A single-arm prospective study was conducted among Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes having preserved ejection fraction. The aim was to investigate (1) whether liraglutide therapy could improve B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels and diastolic cardiac function assessed by the -wave to ' ratio ( / ') using transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), and (2) whether / ' contributed to BNP improvement independent of bodyweight reduction (UMIN000005565). Patients with type 2 diabetes and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≥ 40% without heart failure symptoms were enrolled, and daily injection with liraglutide (0.9 mg) was introduced. Cardiac functions were assessed by TTE before and after 26 weeks of liraglutide treatment. Diastolic cardiac function was defined as septal / ' ≥ 13.0. Thirty-one patients were analyzed. BNP and / ' improved, with BNP levels declining from 36.8 ± 30.5 pg/mL to 26.3 ± 25.9 pg/mL ( = 0.0014) and / ' dropping from 12.7 ± 4.7 to 11.0 ± 3.3 ( = 0.0376patients with diastolic cardiac function. Body weight reduction affected the change of E/E'. The BMI-adjusted E/E' significantly contributed to the relative change of BNP. GLP-1 analog treatment could be considered a therapeutic option against diabetic diastolic cardiac dysfunction regardless of body weight. This trial is registered with the University Hospital Medical Information Network in Japan, with clinical trial registration number UMIN000005565. Facility-based death review committee (DRC) of neonatal deaths and stillbirths can encourage stakeholders to enhance the quality of care during the antenatal period and labour to improve birth outcomes. To understand the benefits and impact of the DRCs, this study was aimed at exploring the DRC members' perception about the role and benefits of the newly developed facility-based DRCs in five pilot hospitals in Jordan, to assess women empowerment, decision-making process, power dynamics, cu