The correlation between expression of microRNA and mRNA target was strongly (p <0.05). This study successfully presented effects of combination of mimic miR-155-5p and antagonist miR-324-5p encapsulated chitosan which be considered as a potential therapy targets for ovarium cancer. This study successfully presented effects of combination of mimic miR-155-5p and antagonist miR-324-5p encapsulated chitosan which be considered as a potential therapy targets for ovarium cancer. This study aims to obtain the transcriptomes profile associated with avoiding immune destruction from nasopharyngeal cancer patients in Indonesia using next-generation sequencing. The samples are divided into two types of samples; 1) biopsy of nasopharyngeal cancer tissue samples, 2) brushing tissue of people without nasopharyngeal cancer as control samples. The sequencing results were mapped (HISAT2) and quantified (HTSeq) for differential expression analysis using edgeR software. Transcripts data analyzed with Pantherdb and DAVID software to find genes related to the immune system and pathways related to immune destruction by cancer. The differential expression results show that 2,046 genes that have a significant differential expression. The 90 genes expression has down-regulated and 1,956 genes expression up-regulated, there are 20 genes related to the immune system. The 20 genes related to the immune system by analyzing that directly related to hallmark avoiding immune destruction that genes are CXCL9/10/11. The gene expression of CXCL9/10/11 regulates PD-L1 expressions via the Jak/STAT signaling pathway. The interaction between the extracellular domain PD-1 and PD-L1 in cancer cells have avoiding immune destruction. The results of this study suggest that the gene expression of CXCL9/10/11 have up-regulated is related to avoiding immune destruction that can use as an early detection biomarker of nasopharyngeal cancer in Indonesian patients. The results of this study suggest that the gene expression of CXCL9/10/11 have up-regulated is related to avoiding immune destruction that can use as an early detection biomarker of nasopharyngeal cancer in Indonesian patients. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is the most common cancer arising from epithelial cells of the nasopharynx in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the differential level of gene expression in NPC patients when compared with normal individuals. Transcriptome profiling analysis was performed using RNA-Seq technology to determine the differential gene expression relate to proliferation aberration that occurs in NPC patients compared with normal individuals. So we get the transcriptomic profile of Indonesia NPC patients. In this study, we used 9 samples, 7 NPC samples and 2 normal samples as control. Fresh tissue of tumor samples was collected from biopsy, and normal samples were collected brushing technique. The total RNA was isolated from fresh tissue samples and brushing samples using the Rneasy® RNA Extraction Mini Kit. The cDNA library was generated using TruSeq® RNA Library Preparation Kit V2, and its concentration was determined using qPCR. The library was sequenced using the Next-Generation Sequenciand normal individuals. Each gene that has changed the expression level plays a role in regulating various pathways that lead to cell proliferation aberration in NPC cases. Despite immense advancements in treatment modalities, cancer remains a dreadful disease until the present. The major influencing factors behind the increased mortality rate of cancer are increased drug resistance and severe adverse effects caused by conventional cancer therapies. To overcome these limitations, the current medical field is focusing more on natural phyto-derived molecules to mitigate cancer. Mangosteen is a phytotherapeutic with potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In the present study, we investigated the anticancer potential of the crude ethanolic extract of mangosteen against two dreadful forms of cancers, namely, oral cancer and cervical cancer, in vitro. The pericarp of Garcinia mangostana or mangosteen was removed, air-dried, ground to fine powder, and macerated with ethanol. The extract obtained was then filtered and extracted with water for 48 h. The aqueous fraction thus obtained was then concentrated with a rotary evaporator at 40°C and dried with a freeze dryer. Tct can be considered a potent anticancer agent for treating oral cancer and cervical cancer. Breast cancer is reported to be the most common cancer among women in India with a high mortality to incidence ratio. Late presentation, driven by lack of awareness and limited accessibility to health services are some of the stated reasons for this. Given this context, this qualitative study was carried out to understand the perception of rural women towards the disease and factors that influenced utilization of available screening services among them. Forty-four rural women aged 20-60 years from a coastal province in southern India participated in four Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) that were conducted to understand their perception, attitudes and barriers towards breast cancer screening. Participants were identified from the community through purposive sampling and constituted of home makers and working women. The FGDs were led by trained facilitators and the discussions recorded. Ideas and concepts that emerged were listed as codes. Related and similar codes were grouped to form six themes. Women in the study belonged to low- and middle-income households with a mean age of 42.8 ± 7.8 years and almost all had attended school. Although the respondents exhibited fairly good knowledge about the disease, cultural inhibitions, forgetfulness, economic constraints and apprehension towards tertiary health care facility were some of the barriers reported in the uptake of screening services. Participants hailed the role of female health care providers as motivational figures and stressed the need for easily comprehensible information dissemination strategies besides expecting an equal participation of men in issues involving women's health. Involving cancer survivors as educators and empowering men on women's health in addition to the felt need of a patient advocate to improve accessibility were some of the highlights of the discussions. Addressing these could go a long way in improving the cancer care continuum in the region.<br />. .