Symmetry adaptation is crucial in representing a permutationally invariant potential energy surface (PES). Due to the rapid increase in computational time with respect to the molecular size, as well as the reliance on the algebra software, the previous neural network (NN) fitting with inputs of fundamental invariants (FIs) has practical limits. Here, we report an improved and efficient generation scheme of FIs based on the computational invariant theory and parallel program, which can be readily used as the input vector of NNs in fitting high-dimensional PESs with permutation symmetry. The newly developed method significantly reduces the evaluation time of FIs, thereby extending the FI-NN method for constructing highly accurate PESs to larger systems beyond five atoms. Because of the minimum size of invariants used in the inputs of the NN, the NN structure can be very flexible for FI-NN, which leads to small fitting errors. The resulting FI-NN PES is much faster on evaluating than the corresponding permutationally invariant polynomial-NN PES.Polaritons in an ensemble of permutationally symmetric chromophores confined to an optical microcavity are investigated numerically. The analysis is based on the Holstein-Tavis-Cummings Hamiltonian which accounts for the coupling between an electronic excitation on each chromophore and a single cavity mode, as well as the coupling between the electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom on each chromophore. A straightforward ensemble partitioning scheme is introduced, which, along with an intuitive ansatz, allows one to obtain accurate evaluations of the lowest-energy polaritons using a subset of collective states. The polaritons include all three degrees of freedom-electronic, vibronic, and photonic-and can therefore be described as exciton-phonon polaritons. Applications focus on the limiting regimes where the Rabi frequency is small or large compared to the nuclear relaxation energy subsequent to optical excitation, with relaxation occurring mainly along the vinyl stretching coordinate in conjugated organic chromophores. Comparisons are also made to the more conventional vibronic polariton approach, which does not take into account two-particle excitations and vibration-photon states.A generalized Frenkel-Holstein Hamiltonian is constructed to describe exciton migration in oligo(para-phenylene vinylene) chains, based on excited state electronic structure data for an oligomer comprising 20 monomer units (OPV-20). Time-dependent density functional theory calculations using the ωB97XD hybrid functional are employed in conjunction with a transition density analysis to study the low-lying singlet excitations and demonstrate that these can be characterized to a good approximation as a Frenkel exciton manifold. Based on these findings, we employ the analytic mapping procedure of Binder et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 141, 014101 (2014)] to translate one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) potential energy surface (PES) scans to a fully anharmonic, generalized Frenkel-Holstein (FH) Hamiltonian. A 1D PES scan is carried out for intra-ring quinoid distortion modes, while 2D PES scans are performed for the anharmonically coupled inter-monomer torsional and vinylene bridge bond length alternation modes. The kinetic energy is constructed in curvilinear coordinates by an exact numerical procedure, using the TNUM Fortran code. As a result, a fully molecular-based, generalized FH Hamiltonian is obtained, which is subsequently employed for quantum exciton dynamics simulations, as shown in Paper II [R. Binder and I. Burghardt, J. Chem. Phys. 152, 204120 (2020)].We have performed ReaxFF molecular dynamics simulations of alkali metal-chlorine pairs in different water densities at supercritical temperature (700 K) to elucidate the structural and dynamical properties of the system. The radial distribution function and the angular distribution function explain the inter-ionic structural and orientational arrangements of atoms during the simulation. The coordination number of water molecules in the solvation shell of ions increases with an increase in the radius of ions. We find that the self-diffusion coefficient of metal ions increases with a decrease in density under supercritical conditions due to the formation of voids within the system. The hydrogen bond dynamics has been interpreted by the residence time distribution of various ions, which shows Li+ having the highest water retaining capability. The void distribution within the system has been analyzed by using the Voronoi polyhedra algorithm providing an estimation of void formation within the system at high temperatures. We observe the formation of salt clusters of Na+ and K+ at low densities due to the loss of dielectric constants of ions. The diffusion of ions gets altered dramatically due to the formation of voids and nucleation of ions in the system.Magnetization dynamics of transition metal complexes manifest in properties and phenomena of fundamental and applied interest [e.g., slow magnetic relaxation in single molecule magnets, quantum coherence in quantum bits (qubits), and intersystem crossing (ISC) rates in photophysics]. While spin-phonon coupling is recognized as an important determinant of these dynamics, additional fundamental studies are required to unravel the nature of the coupling and, thus, leverage it in molecular engineering approaches. To this end, we describe here a combined ligand field theory and multireference ab initio model to define spin-phonon coupling terms in S = 2 transition metal complexes and demonstrate how couplings originate from both the static and dynamic properties of ground and excited states. By extending concepts to spin conversion processes, ligand field dynamics manifest in the evolution of the excited state origins of zero-field splitting (ZFS) along specific normal mode potential energy surfaces. Dynamic ZFSs provide a powerful means to independently evaluate contributions from spin-allowed and/or spin-forbidden excited states to spin-phonon coupling terms. Furthermore, ratios between various intramolecular coupling terms for a given mode drive spin conversion processes in transition metal complexes and can be used to analyze the mechanisms of ISC. Variations in geometric structure strongly influence the relative intramolecular linear spin-phonon coupling terms and will define the overall spin state dynamics. While the findings of this study are of general importance for understanding magnetization dynamics, they also link the phenomenon of spin-phonon coupling across fields of single molecule magnetism, quantum materials/qubits, and transition metal photophysics.