Evolution Explained The most fundamental concept is that all living things change with time. These changes help the organism to survive and reproduce, or better adapt to its environment. have used genetics, a new science to explain how evolution happens. They also have used the physical science to determine how much energy is required to create such changes. Natural Selection In order for evolution to take place in a healthy way, organisms must be able to reproduce and pass their genes to the next generation. Natural selection is sometimes called "survival for the fittest." However, the phrase could be misleading as it implies that only the fastest or strongest organisms will survive and reproduce. In reality, the most adaptable organisms are those that are the most able to adapt to the environment they live in. Environmental conditions can change rapidly and if a population isn't well-adapted to its environment, it may not endure, which could result in the population shrinking or becoming extinct. Natural selection is the primary component in evolutionary change. This happens when desirable traits become more common as time passes in a population, leading to the evolution new species. This is triggered by the genetic variation that is heritable of organisms that results from sexual reproduction and mutation as well as competition for limited resources. Selective agents could be any force in the environment which favors or discourages certain characteristics. These forces could be biological, like predators or physical, such as temperature. Over time, populations that are exposed to different agents of selection could change in a way that they do not breed with each other and are regarded as distinct species. While the idea of natural selection is straightforward, it is difficult to comprehend at times. Uncertainties regarding the process are prevalent even among scientists and educators. Surveys have revealed that there i