We present an atomic, molecular, and optical physics based method to search for axial-vector mediated dipole-dipole interaction between electrons. In our optomechanical scheme, applying a static magnetic field and a pump beam and a probe beam to a hybrid mechanical system composed of a nitrogen-vacancy center and a cantilever resonator, we could obtain a probe absorption spectrum. Based on the study of the relationship between this spectrum and the exotic dipole-dipole interaction, we put forward our detection principle and then provide a prospective constraint most stringent at a rough interaction range from 4 × 10-8 to 2 × 10-7m. Our results indicate that this scheme could be put into consideration in relevant experimental searches.We use an ultrafast optical pump-probe spectroscopy to study quasiparticle (QP) dynamics in a topological insulator LaBi. Temperature-dependent optical measurements have been carried out, by which we observed nearly constant fast component (with a lifetime of 0.15 ps) and slow component (with a lifetime of 1.5 ps) for the whole range from 10 K to 295 K. The laser fluence dependence result shows that there is no saturation for the QP dynamics up to 3.3 mJ /cm2. Moreover, an Eg mode transverse optical (TO) coherent phonon has also been observed, with a frequency of 2.8 THz. Our results provide for the first time the ultrafast dynamics information of both the QPs and coherent phonons in a nodal line topological material.A planar isotropic unit cell based on Huygens' principle is presented for achieving transmission phase control. By tailoring overlapping electric and magnetic resonances with geometry of the proposed unit cell, the transmission phase ranging from 0 - 2π is achieved with high transmittance. The proposed unit cell is then employed to design a metasurface lens with center frequency at 9.3 GHz and a square shaped patch antenna is placed at the focal point of the designed lens to perform conversion from spherical wave front of the source antenna to planar wave front. The designed lens antenna is capable to realize pencil beam radiation pattern with a gain of 19.6 dB and side lobe levels less than -15 dB in simulation. To experimentally verify the proposed design, a prototype of the metasurface lens is fabricated and measured. The measurement results well validate the proposed design and its enhanced performance.High quality factor (Q) whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonators have been widely applied in photonics, while the excitation and collection of WGMs are mostly restricted to traveling wave coupler. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a novel on-chip perpendicular coupler (PC) for high-Q (∼1.1 × 105) silicon whispering gallery microresonators. The PC is compact and allows efficiently tunneling coupling between the waveguide and the microresonator, hence it holds great potential for fan-out photonic devices. Drastically different from the traveling wave couplers, standing wave mode can be excited through the PC. In addition, a PC working as an output coupler can also selectively collect the resonance of different wavelengths by locating on different azimuth angles. Our results show the feasibility of such novel coupler for WGM resonators and its potential use in future applications of integrated high Q microresonators.We propose a scalable readout interface for superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SSPD) arrays, which we call the AQFP/RSFQ interface. This interface is composed of adiabatic quantum-flux-parametron (AQFP) and rapid single-flux-quantum (RSFQ) logic families. The AQFP part reads out the spatial information of an SSPD array via a single cable, and the RSFQ part reads out the temporal information via a single cable. The hybrid interface has high temporal resolution owing to low timing jitter in the operation of the RSFQ part. In addition, the hybrid interface achieves high circuit scalability because of low supply current in the operation of the AQFP part. Therefore, the hybrid interface is suitable for handling many-pixel SSPD arrays. We demonstrate a four-pixel SSPD array using the hybrid interface as proof of concept. The measurement results show that the hybrid interface can read out all of the pixels with a low error rate and low timing jitter.Attitude jitter is a crucial factor that limits the imaging quality and geo-positioning accuracy of high-resolution optical satellites, which has attracted significant research interests in recent years. However, few researchers have attempted to retrieve the dynamic characteristics and time-varying trends of a satellite attitude jitter. This paper presents a novel processing framework for detecting, estimating, and investigating time-varying attitude jitter in long strips based on a time-frequency analysis with the input from either an attitude sensor or an optical imaging sensor. Attitude angle signals containing attitude jitter information are detected from attitude data through generating the Euler angles relative to the orbit coordinate system, or from image data through high-accuracy dense matching between parallax observations, correction of integration time variation and frequency domain-based deconvolution. Variational mode decomposition is adopted to extract the separate band-limited periodic components, and Hilbert spectral analysis is integrated to estimate the instantaneous attributes for each time sample and the varying trends for the entire duration. Experiments with three sets of ZiYuan-3 long-strip datasets were carried out to test the novel processing framework of attitude jitter. The experimental results indicate that the processing framework could reveal the dynamic jitter characteristics, and the mutual validations of different data sources demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.A type of plasma-based optical modulator is proposed for the generation of broadband high-power laser pulses. Compared with normal optical components, plasma-based optical components can sustain much higher laser intensities. Here we illustrate via theory and simulation that a high-power sub-relativistic laser pulse can be self-modulated to a broad bandwidth over 100% after it passes through a tenuous plasma. In this scheme, the self-modulation of the incident picoseconds sub-relativistic pulse is realized via stimulated Raman forward rescattering in the quasi-linear regime, where the stimulated Raman backscattering is heavily dampened. The optimal laser and plasma parameters for this self-modulation have been identified. For a laser with asub-relativistic intensity of I ∼ 1017W/cm2, the time scale for the development of self-modulation is around 103 light periods when stimulated Raman forward scattering has been fully developed. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/dbet6.html Consequently, the spatial scale required for such a self-modulation is in the order of millimeters.