5 ÷ 406 ng/ml); 30.1% of patients had significantly increased levels of AFP (>15 ng/ml). High values of serum AFP in patients with compensated liver cirrhosis without HCC was correlated with more advanced age (p less then 0.001), severe necroinflammatory activity detected by FibroMax (p less then 0.001), severe NASH (p less then 0.001), severe steatosis (p less then 0.001), low platelets (p less then 0.001), increased values of AST and ALT (p less then 0.001). ©Carol Davila University Press.Migraine pathophysiology and sleep share common neural pathways, and there are clinical as well as paraclinical observations, which lead to the hypothesis of an association between migraine and sleep disorders. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/resatorvid.html The objective of this study consisted of the evaluation of a possible correlation between migraine and sleep disorders in children, as reflected by sleep architecture and electroencephalographic patterns. Eighteen patients aged five to seventeen were recruited for the migraine group, and sixteen age-matched patients with no criteria for migraine or any underlying organic disorder, diagnosed with emotional disorders, were enrolled in the control group. All patients underwent inpatient full night polysomnographic recordings, the results of which were analyzed using appropriate statistical methods. Patients in the migraine group had decreased REM sleep (p = 0.049) and increased N1 sleep (p = 0.018) percentages, compared to the control group. Also, more arousals (p = 0.011) and lower sleep latency (p = 0.029) were noted in the migraine group. A statistically significant association was observed between migraine and sleep disorders when the latter was defined with respect to normal values of polysomnographic parameters published in studies conducted on healthy children. Polysomnography can be a useful tool for studying sleep in pediatric migraine patients. The results of this study can be regarded as a starting point for a better understanding of the complex role of sleep in the developing brain and of eventual intricacies with migraine pathophysiological mechanisms. ©Carol Davila University Press.Our aim was to evaluate the location of impacted canines and their proximity to the lateral and central incisor to assess the prognosis of the impacted canine and compare the reliability of 2D versus 3D imaging solutions. We carried a prospective study on 17 subjects with impacted maxillary canines. Later, the patients underwent radiologic examination, i.e., sectional computed tomography and orthopantomography. The obtained records were compared regarding the location of the impacted maxillary canine, the proximity and resorption of the impacted canine to the lateral and central incisors, the prognosis of the impacted canine, and the linear distance of the canine from the vertical and horizontal reference lines drawn. Eleven males (45.8%) and 13 females (54.1%), 11 (45.8%) impacted canines on the right side, and 13 (54.1%) on the left side, as well as 2 (8.3%) transpositions, were noted. Buccally impacted teeth caused less resorption of the adjacent teeth. Among the 24 teeth examined using orthopantomography with the sector method, 3 (12.5%) teeth were found in sector 1. There were 8 (33.33%) teeth in sector 2, and 11 (45.8%) of the impacted canines were in sector 3. In localizing impacted maxillary canines, computed tomography revealed an increased accuracy of 31% compared to orthopantomography. Even though both computed tomography and orthopantomography revealed similar records, computed tomography showed more accuracy, also having an added advantage of its 3D viewing capabilities in precise localization of the impacted maxillary canine. ©Carol Davila University Press.The mammalian target of rapamycin is not only a central regulator of lipid metabolism that controls the processes of adipogenesis and lipolysis but also a regulator of the immunometabolism of immune cells that infiltrate adipose tissue. In turn, the level of progression of diabetes is significantly influenced by the Treg subpopulation, the complexity and heterogeneity of which is confirmed by the detection of numerous tissue-specific Tregs, including the so-called VAT Tregs (visceral adipose tissue CD4+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells). Therefore, the purpose of the study was to determine the mRNA expression levels of mTOR, Foxp3, IL1β, and IL17A genes in rat parapancreatic adipose tissue with experimental streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus, with or without metformin administration. The experiments were performed on male Wistar rats with induced diabetes as a result of streptozotocin administration. Molecular genetic studies were performed using real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. The development of diabetes caused transcriptional activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin protein kinase gene, as well as increased mRNA expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL1β and IL17A, but did not affect Foxp3 mRNA expression. The intervention with metformin in diabetic rats inhibited the mammalian target of rapamycin mRNA expression and caused an increase in the transcriptional activity of the Foxp3 gene in parapancreatic adipose tissue. ©Carol Davila University Press.The problem of lower limb preservation with symptoms of critical ischemia, resulting in necrosis of the distal foot portion, remains open. These cases require solving few tactical questions, such as the primary revascularization method, limb-preserving amputation, stimulation of regeneration, and finally, determining the criteria for auto-dermal transplantation. We analyzed 29 patient cases with critical lower limb ischemia of fourth grade, according to the Fontaine classification (or the sixth category according to Rutherford's classification), who underwent partial foot amputation due to dry gangrene and were threated using PRGF®-ENDORET® platelet-rich plasma and platelet-rich fibrin technology. The control group was comprised of 21 patients who received traditional postoperative wound treatment. All patients went through a combination of transluminal revascularization and platelet-rich plasma to create a "therapeutic" neoangiogenic effect. Indications for these procedures were severe distal arterial occlusion and stenosis.