To assess the postoperative likelihood of conception in patients with endometriomas managed by either CO laser vaporization or cystectomy. A retrospective study with prospective recording of data. University hospital. One hundred and forty-two patients with symptomatic endometriomas. Patients underwent a standardized laparoscopic stripping technique (Group 1) or cyst vaporization with CO fiber laser (Group 2). Patients wishing to become pregnant were allowed to attempt a spontaneous conception after surgery. If spontaneous conception failed, patients were referred for in vitro fertilization (IVF). The primary objective was to compare pregnancy rates between the 2 groups. The secondary objective was the identification of independent predictors of pregnancy. Thirty-nine women in Group 1 (53.4%) and 39 women in Group 2 (56.5%) desired to conceive after surgery. Three patients (7.7%) in Group 1 became pregnant following donor-IVF and were excluded. Pregnancies were recorded in 72.2% of patients trsent a viable alternative to cystectomy. To compare the rate of postoperative urinary retention (POUR) after total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) using the autofill vs the backfill void trial. Secondary objectives were to compare the time to discharge from the recovery room, rate of postoperative urinary tract infection (UTI), perceived bladder condition, the effect of bladder function on life, and patient satisfaction. Randomized controlled trial. Single academic medical center. Women who underwent TLH by conventional laparoscopy or robotic-assisted laparoscopy for benign non-urogynecologic indications. After TLH, participants were randomized to have an autofill void trial (group A) or a backfill void trial once they were able to ambulate (group B). Failure rate, time to discharge, and UTI rate were assessed. Participants completed the patient perception of bladder condition and the incontinence impact questionnaire-short form questionnaires. Patient satisfaction was assessed. Multiple regression analysis was performed to determine the participant was able to ambulate was not superior to the autofill void trial with respect to the rate of POUR. The autofill void trial resulted in faster same-day discharge. To characterize obstetric outcomes for concomitant Asherman syndrome and adenomyosis. A retrospective cohort study. A community teaching hospital affiliated with a large academic medical center. A total of 227 patients with Asherman syndrome with available hysteroscopy and pelvic ultrasound reports. Telephone survey to assess and compare the obstetric outcomes of patients with Asherman syndrome with concomitant adenomyosis (Group A) vs patients with Asherman syndrome without concomitant adenomyosis (Group B). A telephone survey and confirmatory chart review were conducted to obtain information on patients' demographics, gynecologic and obstetric history, past medical and surgical history, and Asherman syndrome management. Adenomyosis was a common sonographic finding, detected in 39 patients with Asherman syndrome (17.2%). In this cohort, 77 patients attempted pregnancy and produced 87 pregnancies. Age (odds ratio [OR] 0.67; 95% confidence intervals [CI], 0.52-0.86) was negatively associated with a pregnancy outcome. Age (OR 0.83; 95% CI, 0.73-0.95) and severe Asherman disease (OR 0.06; 95% CI, <0.01-0.99) were negatively associated with a live birth outcome. Adenomyosis was not an independent predictor of pregnancy rate, miscarriage rate, or live birth rate among patients with Asherman syndrome. Adenomyosis is relatively common in patients with Asherman syndrome. Adenomyosis does not seem to add any distinct detriment to fertility among patients with Asherman syndrome. Adenomyosis is relatively common in patients with Asherman syndrome. Adenomyosis does not seem to add any distinct detriment to fertility among patients with Asherman syndrome.Cancer cell mutations can be identified by genomic and transcriptomic techniques. However, they are not sufficient to understand the full complexity of cancer heterogeneity. Analyses of proteins expressed in cancers and their modification profiles show how these mutations could be translated at the functional level. Protein phosphorylation is a major post-translational modification critical for regulating several cellular functions. The covalent addition of phosphate groups to serine, threonine, and tyrosine is catalyzed by protein kinases. Over the past years, kinases were strongly associated with cancer, thus inhibition of protein kinases emanated as novel cancer treatment. However, cancers frequently develop drug resistance. Therefore, a better understanding of drug effects on tumors is urgently needed. In this perspective, phosphoproteomics arose as advanced tool to monitor cancer therapies and to discover novel drugs. This review highlights the role of phosphoproteomics in predicting sensitivity or resistance of cancers towards tyrosine kinase inhibitors and cytotoxic drugs. It also shows the importance of phosphoproteomics in identifying biomarkers that could be applied in clinical diagnostics to predict responses to drugs.The risk of thrombosis, a globally growing challenge and a major cause of death, is influenced by various factors in the intravascular coagulation, vessel wall, and cellular systems. Among the contributors to thrombosis, the contact activation system and the kallikrein/kinin system, two overlapping plasma proteolytic systems that are often considered as synonymous, regulate thrombosis from different aspects. On one hand, components of the contact activation system such as factor XII initiates activation of the coagulation proteins promoting thrombus formation on artificial surfaces through factor XI- and possibly prekallikrein-mediated intrinsic coagulation. On the other hand, physiological activation of plasma prekallikrein in the kallikrein/kinin system on endothelial cells liberates bradykinin from associated high-molecular-weight kininogen to stimulate the constitutive bradykinin B2 receptor to generate nitric oxide and prostacyclin to induce vasodilation and counterbalance angiotensin II signaling from the renin-angiotensin system which stimulates vasoconstriction.