Faecalibacterium prausnitzii is a dominant member of healthy human colon microbiota, regarded as a beneficial gut bacterium due to its ability to produce anti-inflammatory substances. However, little is known about how F. prausnitzii utilizes the nutrients present in the human gut, influencing its prevalence in the host intestinal environment. The phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)carbohydrate phosphotransferase system (PTS) is a widely distributed and highly efficient carbohydrate transport system found in most bacterial species that catalyses the simultaneous phosphorylation and import of cognate carbohydrates; its components play physiological roles through interaction with other regulatory proteins. Here, we performed a systematic analysis of the 16 genes encoding putative PTS components (2 enzyme I, 2 HPr, and 12 enzyme II components) in F. prausnitzii A2-165. We identified the general PTS components responsible for the PEP-dependent phosphotransfer reaction and the sugar-specific PTS components involved in the transport of two carbohydrates, N-acetylglucosamine and fructose, among five enzyme II complexes. We suggest that the dissection of the functional PTS in F. prausnitzii may help to understand how this species outcompetes other bacterial species in the human intestine.Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are tailor-made synthetic antibodies possessing specific binding cavities designed for a target molecule. Currently, MIPs for protein targets are synthesized by imprinting a short surface-exposed fragment of the protein, called epitope or antigenic determinant. However, finding the epitope par excellence that will yield a peptide "synthetic antibody" cross-reacting exclusively with the protein from which it is derived, is not easy. We propose a computer-based rational approach to unambiguously identify the "best" epitope candidate. Then, using Saturation Transfer Difference (STD) and WaterLOGSY NMR spectroscopies, we prove the existence of specific binding sites created by the imprinting of this peptide epitope in the MIP nanogel. The optimized MIP nanogel could bind the epitope and cognate protein with a high affinity and selectivity. The study was performed on Hepatitis A Virus Cell Receptor-1 protein, also known as KIM-1 and TIM-1, for its ubiquitous implication in numerous pathologies. Unspecified donors give a kidney to a stranger with end-stage kidney failure. There has been little research on the long-term impact of unspecified donation on mental health outcomes. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/gsk046.html The aim of this study was to assess the positive and negative aspects of mental health among unspecified donors. We invited all unspecified donors who donated a kidney between 2000 and 2016 at our centre to participate in an interview and to complete validated questionnaires. We measured positive mental health using the Dutch Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHC-SF), psychological complaints using the Symptoms Checklist-90 (SCL-90) and psychiatric diagnoses using the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.) Screen for all donors and the M.I.N.I. Plus on indication. Of the 134 eligible donors, 114 participated (54% female; median age 66years), a median of 6years post-donation. Scores on emotional and social well-being subscales of the MHC-SF were significantly higher than in the general population. Psychological symptoms were comparable to the general population. Thirty-two per cent of donors had a current or lifetime psychiatric diagnosis. Psychological symptoms did not significantly change between the pre-donation screening and the post-donation study. We concluded that, with the appropriate screening, unspecified donation is a safe procedure from a psychological perspective. We concluded that, with the appropriate screening, unspecified donation is a safe procedure from a psychological perspective.Genetically encodable fluorescent proteins have revolutionized biological imaging in vivo and in vitro. Despite their importance, their photophysical properties, i. e., brightness, count-rate and photostability, are relatively poor compared to synthetic organic fluorophores or quantum dots. Intramolecular photostabilizers were recently rediscovered as an effective approach to improve photophysical properties of organic fluorophores. Here, direct conjugation of triplet-state quenchers or redox-active substances creates high local concentrations of photostabilizer around the fluorophore. In this paper, we screen for effects of covalently linked photostabilizers on fluorescent proteins. We produced a double cysteine mutant (A206C/L221C) of α-GFP for attachment of photostabilizer-maleimides on the β-barrel near the chromophore. Whereas labelling with photostabilizers such as trolox, a nitrophenyl group, and cyclooctatetraene, which are often used for organic fluorophores, had no effect on α-GFP-photostability, a substantial increase of photostability was found upon conjugation to azobenzene. Although the mechanism of the photostabilizing effects remains to be elucidated, we speculate that the higher triplet-energy of azobenzene might be crucial for triplet-quenching of fluorophores in the blue spectral range. Our study paves the way for the development of fluorescent proteins with photostabilizers in the protein barrel by methods such as unnatural amino acid incorporation.Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a complex psychiatric disorder with poorly understood etiology. Numerous voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and resting-state functional imaging studies have provided strong evidence of abnormal brain structure and intrinsic and functional activities in AN, but with inconsistent conclusions. Herein, a whole-brain meta-analysis was conducted on VBM (660 patients with AN, and 740 controls) and resting-state functional imaging (425 patients with AN, and 461 controls) studies that measured differences in the gray matter volume (GMV) and intrinsic functional activity between patients with AN and healthy controls (HCs). Overall, patients with AN displayed decreased GMV in the bilateral median cingulate cortex (extending to the bilateral anterior and posterior cingulate cortex), and left middle occipital gyrus (extending to the left inferior parietal lobe). In resting-state functional imaging studies, patients with AN displayed decreased resting-state functional activity in the bilateral anterior cingulate cortex and bilateral median cingulate cortex, and increased resting-state functional activity in the right parahippocampal gyrus.