RESULTS Mean time to muscle fatigability was 258 ± 190 s. Area and Vavg but not nHDR increased after the fatiguing task. Single-centered spatial patterns were predominant in both tasks (pre-fatigue n = 22/41; post-fatigue n = 19/41), with no evidence of an association between the spatial patterns and tasks (γ = 0.237, 95%CI = [-0.338; 0.542]). CONCLUSIONS Lower limb muscle fatigability increases postural instability, but it is not associated with changes in movement strategies for balance control in the upright stance. OBJECTIVES The postural control dual-task literature has demonstrated greater postural stability during dual-task in comparison to single task (i.e., standing balance alone through the examination of multiple kinetic and kinematic measures. This improve stability is thought to reflect an automatic mode of postural control during dual-task. Recently, sample entropy (SampEn) and wavelet discrete transform have supported the claim of automaticity, as higher SampEn values and a shift toward increased contributions from automatic sensory systems have been demonstrated in dual-task settings. In order to understand the cortical component of postural control, functional near-infrared spectroscopy has been used to measure cortical activation during postural control conditions. However, the neural correlates of automatic postural behaviour have yet to be fully investigated. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to confirm the presence of automatic postural control through static and dynamic balance measures, and to iLUSION These findings suggest that the simultaneous performance of a difficult cognitive task and posture yields automatic postural behaviour, and provides insight into the neural correlates of automaticity. The role of different directions of attention on the extent of the off-center effect (penalty takers kick to the bigger side of the goal more often, although they explicitly perceive the goalkeeper in the center of the goal) was investigated for soccer penalty kicking. Regarding the directions of attention of the striker, two conflicting assumptions (attention is paid to the goalkeeper vs. attention is only spent on target) were directly contrasted. Participants viewed a goalkeeper standing either in the middle of the goal or being displaced by different distances to the left or right. In the goal-side-related instruction condition, participants had to indicate the greater goal side and already did so at above chance-level for small displacements of 0.1%, although they were not confident in their perceptual judgments, hinting at the occurrence of the off-center effect. They became mindful of displacements of 0.8% and larger when they indicated the goal side for kicking with greater confidence. In the goalkeeper-related instruction condition, participants were asked to choose a goal side for kicking, but only when they perceived the goalkeeper in the middle of the goal. Participants chose the greater goal side at above chance-level for small displacements of 0.2%. They became mindful of the displacement for a difference of 0.8%. However, when comparing the results of both instruction conditions statistically it turned out that the effect of different directions of attention on the off-center's extent differs from those previously reported. Participants were implicitly influenced by comparably small goalkeeper displacements, but became earlier aware of goalkeeper displacements in the goal-side-related instruction condition. V.The current profile of gait control in children with ADHD is incomplete and predominately based on children walking forward at a self-selected pace. There are no studies of potential gait deficits in this clinical population when walking in different directions in combination with varying rates of stepping that are freely selected and entrained to an external stimulus. The purpose of the current study was to address this lack of information by assessing gait of children aged 7-17 years with (n = 17) and without (n = 26) ADHD. Participants walked forward and backward along an electronically instrumented carpet at a self-selected stepping rate and in synchrony to a metronome that dictated an increased and decreased stepping rate. Using repeated measures analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to assess spatiotemporal gait parameters, results showed that children with ADHD exhibited a significantly exaggerated, toes 'turned out,' foot position for all walking conditions compared to typically developing children. When walking backward, children with ADHD produced an increased step width, higher stepping cadence, and increased velocity. Additionally, coefficient of variation ratios indicated that children with ADHD produced greater variability of velocity, cadence, and step time for all walking conditions, and greater variability for stride length when walking at an increased stepping rate. Results were interpreted in terms of clinical significance and practical ramifications that inform rehabilitation specialists in designing therapies that ameliorate the reported gait deficits. With the rise of biofeedback in gait training in cerebral palsy there is a need for real-time measurements of gait kinematics. The Human Body Model (HBM) is a recently developed model, optimized for the real-time computing of kinematics. This study evaluated differences between HBM and two commonly used models for clinical gait analysis the Newington Model, also known as Plug-in-Gait (PiG), and the calibrated anatomical system technique (CAST). Twenty-five children with cerebral palsy participated. 3D instrumented gait analyses were performed in three laboratories across Europe, using a comprehensive retroreflective marker set comprising three models HBM, PiG and CAST. Gait kinematics from the three models were compared using statistical parametric mapping, and RMSE values were used to quantify differences. The minimal clinically significant difference was set at 5°. Sagittal plane differences were mostly less than 5°. For frontal and transverse planes, differences between all three models for almost all segment and joint angles exceeded the value of minimal clinical significance.