Sustainable nutrition is increasingly important, as the food system contributes onethird of greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable nutrition, or sustainable diet, refers to diets with low environmental impacts that contribute to food security and health. This systematic review aimed to identify factors that influence whether professionals in health-related institutions integrate sustainable nutrition into their practice. A mixed-methods systematic review was conducted using the MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, and CINAHL databases. To be included, the studies had to document perspectives on sustainable nutrition from health professionals, including dietitians, students and educators in health sciences, public health officers, and hospital food service managers. Data extraction focused on perceived barriers, facilitating factors, and top recommendations for promoting sustainable nutrition. Twenty studies were included, most of which focused on dietitians. Data analysis revealed that 25 factors influenced the inans seem to be the health professionals predominantly researched regarding their views on sustainable nutrition. Many concrete avenues to promote sustainable nutrition were identified through this review. To determine the association between provincial government health and social spending and population health outcomes in Canada, separately for men and women, and account for the potential role of income inequality in modifying the association. We used data for nine Canadian provinces, 1981 to 2017. Health outcomes and demographic data are from Statistics Canada; provincial spending data are from provincial public accounts. We model the ratio of social-to-health spending ("the ratio") on potentially avoidable mortality (PAM), life expectancy (LE), potential years of life lost (PYLL), infant mortality, and low birth weight baby incidence. We interact the ratio with the Gini coefficient to allow for income inequality modification. When the Gini coefficient is equal to its average (0.294), the ratio is associated with desirable health outcomes for adult men and women. For example, among women, a 1% increase in the ratio is associated with a 0.04% decrease in PAM, a 0.05% decrease in PYLL, and a 0.002% increase in LE. When the Gini coefficient is 0.02 higher than average, the relationship between the ratio and outcomes is twice as strong as when the Gini is at its average, other than for PAM for women. Infant-related outcomes do not have a statistically significant association with the ratio. Overall, outcomes for men and women have similar associations with the ratio. Inequality increases the return to social spending, implying that those who benefit the most from social spending reap higher benefits during periods of higher inequality. Overall, outcomes for men and women have similar associations with the ratio. Inequality increases the return to social spending, implying that those who benefit the most from social spending reap higher benefits during periods of higher inequality.A total 42.68 g/L monosaccharide with 0.10 g/L HMF was obtained from 10% (w/v) Kappaphycus alvarezii with thermal acid hydrolysis using 350 mM HNO3 at 121 °C for 60 min and enzymatic saccharification with a 11 mixture of Viscozyme L and Celluclast 1.5 L for 72 h. To enhance the galactose utilization rate, fermentation was performed with overexpression of GAL1 (galactokinase), GAL7 (galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase), GAL10 (UDP-glucose-4-epimerase), and PGM2 (phosphoglucomutase 2) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae CEN.PK2 using CCW12 as a strong promoter. Among the strains, the overexpression of PGM2 showed twofold high galactose utilization rate (URgal) and produced ethanol 1.4-fold more than that of the control. Transcriptional analysis revealed the increase of PGM2 transcription level leading to enhance glucose-6-phosphate and fructose-6-phosphate and plays a key role in ensuring a higher glycolytic flux in the PGM2 strain. This finding shows particular importance in biofuel production from seaweed because galactose is one of the major monosaccharides in seaweeds such as K. alvarezii.We worked out a method in Maple environment to help understand the difficult transport processes in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands filled with coarse gravel (HSFCW-C). With this process, the measured tracer results of the inner points of a HSFCW-C can be fitted more accurately than with the conventionally used distribution functions (Gaussian, Lognormal, Fick (Inverse Gaussian) and Gamma). This research outcome only applies for planted HSFCW-Cs. The outcome of the analysis shows that conventional solutions completely stirred series tank reactor (CSTR) model and convection-dispersion transport (CDT) model do not describe the internal transport processes with sufficient accuracy. This study may help us develop better process descriptions of very complex transport processes in HSFCW-Cs. Our results also revealed that the tracer response curves of planted HSFCW-C conservative inner points can be fitted well with Frechet distribution only if the response curve has one peak.This paper reports the synthesis of nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide (N-rGO)/zinc oxide (ZnO) composite photocatalysts by one-step hydrothermal method. Taking urea as the nitrogen source, ammonia is released at high temperature, and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) has a strong adsorption effect on ammonia, which is more conducive to improving the nitrogen doping efficiency in the nitrogen doping process. The results of the dye degradation test showed that when the nitrogen content was 4 wt%, the photocatalytic degradation ability of the catalyst was the best, which was 88% higher than that of pure zinc oxide. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) test showed that the catalytic effect of the sample dominated by pyridinic nitrogen was significantly improved. Besides, fluorescence tests have confirmed that highly conductive rGO can simultaneously capture or transfer photoelectrons within the system, thereby enhancing the photoelectron migration and reducing the private carrier recombination efficiency. N-rGO could act as an active electron accelerator, induce and enhance synergistic coupling, promote photocatalytic redox reactions, and dramatically improve the photocatalytic ability of modified graphene-based composite.