Animals treated with losartan showed a reduction in cathepsin activity and restored ERK1/2 activation. While both losartan and propranolol improved heart function, no mechanistic evidence was found for propranolol so far. Our results suggest that losartan or propranolol could be used to ameliorate the cardiac disease in MPS I and could be considered as adjuvant treatment candidates for therapy optimization. To identify the relationships between nurses' perceived support and their job satisfaction levels. The sample of this descriptive and correlational study comprised 655 nurses working at a medical faculty hospital in Istanbul. A statistically significant positive relationship was detected between the total score means of nurses' job satisfaction and perceived administrative support (r = 0.275; p = .001; p < .01), perceived coworker support (r = 250; p = .001; p < .01) and perceived organizational support levels (r = 0.262; p = .001; p < .01). The linear regression model was found to be statistically significant (F = 24.625; p = .001; p < .01). Training and corporate regulations (e.g., performance system involving promotion, reward, wages) for increasing nurses' perceptions for organizational support should be planned. Activities that increase nurses' perception of social support could also increase their job satisfaction. Training and corporate regulations (e.g., performance system involving promotion, reward, wages) for increasing nurses' perceptions for organizational support should be planned. Activities that increase nurses' perception of social support could also increase their job satisfaction. To systematically review evidence on the efficacy and safety of sleep deprivation (SD) as a treatment option for patients with unipolar or bipolar depression. A systematic review according to PRISMA guidelines was conducted. The certainty of evidence was assessed using the GRADE approach. Controlled trials were included in efficacy analysis, case series for evaluating complications and qualitative studies for patients' experiences. Eight controlled studies (368 patients), one qualitative study and seven case series (825 patients) were included. One week after treatment start, SD combined with standard treatment did not reduce depressive symptoms compared with standard treatment (standardized mean difference, SMD=-0.29, [95% confidence interval, CI -0.84 to 0.25], p=0.29). When excluding a study in elderly patients in a post hoc analysis, the difference was statistically significant (SMD=-0.54 ([95% CI -0.86 to -0.22], p<0.001)) but it diminished two weeks after treatment start. No superiority of SD wxamining feasibility in routine clinical care.ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins are found in every sequenced genome and evolved deep in the phylogenetic tree of life. ABC proteins form one of the largest homologous protein families, with most being involved in substrate transport across biological membranes, and a few cytoplasmic members regulating in essential processes like translation. The predominant ABC protein classification scheme is derived from human members, but the increasing number of fully sequenced genomes permits to reevaluate this paradigm in the light of the evolutionary history the ABC-protein superfamily. As we study the diversity of substrates, mechanisms, and physiological roles of ABC proteins, knowledge of the evolutionary relationships highlights similarities and differences that can be attributed to specific branches in protein divergence. While alignments and trees built on natural sequence variation account for the evolutionary divergence of ABC proteins, high-throughput experiments and next-generation sequencing creating experimental sequence variation are instrumental in identifying functional constraints. The combination of natural and experimentally produced sequence variation allows a broader and more rational study of the function and physiological roles of ABC proteins.Focal stacks are an alternative spatial arrangement of enamel rods within the inner enamel of mandibular mouse incisors where short rows comprised of 2-45 enamel rods are nestled at the side of much longer rows, both sharing the same rod tilt directed mesially or laterally. The significance of focal stacks to enamel function is unknown, but their high frequency in transverse sections (30% of all rows) suggests that they serve some purpose beyond representing an oddity of enamel development. In this study, we characterized the spatial distribution of focal stacks in random transverse sections relative to different regions of the inner enamel and to different locations across enamel thickness. The curving dentinoenamel junction (DEJ) in transverse sections complicated spatial distribution analyses, and a technique was developed to "unbend" the curving DEJ allowing for more linear quantitative analyses to be carried out. The data indicated that on average there were 36 ± 7 focal stacks located variably within thot spatially random but best fit a null model based on a heterogenous Poisson point process dependent on regional location within the transverse plane of the enamel layer. Anacardium othonianum Rizzini is a native Cerrado fruit, recently described in the literature. Its use is restricted to its native region and there is a lack of studies regarding production of vinegar from the pulp. This work aims to investigate the production of A. othonianum Rizzini vinegar using submerged fermentation. The density, alcohol content, proximal composition, pH, color coordinates, and chromatographic profile of the volatile compounds were analyzed in the slurry, fermented juice, and vinegar produced from the corpulent parts of A. othonianum Rizz. Sensory acceptance and willingness to pay were also assessed with vinegar at 4% and 6% of total acidity. The results indicated compliance with European legislation and the presence of volatile compounds such as carbon dioxide, acetic acid, ethanol, and acetaldehyde in the analyzed vinegars. Our results indicate the potential of vinegar production from A. othonianum, with 74% and 86% willingness to pay. The process of transformation of the fruit pulp into new products can contribute to fruit valorization and consequent preservation of the plant in the Cerrado biome.