In contrast, only %∆ of forced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), and FEF25%-75% (forced expiratory flow 25%-75%) were significantly different between groups. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that %predicted of R5, %∆R5, %predicted of FEV1 and %∆FEV1 were the predictive factors for predicting the future loss of asthma control. The following cutoff values demonstrated the best sensitivity and specificity for predicting loss of asthma control %predicted of R5=91.28, %∆R5=21.2, %predicted of FEV1=89.5, and %∆FEV1=7.8. The combination of these parameters predicted the risk of loss of asthma control with area under the curve of 0.924, accuracy of 83.8%. Conclusion Resistance FOT measures have an additive role to spirometric parameter in predicting future loss of asthma control. Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome is a severe cutaneous adverse reaction involving various internal organs. Flare-ups after recovery from the initial presentation of DRESS are caused by relapse of drug-induced T-cell-mediated reactions. However, the specific underlying mechanism is unclear. Here, we report a case of a 60-year-old man with allopurinol-induced DRESS who suffered recurrent episodes of generalized rash with eosinophilia, which mimicked immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome. Analysis of immunological profiles revealed that the percentages of T lymphocytes and regulatory T cells in the patient with DRESS were higher than those in healthy controls. In addition, there was a notable change in the subtype of monocytes in the patient with DRESS; the percentage of nonclassical monocytes increased, whereas that of classical monocytes decreased. Upon viral infection, nonclassical monocytes exhibited strong pro-inflammatory properties that skewed the immune response toward a Th2 profile, which was associated with persistent flare-ups of DRESS. Taken together, the results increase our understanding of the pathogenesis of DRESS as they suggest that expansion of nonclassical monocytes and Th2 cells drives disease pathogenesis. Background In the Emergency Department (ED), diagnosis and management of anaphylaxis are challenging with at least 50% of anaphylaxis episodes misdiagnosed when the diagnostic criteria of current guidelines are not used. Objective Objective of our study was to assess anaphylaxis diagnosis and management in patients presenting to the ED. Methods Retrospective chart review conducted on patients presenting to The Medical City Hospital ED, the Philippines from 2013-2015 was done. Cases were identified based on International Statistical Classification of Diseases, 10th revision coding for either anaphylaxis or other allergic related diagnosis. Cases fitting the definition of anaphylaxis as identified by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (NIAID/FAAN) were included. Data collected included demographics, signs and symptoms, triggers and management. Results A total of 105 cases were evaluated. Incidence of anaphylaxis for the 3-year study period was 0.03%. Of the 105 cases, 35 (33%) were diagnosed as "urticaria" or "hypersensitivity reaction" despite fulfilling the NIAID/FAAN anaphylaxis criteria. There was a significant difference in epinephrine administration between those given the diagnosis of anaphylaxis versus misdiagnosed cases (61 [87%] vs. 12 [34%], χ2 = 30.77, p less then 0.01); and a significant difference in time interval from arrival at the ED to epinephrine administration, with those diagnosed as anaphylaxis (48%) receiving epinephrine within 10 minutes, versus ≥ 60 minutes for most of the misdiagnosed group (χ2 = 52.97, p less then 0.01). Conclusion Despite current guidelines, anaphylaxis is still misdiagnosed in the ED. Having an ED diagnosis of anaphylaxis significantly increases the likelihood of epinephrine administration, and at a shorter time interval. The survival rate of free and encapsulated L. acidophilus and L. rhamnosus into Doogh beverage and simulated gastrointestinal conditions during 42-day were studied. Microencapsulation considerably protected both L. acidophilus and L. rhamnosus in Doogh beverage storage and in gastrointestinal conditions. Microencapsulation provided better protection to L. acidophilus than to L. rhamnosus during Doogh storage. In beverages containing the free form of bacteria, pH and acidity changes were greater than those of microencapsulated and control groups. More activity of the free probiotic bacteria (during a 42-day period especially after 21-day) produced more acid and metabolites inside the product, thereby reducing the organoleptic properties scores, However, acidity, pH and organoleptic characteristics of Doogh containing microencapsulated bacteria did not change considerably. In conclusion, this study suggests that the encapsulation and double coating of L. acidophilus and L. rhamnosus can increase the viability of them in Doogh beverage and in simulated GI conditions. © 2020 The Authors.Phytopathogens from the Alternaria sp., Fusarium sp., Penicillium sp., and Pseudomonas sp. and their toxigenic metabolites - alternariol, fumonisin, citrinin, and coronatine respectively, negatively impact crop yields and sales by eliciting plant diseases and/or causing human and veterinary toxicoses upon the consumption of contaminated food. These phytopathogens and their associated toxins, however, are present and most likely in undetectable concentrations pre-harvest and post-harvest of many major staple crops. Metabolomic approaches have been used extensively for better characterizing and diagnosing human disease, plant disease and, their etiological agents. Their use in agro-industrial research focusing specifically on tripartite (plant - toxicogenic microbe - beneficial microbe) interactions is, however, limited. Since new approaches for eradicating food-borne pathogens, increasing crop productivity and improving agro-international trade are being sought worldwide, the consequent integration of metabolomic approaches and perspectives in crop protection strategies for better understanding plant - toxicogenic microbe - beneficial microbe interaction in tandem is discussed. © 2020 The Authors.