At a soft X-ray beamline with an undulator source, significant heat generation at the first-mirror chamber and light emission at the viewport were found, which can be explained by photoelectrons from the mirror. The chamber temperature increases up to approximately 50°C over a period of several hours. A photoelectron shield consisting of thin copper plates not only prevents the heat generation and light emission but also improves the pressure of the vacuum chamber, if a voltage of a few tens of V is applied to the shield. The total electron yield of the shield reached as much as 58 mA under high heat-load conditions, indicating the emission of numerous photoelectrons from the first mirror. Heat-balance analyses suggest that approximately 30% or more of the heat load on the first mirror is transferred to the surroundings.Recent Mössbauer experiments in a rotating system reported by others in the literature have involved the application of synchrotron radiation onto a spinning semi-circular resonant absorber. Here, the physical interpretation of these methodologies, and their alleged performance improvement, is analyzed in the light of our own team's past experience based instead on the traditional laboratory setup. It is shown that a number of fundamental shortcomings in the approach reported in the literature deprives it of any practical significance with respect to the improvement of the technique of Mössbauer rotor experiments with a synchrotron source. It is concluded that, at present, only Mössbauer experiments relying on an ordinary compact source of resonant radiation and a resonant absorber both fixed on the rotor promise to provide crucial information with respect to the physical origin of the observed energy shift between emitted and absorbed resonant radiation in a rotating system.A model for calculating the X-ray reflectivity (XRR) of surfaces to extract both roughness and waviness features is presented. Expressions of reflectivity intensity are derived as a function of root-mean-square (RMS) roughness σ, RMS waviness σL, and the cut-off frequency between the features ω0. Experiments were conducted at the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, beamline 8.3.2, on BK7 glass manufactured with a multi-step polishing process to validate the model, and were compared with atomic force microscopy (AFM), Fizeau interferometry and surface profilometry measurements. The parameter results and their deviations for XRR measurements were σ = 2.9 ± 0.2 nm and σL = 14.6 ± 0.5 nm with a wavelength cut-off of 1/(18 ± 2) µm-1, while the results from the AFM, Fizeau and profilometry measurements were σAFM = 3.4 ± 0.4 nm, σL,Fizeau = 21.6 nm, σprof = 4.0 ± 0.1 nm, and σL,prof = 21.4 ± 0.1 nm with cut-offs for the profilometry and Fizeau measurements limited to frequencies of (1/16) µm-1 to (1/4) mm-1.Protein dynamics contribute to protein function on different time scales. Ultrafast X-ray diffraction snapshots can visualize the location and amplitude of atom displacements after perturbation. Since amplitudes of ultrafast motions are small, high-quality X-ray diffraction data is necessary for detection. Diffraction from bovine trypsin crystals using single femtosecond X-ray pulses was recorded at FemtoMAX, which is a versatile beamline of the MAX IV synchrotron. The time-over-threshold detection made it possible that single photons are distinguishable even under short-pulse low-repetition-rate conditions. The diffraction data quality from FemtoMAX beamline enables atomic resolution investigation of protein structures. This evaluation is based on the shape of the Wilson plot, cumulative intensity distribution compared with theoretical distribution, I/σ, Rmerge/Rmeas and CC1/2 statistics versus resolution. The FemtoMAX beamline provides an interesting alternative to X-ray free-electron lasers when studying reversible processes in protein crystals.X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) have opened up unprecedented opportunities for time-resolved nano-scale imaging with X-rays. Near-field propagation-based imaging, and in particular near-field holography (NFH) in its high-resolution implementation in cone-beam geometry, can offer full-field views of a specimen's dynamics captured by single XFEL pulses. To exploit this capability, for example in optical-pump/X-ray-probe imaging schemes, the stochastic nature of the self-amplified spontaneous emission pulses, i.e. the dynamics of the beam itself, presents a major challenge. In this work, a concept is presented to address the fluctuating illumination wavefronts by sampling the configuration space of SASE pulses before an actual recording, followed by a principal component analysis. This scheme is implemented at the MID (Materials Imaging and Dynamics) instrument of the European XFEL and time-resolved NFH is performed using aberration-corrected nano-focusing compound refractive lenses. Specifically, the dynamics of a micro-fluidic water-jet, which is commonly used as sample delivery system at XFELs, is imaged. The jet exhibits rich dynamics of droplet formation in the break-up regime. Moreover, pump-probe imaging is demonstrated using an infrared pulsed laser to induce cavitation and explosion of the jet.X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) open a new era of X-ray based research by generating extremely intense X-ray flashes. To further improve the spectrum brightness, a self-seeding FEL scheme has been developed and demonstrated experimentally. As the next step, new-generation FELs with high repetition rates are being designed, built and commissioned around the world. A high repetition rate would significantly speed up the scientific research; however, alongside this improvement comes new challenges surrounding thermal management of the self-seeding monochromator. In this paper, a new configuration for self-seeding FELs is proposed, operated under a high repetition rate which can strongly suppress the thermal effects on the monochromator and provides a narrow-bandwidth FEL pulse. Three-dimension time-dependent simulations have been performed to demonstrate this idea. With this proposed configuration, high-repetition-rate XFEL facilities are able to generate narrow-bandwidth X-ray pulses without obvious thermal concern on the monochromators.