More patients died in end-of-life care wards in areas without (54%) than with (33%) 24/7 home care services (  = 0.001). Integration of paramedics into end-of-life care at home is reasonable especially in rural areas without 24/7 palliative care services and outside of office hours. The majority of patients can be managed at home or with the help of an end-of-life care ward without an emergency visit. Integration of paramedics into end-of-life care at home is reasonable especially in rural areas without 24/7 palliative care services and outside of office hours. The majority of patients can be managed at home or with the help of an end-of-life care ward without an emergency visit.There is a need for a psychometrically-informed model identifying attitudinal and social factors explaining adherence to oral endocrine therapy (OET) for women with hormone receptor positive breast cancer. This study tested a model with variables selected by stringent psychometric criteria, including attitudes about benefit and burden, patient-practitioner alliance and confusion, and positive and negative interpersonal interactions. Self-report scales were completed by 150 current or past OET users. Fourteen correlations and six mediated pathways implied by the model were tested. All hypothesized associations were significant. This preliminary study suggests the model is a valuable framework for OET adherence research and intervention. Comprehensive outcome measurement in pediatric palliative care focusing on the entire unit of care, that is, the affected child and its family, is crucial to depict treatment effects. Despite its increasing relevance, no appropriate multidimensional outcome measures exist for the largest patient group in this field, namely children with severe neurological impairments. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a family-centered multidimensional outcome measure for pediatric palliative care patients with severe neurological impairment that encompasses the entire unit of care. Based on results of a qualitative study, the questionnaire was developed by consensus-based generation of questions. It was validated in a multicenter prospective study employing exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses as well as reliability and item analyses. A total of 11 pediatric palliative care teams across Germany aided in the recruitment of study participants. Questionnaires were answered by 149 parents of chilapplication. Regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA) for renal replacement therapy is widely practiced in critically ill patients. However, concern exists regarding its labor-intensiveness for monitoring and the associated hypocalcemia. In this study, we provided an algorithm for prescribing RCA and evaluated its safety in patients. During 18 hemofiltration treatments with calcium-free replacement solution, participants were randomized to receive algorithm-based or trial-and-error RCA protocol. The effluent volume, post-filter and in vivo ionized calcium (iCa), and calcium in the sera and effluents were periodically measured at an interval of 1 to 2 h. For patients received algorithm-based RCA protocol, no one had a serum iCa less than 0.9 mmol/L, and none needed calcium supplement adjustment to maintain serum calcium stability. For patients accepted trial-and-error protocol, all patients had a serum iCa below 0.9 mmol/L, their serum iCa and calcium levels fluctuated dramatically, and all patients need additional calcium supplement adjustment during RCA. None of the participants showed a post-filter iCa > 0.4 mmol/L. We provided a safe algorithm for calculating calcium supplementation doses that could maintain serum calcium stability without additional adjustment during RCA. We provided a safe algorithm for calculating calcium supplementation doses that could maintain serum calcium stability without additional adjustment during RCA. To evaluate the accuracy of 12 intraocular lens (IOL) power formulas; Barrett Universal II, Emmetropia Verifying Optical (EVO), Haigis, Hill-Radial Basis Function (RBF), Hoffer Q, Holladay I, Kane, Ladas Super Formula, Olsen , Panacea, Pearl-DGS, Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraff/theoretical (SRK/T). In addition, an analysis of the efficacy as a function of the axial length was performed. About 171 from 93 patients 68 male eyes and 103 female eyes. Twelve IOL power formula calculations were studied with one IOL platform (trifocal hydrophilic IOL, FineVision Micro F), one biometer (Lenstar LS 900), one topographer (CSO Sirius Topographer), one surgeon, and one optometrist. Optimization were determined to be zeroed mean refractive prediction error. Mean error (ME), mean absolute error (MAE), median absolute error (MedAE) and refractive accuracy within ±1.00 D was calculated. Axial length was split in short and medium eyes. One hundred and seventy eyes were included. Formulas were ranked by percentage within ±0.50 diopters and MAE (D). Among all eyes, Olsen 86.55% (0.273 D) and Barrett Universal II 86.55% (0.285D). For short eyes (<22.5 mm), Olsen 90.70% (0.273 D) and Kane 90.70% (0.225 D). For medium eyes, Barrett 89.34% (0.237 D) and Pearl 86.89% (0.263 D). Olsen and Barrett formula obtained excellent accuracy for overall eyes. Kane and Olsen formula obtained the best results in short eyes. For medium axial length Barrett formula achieved the best accuracy results. Olsen and Barrett formula obtained excellent accuracy for overall eyes. Kane and Olsen formula obtained the best results in short eyes. For medium axial length Barrett formula achieved the best accuracy results. To present a rare case of unilateral visual loss episodes occurred during sexual intercourse in a young patient affected by unrecognized pigmentary glaucoma and previously undergone myopic refractive surgery. The patient presented surgically flattened corneas and markedly asymmetric pigmentary glaucoma. Previous refractive surgery, sexual intercourse, and athletic lifestyle might be risk factors for acute pigment dispersion and chronic progression of pigmentary glaucoma in young myopic patients. During their ophthalmic examination prior to refractive surgery, greater attention should be paid to detect early signs of pigmentary dispersion, and awareness of these dangerous situations should be raised in affected patients. Previous refractive surgery, sexual intercourse, and athletic lifestyle might be risk factors for acute pigment dispersion and chronic progression of pigmentary glaucoma in young myopic patients. During their ophthalmic examination prior to refractive surgery, greater attention should be paid to detect early signs of pigmentary dispersion, and awareness of these dangerous situations should be raised in affected patients.