ies is needed.This is the first comprehensive overview of laccase-triggered anabolism from fundamental theory to biotechnology applications. Laccase is a typical biological oxidordeuctase that induces the one-electronic transfer of diverse substrates for engendering four phenoxy radicals with concomitant reduction of O2 into 2H2O. In vivo, laccase can participate in anabolic processes to create multifarious functional biopolymers such as fungal pigments, plant lignins, and insect cuticles, using mono/polyphenols and their derivatives as enzymatic substrates, and is thus conducive to biological tissue morphogenesis and global carbon storage. Exhilaratingly, fungal laccase has high redox potential (E° = 500-800 mV) and thermodynamic efficiency, making it a remarkable candidate for utilization as a versatile catalyst in the green and circular economy. This review elaborates the anabolic mechanisms of laccase in initiating the polymerization of natural phenolic compounds and their derivatives in vivo via radical-based self/cross-coupling. Information is also presented on laccase immobilization engineering that expands the practical application ranges of laccase in biotechnology by improving the enzymatic catalytic activity, stability, and reuse rate. Particularly, advances in biotechnology applications in vitro through fungal laccase-triggered macromolecular biosynthesis may provide a key research direction beneficial to the rational design of green chemistry. This study aimed to assess the diagnostic accuracy of serum LDH to pleural ADA ratio (cancer ratio, CR)for malignant pleural effusion (MPE) through an original study and meta-analysis. We retrospectively collected data from 145 patients with MPE and 117 cases of benign pleural effusions (BPE). The diagnostic performance of CR and a typical biomarker of MPE, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), were analysed using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and the area under the curve (AUC) as a measure of accuracy. The overall diagnostic accuracy of CR was summarised by a standard diagnostic meta-analysis. Significantly higher CR and pleural CEA values were observed in the MPE patients than in the BPE patients. At a cut-off value of 14.97, CR showed high sensitivity (0.91), low specificity (0.67), and high AUC (0.85). The combination of CEA and CR increased the AUC to 0.98. The meta-analysis included seven studies involving 2,078 patients. The pooled values for sensitivity, specificity, positive/negative likelihood ratio, and diagnostic odds ratio of CR were 0.96, 0.88, 7.70, 0.05, and 169, respectively. The AUC of the summary ROC of CR was 0.98. CR has a high diagnostic accuracy for predicting MPE, especially when used in combination with pleural CEA. CR has a high diagnostic accuracy for predicting MPE, especially when used in combination with pleural CEA.Driven by the lifestyle habits of modern people, such as excessive smoking, drinking, and chewing betel nut and other cancer-causing foods, the incidence of oral cancer has increased sharply and has a trend of becoming younger. Given the current mainstream treatment means of surgical resection will cause serious damage to many oral organs, so that patients lose the ability to chew, speak, and so on, it is urgent to develop new oral cancer treatment methods. Based on the strong killing effect of photothermal therapy on exposed superficial tumors, we developed a pH-responsive charge reversal nanomedicine system for oral cancer which is a kind of classic superficial tumor. With excellent photothermal properties of polydopamine (PDA) modified black phosphorus nanosheets (BP NSs) as basal material, then used polyacrylamide hydrochloride-dimethylmaleic acid (PAH-DMMA) charge reversal system for further surface modification, which can be negatively charged at blood circulation, and become a positive surface charge in the tumor site weakly acidic conditions due to the breaking of dimethylmaleic amide. Therefore, the uptake of oral cancer cells was enhanced and the therapeutic effect was improved. It can be proved that this nanomedicine has excellent photothermal properties and tumor enrichment ability, as well as a good killing effect on oral cancer cells through in vitro cytotoxicity test and in vivo photothermal test, which may become a very promising new model of oral cancer treatment.Enantiomeric resolution of the drug and complete separation from its degradation products were successfully achieved on a PAK IG-3 (150 × 4.6 mm i.d, 3 µm particle size) column, using UV detector at a wavelength of 290 nm, with mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile, 20 mM ammonium bicarbonate at the ratio of 9505 (v/v), and a flow rate of 0.7 mL/min. In order to subjected to stress conditions, the drug has been exposed to alkaline, acidic, neutral, oxidative and photolytic conditions. The products of degradation were well resolved from the main peak and proved the method's stability-indicating method. The method linear ranged between 10 - 110 μg/ml and 5 - 100 μg/ml for (+) and (-) Midodrine enantiomers and regression analysis showed a correlation coefficient value (r2) of 0.999. The recovery of the method was found to be in the range of 99.1 to 101.2%. The detection limit for the (+) and (-) enantiomers was found to be 4 μg/ml and 1 μg/ml, respectively. The HPLC method was validated as per ICH guidelines with respect to specificity, precision, linearity and robustness. To develop and validate bioanalytical RP-HPLC method to evaluate pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution pattern of momordicinin (MRN). MRN is one of the major cucurbitane triterpenoid found in linn (MC). However MRN has not been explored for its pharmacokinetic profile, tissue distribution and stability in order to establish it as an antidiabetic agent. In 28 days pharmacokinetic study, 54 diabetic male wistar rats were divided in three different groups and administered with 25, 50, 100 mg/kg MRN orally. The blood samples were collected at 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 day of the treatment and plasma quantification of MRN was done by validated RP-HPLC method. The rats were sacrificed at end of the study for tissue distribution. The developed method was successfully applied to investigate pharmacokinetic profile of MRN. In pharmacokinetic analysis the C for 25, 50 and 100 mg/kg was found to be 8.412, 10.443 and 11.829 µg/ml respectively suggesting the dose dependent activity. The maximum plasma concentration was achieved at 2 h for all doses.