Simple multicolor electro-optic sampling-based femtosecond synchronization of multiple mode-locked lasers is demonstrated. Parallel timing error detection between each laser and a common microwave is achieved by wavelength division multiplexing and demultiplexing. The parallel timing error detection enables simultaneous femtosecond synchronization of more than two mode-locked lasers to the microwave oscillator, even when the lasers have different repetition rates. The residual root-mean-square (rms) timing jitter of laser-laser synchronization measured by an optical cross correlator is 2.6 fs (integration bandwidth, 100 Hz-1 MHz), which is limited by the actuator bandwidth in the laser oscillator. The long-term rms timing drift and frequency instability of laser-microwave synchronization are 7.1 fs (over 10,000 s) and 5.5×10-18 (over 2000 s averaging time), respectively. As a versatile and reconfigurable tool for laser-laser and laser-microwave synchronization, the demonstrated method can be used for various applications ranging from ultrafast x-ray and electron science facilities to dual- and triple-comb spectroscopy.Topologically protected plasmonic modes located inside topological bandgaps are attracting increasing attention, chiefly due to their robustness against disorder-induced backscattering. Here, we introduce a bilayer graphene metasurface that possesses plasmonic topological valley interface modes when the mirror symmetry of the metasurface is broken by horizontally shifting the lattice of holes of the top layer of the two freestanding graphene layers in opposite directions. In this configuration, light propagation along the domain-wall interface of the bilayer graphene metasurface shows unidirectional features. Moreover, we have designed a molecular sensor based on the topological properties of this metasurface using the fact that the Fermi energy of graphene varies upon chemical doping. This effect induces strong variation of the transmission of the topological guided modes, which can be employed as the underlying working principle of gas sensing devices. Our work opens up new ways of developing robust integrated plasmonic devices for molecular sensing.We investigate an anomalous scattering phenomenon exhibited by a lossless system based on metasurfaces. Electromagnetic energy is neither reflected nor transmitted but stored within the system to be available again at a different time. We analytically derive the proper excitation conditions and verify the response of the system through a proper set of full-wave simulations, demonstrating the key role of the metasurface in enabling such a zero-scattering condition. The practical feasibility and the opportunities offered by the proposed metasurface-based system may open the door to the design of virtual absorbers with dynamic properties in energy absorbing, storing, and releasing.Combined compression-tension strain sensors with a range of 1 micro to a maximum of 20 milli-strain based on non-uniform multiple-core-offset fibers have been realized. A large strain range with high resolution is ideal for monitoring deformation of steel structures where a large compressive and tensile strain co-exists. Thanks to core-offset splicing of non-uniform fiber segments, unique asymmetric waveguides reduce the degeneracy of each section, realizing a reflection spectrum with a large range and irregular shape. Furthermore, enhanced multi-mode interference induced from high-order modes in silica cladding and air results in the large strain range with high resolution in both compression and tension regions. The sensitivity of 7.93 pm/µε with a strain step of 1.7 µε is achieved for micro-strain measurement. For milli-strain measurement, a strain coefficient of 1.298 nm/mε over a tensile strain of 13.2 mε is realized; in the compressive strain case, a coefficient of -1.251nm/mε over compression of 20.1 mε is observed.We propose and experimentally demonstrate a parity-time (PT)-symmetric frequency-tunable optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) in which the PT symmetry is implemented based on a single dual-polarization optical loop. By employing the inherent birefringence of a z-cut lithium niobate (LiNbO3) phase modulator (PM), two mutually coupled optoelectronic loops supporting orthogonally polarized light waves with one experiencing a gain and the other a loss are implemented. By controlling the gain, loss, and the coupling coefficients between the two loops, the PT symmetry breaking condition is met, which enables the OEO to operate in single mode without using an ultranarrow passband optical or microwave filter. The frequency tunability is realized using a microwave photonic filter (MPF) implemented using the PM and a phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating (PS-FBG). The proposed PT-symmetric OEO is experimentally evaluated. A stable and frequency-tunable microwave signal from 2 to 12 GHz is generated. The phase noise of the generated signal at 11.8 GHz is measured, which is -124dBc/Hz at a frequency offset of 10 kHz.The higher capability of optical vortex beams of penetrating turbid media (e.g., biological fluids) with respect to the conventional Gaussian beams is, for the first time to our knowledge, demonstrated in the 1.3 µm wavelength range which is conventionally used for optical coherence tomography procedures in endoscopic intravascular scenarios. The effect has been demonstrated by performing transmittance measurements through suspensions of polystyrene microspheres in water with various particulate concentrations and, in reflection, by using samples of human blood with different thicknesses. The reduced backscattering/increased transmittance into such highly scattering media of Laguerre-Gaussian beams with respect to Gaussian ones, in the near infrared wavelength region, could be potentially exploited in clinical applications, leading to novel biomedical diagnoses and/or procedures.In this Letter, we present a method for jointly designing a coded aperture and a convolutional neural network for reconstructing an object from a single-shot lensless measurement. The coded aperture and the reconstruction network are connected with a deep learning framework in which the coded aperture is placed as a first convolutional layer. Our co-optimization method was experimentally demonstrated with a fully convolutional network, and its performance was compared to a coded aperture with a modified uniformly redundant array.