The recent study highlights a new cost-effective metal nanostructures-based nanotechnology in prevention of artery restenosis after endovascular therapy.Thermophilicity is a very important property of proteins, as it sometimes determines denaturation and cell death. Thus, methods for predicting thermophilic proteins and non-thermophilic proteins are of interest and can contribute to the design and engineering of proteins. In this article, we describe the use of feature dimension reduction technology and LIBSVM to identify thermophilic proteins. The highest accuracy obtained by cross-validation was 96.02% with 119 parameters. When using only 16 features, we obtained an accuracy of 93.33%. We discuss the importance of the different characteristics in identification and report a comparison of the performance of support vector machine to that of other methods.Promoting cell spreading is crucial to enhance bone healing and implant osteointegration. In this study, we investigated the stimulatory effect of human salivary histatin-1 (Hst-1) on the spreading of osteogenic cells in vitro as well as the potential signaling pathways involved. Osteogenic cells were seeded on bio-inert glass slides with or without the presence of Hst1 in dose-dependent or time-course assays. 1 scrambled and 6 truncated Hst1 variants were also evaluated. Cell spreading was analyzed using a well-established point-counting method. Fluorescent microscopy was adopted to examine the cellular uptake of fluorescently labeled Hst1 (F-Hst1) and also the cell spreading on sandblasted and acid etched titanium surfaces. Signaling inhibitors, such as U0126, SB203580, and pertussis toxin (PTx) were used to identify the potential role of extracellular-signal-regulated kinase, p38 and G protein-coupled receptor pathways, respectively. After 60 min incubation, Hst1 significantly promoted the spreading of osteogenic cells with an optimal concentration of 10 μM, while truncated and scrambled Hst1 did not. F-Hst1 was taken up and localized in the vicinity of the nuclei. U0126 and SB2030580, but not PTx, inhibited the effect of Hst1. 10 μM Hst1 significantly promoted the spreading of osteogenic cells on both bio-inert substrates and titanium SLA surfaces, which involved ERK and p38 signaling. Human salivary histatin-1 might be a promising peptide to enhance bone healing and implant osteointegration in clinic.In vitro systems are ideal setups to investigate the basic principles of biochemical reactions and subsequently the bricks of life. Cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) systems mimic the transcription and translation processes of whole cells in a controlled environment and allow the detailed study of single components and reaction networks. In silico studies of CFPS systems help us to understand interactions and to identify limitations and bottlenecks in those systems. Black-box models laid the foundation for understanding the production and degradation dynamics of macromolecule components such as mRNA, ribosomes, and proteins. Subsequently, more sophisticated models revealed shortages in steps such as translation initiation and tRNA supply and helped to partially overcome these limitations. Currently, the scope of CFPS modeling has broadened to various applications, ranging from the screening of kinetic parameters to the stochastic analysis of liposome-encapsulated CFPS systems and the assessment of energy supply properties in combination with flux balance analysis (FBA).To fine tune the production of phenolic aromas in beer, a pulsed electric field (PEF) was applied to beer wort, which was enriched with flax seeds. The choice of flax seeds as a source of FA is based on its high content of ferulic precursors and their intrinsic nutritional value. PEF was applied to ground flax seeds, with and without beta glycosidase. Fermentation was carried out with Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces yeast strains. Moreover, 4-vinylguaiacol (4-VG), a flavor highly active derived from volatile phenol, was produced by decarboxylation of ferulic acid (FA), or its precursor and flavor-inactive (4-hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid). All yeast strains could metabolize FA into 4-VG, using the pure compound in the synthetic medium or in flax seeds, with the best quantity produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a precursor. The method yields 4-VG production efficiencies up to 120% (mgL-1). Experimental treatment conditions were conducted with E= 1 kV/cm, total time treatment 15 min (peak time ti = 1 μs, pause time tp = 1 ms, Total pulses 9003). Treatment efficacy is independent of the fermentation yeast.For the past 50 years, the route of inhalation has been utilized to administer therapies to treat a variety of respiratory and pulmonary diseases. When compared with other drug administration routes, inhalation offers a targeted, non-invasive approach to deliver rapid onset of drug action to the lung, minimizing systemic drug exposure and subsequent side effects. However, despite advances in inhaled therapies, there is still a need to improve the preclinical screening and the efficacy of inhaled therapeutics. Innovative in vitro models of respiratory physiology to determine therapeutic efficacy of inhaled compounds have included the use of organoids, micro-engineered lung-on-chip systems and sophisticated bench-top platforms to enable a better understanding of pulmonary mechanisms at the molecular level, rapidly progressing inhaled therapeutic candidates to the clinic. Furthermore, the integration of complementary ex vivo models, such as precision-cut lung slices (PCLS) and isolated perfused lung platforms have further advanced preclinical drug screening approaches by providing in vivo relevance. In this review, we address the challenges and advances of in vitro models and discuss the implementation of ex vivo inhaled drug screening models. Specifically, we address the importance of understanding human in vivo pulmonary mechanisms in assessing strategies of the preclinical screening of drug efficacy, toxicity and delivery of inhaled therapeutics.The use of motorized treadmills as convenient tools for the study of locomotion has been in vogue for many decades. However, despite the widespread presence of these devices in many scientific and clinical environments, a full consensus on their validity to faithfully substitute free overground locomotion is still missing. Specifically, little information is available on whether and how the neural control of movement is affected when humans walk and run on a treadmill as compared to overground. Here, we made use of linear and non-linear analysis tools to extract information from electromyographic recordings during walking and running overground, and on an instrumented treadmill. We extracted synergistic activation patterns from the muscles of the lower limb via non-negative matrix factorization. We then investigated how the motor modules (or time-invariant muscle weightings) were used in the two locomotion environments. Subsequently, we examined the timing of motor primitives (or time-dependent coefficients of muscle synergies) by calculating their duration, the time of main activation, and their Hurst exponent, a non-linear metric derived from fractal analysis.