contrast, cercozoan and endomyxan communities in dunes consisted of 31% bacterivores, 25% omnivores, and 20% eukaryvores. Facultative and obligate eukaryvores mostly belonged to the families Rhogostomidae, Fiscullidae, Euglyphidae, Leptophryidae, and Cercomonadidae, most of which are known to feed mainly on algae. Biocrust edaphic parameters such as pH, total organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus did not have any significant influence on shaping cercozoan communities within each habitat, which confirms previous results from dunes.The prevalence of back pain (BP) among children and adolescents has increased over recent years. Some authors advocate promoting back-health education in the school setting. It is therefore important to adopt a uniform suite of assessment instruments to measure the various constructs. The present study aimed to perform a cultural adaptation of a validated measurement instrument (BackPEI), beginning with a translation and cultural adaptation phase, followed by a second phase to test reliability using a test-retest design. The translation and cross-cultural adaptation were performed based on the guidelines. Reliability was tested by applying the questionnaire to 224 secondary school students, at two different times with a 7-day interval between the tests. In general, the Spanish version presented adequate agreement for questions 1-20, with only question 9 achieving a low Kappa range of 0.312 (-0.152-0.189). The question about pain intensity did not show differences between the test means (4.72 ± 2.33) and re-test (4.