The cytosolic level of inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) is finely regulated, with PPi hydrolyzed primarily by the vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase (H+-PPase, VHP1/FUGU5/AVP1) and secondarily by five cytosolic soluble pyrophosphatases (sPPases; PPa1-PPa5) in Arabidopsis thaliana. Loss-of-function mutants of H+-PPase (fugu5s) have been reported to show atrophic phenotypes in their rosette leaves when nitrate is the sole nitrogen source in the culture medium. For this phenotype, two questions remain unanswered why does atrophy depend on physical contact between shoots and the medium, and how does ammonium prevent such atrophy. To understand the mechanism driving this phenotype, we analyzed the growth and phenotypes of mutants on ammonium-free medium in detail. fugu5-1 showed cuticle defects, cell swelling, reduced β-glucan levels, and vein malformation in the leaves, suggesting cell wall weakening and cell lethality. Based on the observation in the double mutants fugu5-1 ppa1 and fugu5-1 ppa4 of more severe atrophy compe and sPPases act in concert to maintain PPi homeostasis, that the existence of other PPi removers is unlikely, and that ammonium may suppress the production of PPi during nitrogen metabolism rather than stimulating PPi hydrolysis.Lignin is a heterogeneous polymer of aromatic subunits derived from phenylalanine. It is polymerized in intimate proximity to the polysaccharide components in plant cell walls and provides additional rigidity and compressive strength for plants. Understanding the regulatory mechanisms of lignin biosynthesis is important for genetic modification of the plant cell wall for agricultural and industrial applications. Over the past 10 years the transcriptional regulatory model of lignin biosynthesis has been established in plants. However, the role of post-transcriptional regulation is still largely unknown. Increasing evidence suggests that lignin biosynthesis pathway genes are also regulated by alternative splicing, microRNA, and long non-coding RNA. In this review, we briefly summarize recent progress on the transcriptional regulation, then we focus on reviewing progress on the post-transcriptional regulation of lignin biosynthesis pathway genes in the woody model plant Populus.The production of biofuels and "green" chemicals from the lignocellulose of fast-growing hardwood species is hampered by extensive acetylation of xylan. Different strategies have been implemented to reduce xylan acetylation, resulting in transgenic plants that show good growth in the greenhouse, improved saccharification and fermentation, but the field performance of such plants has not yet been reported. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of reduced acetylation on field productivity and identify the best strategies for decreasing acetylation. Growth and biological stress data were evaluated for 18 hybrid aspen lines with 10-20% reductions in the cell wall acetyl content from a five year field experiment in Southern Sweden. The reduction in acetyl content was achieved either by suppressing the process of acetylation in the Golgi by reducing expression of REDUCED WALL ACETYLATION (RWA) genes, or by post-synthetic acetyl removal by fungal acetyl xylan esterases (AXEs) from two different families, tic/epigenetic changes. This high frequency of dwarfism (17%) is suggestive of a link between acetyl metabolism and chromatin function. These data represent the first evaluation of acetyl-reduced plants from the field, indicating some possible pitfalls, and identifying the best strategies, when developing highly productive acetyl-reduced feedstocks.Fast and reliable analytical methods for the identification of plants from metagenomic samples play an important role in identifying the components of complex mixtures of processed biological materials, including food, herbal products, gut contents or environmental samples. Different PCR-based methods that are commonly used for plant identification from metagenomic samples are often inapplicable due to DNA degradation, a low level of successful amplification or a lack of detection power. We introduce a method that combines metagenomic sequencing and an alignment-free k-mer based approach for the identification of plant DNA in processed metagenomic samples. Our method identifies plant DNA directly from metagenomic sequencing reads and does not require mapping or assembly of the reads. We identified more than 31,000 Lupinus-specific 32-mers from assembled chloroplast genome sequences. We demonstrate that lupin DNA can be detected from controlled mixtures of sequences from target species (different Lupinus species) and closely related non-target species (Arachis hypogaea, Glycine max, Pisum sativum, Vicia faba, Phaseolus vulgaris, Lens culinaris, and Cicer arietinum). Moreover, these 32-mers are detectable in the following processed samples lupin flour, conserved seeds and baked cookies containing different amounts of lupin flour. Under controlled conditions, lupin-specific components are detectable in baked cookies containing a minimum of 0.05% of lupin flour in wheat flour.Aphids feeding on plants experience similar responses to pathogens due to the prolonged and intimate contact with the plant. Diuraphis noxia is an economically important aphid pest on wheat that exhibits such an interaction. Studies on small RNA (sRNA) that regulate genes imparting resistance to wheat against D. noxia have predicted an Argonaute 5 (TaAGO5) gene as possible role player in the resistance response. Functional characterization revealed that TaAGO5 is crucial in regulating the response to infestation by D. noxia. Knockdown of TaAGO5 by 22% in D. noxia resistant wheat resulted in a completely susceptible phenotype. The fecundity and stress levels of D. noxia feeding on these silenced plants were similar to aphids feeding on the susceptible controls. Thus, TaAGO5 is crucial in the defense response by wheat plants during aphid feeding and this is similar to Nicotiana benthaminia plants experiencing arthropod herbivory. Additionally, TaAGO5 was differentially regulated by the Barley mosaic virus (BMV) used in the functional characterization. This provides evidence that TaAGO5 could play a role during virus infection of wheat. The role of AGO5 proteins in plant responses to arthropod herbivory and virus infection is known for dicotyledonous plants. Here, we present data that indicate that this role of TaAGO5 is conserved in wheat and possibly for monocotyledonous plants. These observations extend our knowledge on the roles of AGO proteins in plant resistance.