Degenerative appearance of testes exposed to hyperthermia was also observed. In addition, higher mRNA expression of inflammatory cytokines (IL1-α, IL6, and TNF-α) was detected in group hyp compared to cont group. However, curcumin-loaded SPIONs alleviated all of the pathologic changes in the Hyp + Cur group compared to the hyp group. Here, we used nanoparticle form of curcumin in testicular hyperthermia model and showed its ameliorating effects on testes damages caused by heat stress, which can be an appropriate method to overcome the problems that limit curcumin application in cases with increased intra testicular temperature. Here, we used nanoparticle form of curcumin in testicular hyperthermia model and showed its ameliorating effects on testes damages caused by heat stress, which can be an appropriate method to overcome the problems that limit curcumin application in cases with increased intra testicular temperature.This paper investigated the long-term changes (from 1973 to 2013) of the seagrass meadows of Zostera marina, Zostera noltei and Cymodocea nodosa in the Adriatic Sea subjected to multiple pressures. We examined the changes of the meadows by means of field data collection, observations and analysis of aerial photography to identify the most important drivers of habitat loss. The major decline of seagrass extension observed from 1973 to 1989, was primarily driven by urban development, and by the increase of the blue tourism. From 1989 to 2007 seagrass habitats progressively recovered due to the decrease of urbanization, but from 2007 to 2013 a further significant loss of seagrass meadows was apparently driven by thermal anomalies coupled with an increasing anthropogenic pressure. Our long-term analysis provides evidence that the rates of seagrass loss are faster than the recovery rates (i.e., -4.5 loss rate vs +2.5% recovery rate per year).We report here for the first time the effectiveness of Reteporella bryozoan genus in the early stage of coralligenous reefs recolonization through the analysis of the settlement and the population size structure over a two-years period at two impacted and two control sites. Results highlighted how Reteporella spp. colonies strongly recolonized, from 2017 to 2019, the bare coralligenous reefs subjected to the Costa Concordia shipwreck and its related anthropogenic disturbances, notably increasing both their density and percentage coverage. We recorded differences in colony size among impacted and control sites. Overall, large-sized colonies were reported at impacted sites exclusively, where Reteporella settlement and growth patterns differed if compared to control areas. This study highlights implications for the maintenance of the ecological functions, for the recovery processes, and for the future ecological shifts affecting one of the most important Mediterranean coastal ecosystems, the coralligenous reefs.Desalination is perceived as an effective and reliable process for obtaining freshwater from aqueous saline solutions such as brackish water, seawater and brine. This can be clarified by the fact that >300 million people worldwide rely on desalinated water for their daily needs. Although the desalination process offers many advantages, there are rising concerns about possible adverse environmental impacts. Generally, environmental impacts can be generated both in the construction and operation of desalination plants. A major issue of desalination is the co-produced waste called 'brine' or 'reject' which has a high salinity along with chemical residuals and is discharged into the marine environment. In addition to brine, other main issues are the high energy consumption of the desalination and brine treatment technologies as well as the air pollution due to emissions of greenhouse gasses (GHGs) and air pollutants. Other issues include entrainment and entrapment of marine species, and heavy use of chemicals. The purpose of this review is to analyze the potential impacts of desalination and brine treatment on the environment and suggest mitigation measures.Microplastics contamination is reported for the first time on Mytilus chilensis from Ushuaia Bay, one of the most remote areas of South America. Our results demonstrate the occurrence of microplastics in all samples, with an average of 8.6 ± 3.53 items per individual. Fibers and fragments were the most abundant, with a percentage of 77.91 and 17.44%, respectively. The average length of the fibers was 742.3 ± 702.1 μm, while the average cross-sectional area of fragments was 1944.80 ± 960.94 μm2. The polymers identified were polyamides, semi-synthetic cellulosic materials, and PVC copolymers. The number of microplastics per individual was greater than those reported in even more populated regions. Probably, the modifications included in the technique led to optimize the extraction of MPs, reflecting the detection of a greater number of particles. M. chilensis could play a role in an extensive evaluation of MPs in the Ushuaia Bay, providing information on the interaction of MPs and biota.Marine plastic is a major worldwide challenge, for which many solutions are being proposed. However, most of the solutions focus on the prevention and collection of the plastic, with little emphasis on the development of waste treatment options. This review seeks to propose areas where further studies could assist to close gaps in knowledge. Some identified gaps include a poor understanding of the quantities and composition of marine plastics, a lack of information about existing marine plastic treatment technologies, and the environmental impact of the available options. To better understand the capabilities of the current South African plastics recycling industry, data from the South African Waste Information Centre (SAWIC) are reported and discussed. While there is a lack of technology development for the treatment of marine plastic globally, the intention of this review is to drive research in this area by creating awareness and encouraging implementation of possible treatment technologies.In this study, we assessed the Atlantic surfclam (Spisula solidissima) energy budget under different ocean acidification conditions (OA). During 12 weeks, 126 individuals were maintained at three different ρCO2 concentrations. Every two weeks, individuals were sampled for physiological measurements and scope for growth (SFG). In the high ρCO2 treatment, clearance rate decreased and excretion rate increased relative to the low ρCO2 treatment, resulting in reduced SFG. Moreover, oxygennitrogen (ON) excretion ratio dropped, suggesting that a switch in metabolic strategy occurred. The medium ρCO2 treatment had no significant effects upon SFG; however, metabolic loss increased, suggesting a rise in energy expenditure. In addition, a significant increase in food selection efficiency was observed in the medium treatment, which could be a compensatory reaction to the metabolic over-costs. Results showed that surfclams are particularly sensitive to OA; however, the different compensatory mechanisms observed indicate that they are capable of some temporary resilience.