Sclerotherapy is a targeted elimination of small vessels, varicose veins, and vascular anomalies by the injection of a sclerosant. Sclerotherapy aims to damage the vessel wall and transform it into fibrous tissue. The present study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of a sclerosing agent 3% polidocanol in the treatment of vascular lesions and pyogenic granuloma. The solution was injected intralesionally at multiple sites and was repeated after an interval of 2 weeks. The treatment effect was determined by clinical examination. Sclerotherapy with 3% polidocanol is effective in the treatment of vascular lesions and pyogenic granuloma. This treatment modality offers an alternative to conventional methods such as surgical excision, laser therapy, cryotherapy, steroid therapy, etc., in cases where conservative treatment is preferable. The advantage is that it causes minimal discomfort, negligible blood loss, less cumbersome, and above all is economical. There is no requirement of local anesthesia or postoperative dressings or any specific care. The patient can resume his daily activities immediately.The transoral vestibular approach (TOVA) is the shortest route for endoscopic thyroidectomy (ET) to approach the thyroid and is a totally scar free procedure, hence it has a clear cosmetic advantage not only over conventional open thyroid surgery but also over other remote access approaches for ET like axilla, breast and chest wall approaches. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility, safety and our initial outcomes of TOVA and highlight the advantages of 3D endoscopic equipment in remote access thyroid surgery. We reviewed our prospectively maintained database who underwent ET. 42 patients who fulfilled the stringent inclusion criteria were offered TOVA. We have used novel Trans-vestibular approach with 3D technology for endoscopic thyroid surgery in all cases. Clinico-demographic profile, investigations, operative details, histopathology and postoperative complications and follow-up data were analyzed by using statistical analysis with SPSS19.00 version. Out of 203 ET operated during study period, 42 (20.69%) patients were operated through TOVA. Hemithyroidectomy were performed in all the patients. There were 3 men and 39 women (MF = 113). Mean tumor size was 3.54 ± 1.17 cm. All patients were euthyroid. All patient had cytological diagnosis of Bethesda category II-IV and all underwent hemithyroidectomy. Mean operation time was 107.71 ± 17.60 min and post-operative length of hospital stay was 2.90 ± 1.28 days. Besides magnification, 3D endoscopy provided excellent depth perception which helped in precise dissection in the restricted space and aided in identification and preservation of the two most vital structures i.e. recurrent laryngeal nerve and parathyroid glands. As most of our patients present with larger goitres, not many patients desirous of ET can be offered TOVA. This novel TOVA has fairly stringent inclusion criteria, however it is the only approach which offers completely scarless endoscopic thyroidectomy and should be offered to eligible patients desirous of ET.Allergic Rhinitis is one of the most commonly recognised rhinitis globally. Though its not a life threatening entity but it is associated with severe impairment of quality of life along with substantial financial burden on patient. There has been a substantial rise in number of patients of allergic rhinitis over years and researchers worldwide have also found low levels of vitamin D in patients of allergic rhinitis. It is a randomised control trial with 87 subjects divided into two groups. Pre-treatment total nasal symptom score (TNSS) were recorded for these patients. The Group A was given intranasal steroidal spray while Group B was given vitamin D supplementation along with intranasal steroidal spray. Post treatment TNSS scores and rhinitis control assessment test scores were calculated and analysed. 38 patients had severe Vit D deficiency with average TNSS score as 11.3 while 49 patients had insufficient Vit D levels with average TNSS as 8.6. The pre-treatment TNSS score in Group A was 12.5 ± 2.68 while post-treatment score was 8.98 ± 1.009 with difference in both scores of Group A as 3.52. The pre-treatment TNSS score in Group B (fluticasone spay with Vit D) was 11.64 ± 3.09 while post-treatment score was 6.3 ± 1.45 with difference in both scores of Group A as 5.34. The post treatment RCAT in Group A and Group B was 19.72 ± 2.84 and 28.2 ± 1.53 respectively with difference between two groups as 8.48. Though Intranasal steroidal sprays are the first line of management of allergic rhinitis however vitamin D supplementation can have a role in better relief of symptoms when used in conjunction. More multi-institutional studies are encouraged to confirm the validity of results before it can be incorporated in standard treatment guidelines.The primary objective of the study was to assess the Tubercle of zuckerkandl (TZ) during thyroid surgeries and its relationship with RLN and Superior parathyroid (SP). A prospective study was done in, 30 consecutive cases of total thyroidectomy in whom per operatively TZ was identified. The presence of TZ, its laterality, size, relationship with RLN and parathyroid glands were documented. A grading system outlined by Pelizzo was applied in our current study. In majority of the cases the RLN was found to lie medial to TZ (26/30), followed by lateral position (3/30) and one case it was found to be posterior to TZ (1/30). The superior parathyroid was identified in close relation ( less then  2 cm) to the TZ in 27/30 cases. The distance between the TZ and SP was assessed. We proposed a classification for location of SP based on the distance between SP and TZ and also attempted to relate each class of SP location with TZ grade. There was strong association of Grade of TZ with the class of SP location (p value = 0.00046). TZ is constant surgical landmark with good reliability to identify the RLN and SP. RLN is found medial to TZ in majority of cases with few exceptions. SP is found to be closely associated with TZ in majority of cases and there is a strong relationship of proximity of SP and TZ with respect to TZ grade. Although this required further studies with larger population.