Regarding the retention of older nursing professionals, attention should be paid to both individual and organisational resources and the active use of SOC strategies. By providing opportunities to actively use SOC strategies and by paying attention to career management self-efficacy among older nursing professionals, nursing managers may influence the retention of the older nursing workforce. Similarly, supportive organisational practices can support older nursing professionals' career management self-efficacy and their organisational commitment. By providing opportunities to actively use SOC strategies and by paying attention to career management self-efficacy among older nursing professionals, nursing managers may influence the retention of the older nursing workforce. Similarly, supportive organisational practices can support older nursing professionals' career management self-efficacy and their organisational commitment.Exposure to heat stress triggers a well-defined acute response marked by HSF1-dependent transcriptional upregulation of heat shock proteins. Cells allowed to recover acquire thermotolerance, but this adaptation is poorly understood. By quantitative proteomics, we discovered selective upregulation of HSP70-family chaperone HSPA1 and its co-factors, HSPH1 and DNAJB1, in MCF7 breast cancer cells acquiring thermotolerance. HSPA1 was found to have dual function during heat stress response (i) During acute stress, it promotes the recruitment of the 26S proteasome to translating ribosomes, thus poising cells for rapid protein degradation and resumption of protein synthesis upon recovery; (ii) during thermotolerance, HSPA1 together with HSPH1 maintains ubiquitylated nascent/newly synthesized proteins in a soluble state required for their efficient proteasomal clearance. Consistently, deletion of HSPH1 impedes thermotolerance and esophageal tumor growth in mice, thus providing a potential explanation for the poor prognosis of digestive tract cancers with high HSPH1 and nominating HSPH1 as a cancer drug target. We propose dual roles of HSPA1 either alone or in complex with HSPH1 and DNAJB1 in promoting quality control of nascent/newly synthesized proteins and cellular thermotolerance.Notoginseng total saponins (NS), safflower total flavonoids (SF), and the combination of NS and SF, namely CNS, are used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in clinic. This study developed a cocktail assay involving seven cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes to elucidate the effect of NS, SF, and CNS on CYP enzymes and to explore the synergistic effect of CNS in terms of CYP enzymes. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography-MS and reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction were applied to detect the activities and mRNA expression levels of CYP enzymes. SF exhibited inhibitory effects on CYP1A2, 2B1, 2E1, and 2C11 and induction effects on CYP2C19 and 2D4. NS exhibited induction effects on CYP1A2, 2B1, 2E1, 2C11, 2C19, and 2D4. CNS exhibited induction effects on CYP1A2, 2B1, 2E1, 2C19, and 2D4 and inhibitory effects on CYP3A1 in vivo. Moreover, mRNA expression results were consistent with pharmacokinetic results. Potential herb-drug interactions should be studied closely when SF, NS, or CNS with clinical drugs are metabolized by CYP1A2, 2B1, 2E1, 2C11, 2C19, 2D4, and 3A1. CNS could change the inhibition or induction effects of CYP compared to the NS group, which might be one of the causes for the synergistic effects of the combination of NS and SF.This review summarizes current developments, novel synthetic routes for Ruthenium tethered chiral catalyst, and its derivatives along with its application in asymmetric synthesis. The review also covers derivatization in tethering unit, modification in N-monofunctionalized ligand as well as ligation of other ligand with Ru metal in chiral catalyst. Apparently, the effect of a modified tethered catalyst in the enantioselective synthesis of chiral products as well as in synthetic chemistry is also discussed in detail.Not required for Clinical Vignette.We report a case of SEDT-XL patient who grew 18.4cm after 31 months of GH treatment, reaching the 10th percentile of the height of children of the same sex and age.Acromegaly is a rare disorder with incidence of 3-4 patients per million per year (1). Klinefelter syndrome (KS) is the most common sex chromosome disorder occurring in about 1/500th live male births (2).The coincidence of multiple endocrinopathies is rare, but possible. We report the case of a 33 years old man diagnosed with both of those rare conditions - acromegaly and 47, XXY Klinefelter syndrome.Not required for Clinical Vignette.Not required for Clinical Vignette.Not required for Clinical Vignette.The paper presents the theoretical considerations on the role of endocrine and metabolic alterations accompanying COVID-19 infection. These alterations may be presumed on the basis of the following two observations. Firstly, the virus SARS-CoV-2 responsible for the COVID-19 infection uses an important renin-angiotensin system (RAS) element - angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) - as a receptor protein for entry into target cells and, in consequence, disturbs the function of the main (circulating) renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) and of the local renin-angiotensin system localized in different tissues and organs. The binding of SARS-CoV-2 to ACE2 leads to the downregulation of this enzyme and, in the aftermath, to the excess of angiotensin II and aldosterone. Thus, in the later stage of COVID-19 infection, the beneficial effects of ACEI and ARB could be presumed. It is hypothesized that the local RAS dysregulation in the adipose tissue is the main cause of the negative role of obesity as a risk factor of severe outcome of the COVID-19 infection. Secondly, the outcome of COVID-19 strongly depends on the age of the patient. Age-related hormonal deficiencies, especially those of melatonin and dehydroepiandrosterone, may contribute to morbidity/mortality in older people. The usefulness of melatonin and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor 1 blockers (the latter only in later phases of the infection) as adjuvant drugs is probable but needs thorough clinical trials.