The fatty acid (FA) composition of human milk (HM) from N = 9 Italian healthy donors following a free diet exhibited FA-dependent ranges of variability, as assessed by GC-FID. The possible short-term changes in the FA profile were monitored in the milk of lactating mothers (three) collected at five time points over a 6 h period, following an oral load (200 mL) of bovine milk. An array of techniques was exploited, including UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS of intact lipids and MALDI-TOF MS before and after chemical hydrogenation or bromination, in addition to MALDI-TOF MS analysis of FA after saponification, to monitor short-chain and odd-chain FA in HM as markers of bovine milk fat. A single administration of bovine milk did not appreciably modify the lipid pattern, suggesting that the maternal diet could induce not detectable short-term changes on the lipid composition of HM. Diet-induced increase of butyric acid was also excluded by 13C NMR. The functions that HM FA exert in infant physiology appear finely regulated through maternal metabolism.We have developed an improved system to measure Cs-137 in wildlife at the Savannah River Site. This field-portable system consists of a shielded 5 cm by 10 cm by 40 cm NaI detector controlled by an Ametek Ortec Digibase. Measurement of an animal's radioactivity is made by placing the animal at a predefined location on the detector system for a one minute count-time. The counts, animal type, and animal weight are then used as inputs to an algorithm which calculates the amount of Cs-137 within the whole animal and within the edible meat portion of the animal. The results from these calculations are used to estimate the received dose from eating this animal and is included in the Savannah River Site's Hunter Dose Tracking System. This system has a detection limit of 0.60 pCi/g (22.20 Bq/kg) with a typical measurement uncertainty of less than 0.32 pCi/g (11.84 Bq/kg).Chemo-resistance remains a considerable obstacle encountered in osteosarcoma (OS) therapy. Evidence has implied that a reduction in the expression of microRNAs (miRs/miRNAs) leads to exacerbated chemo-resistance. Hence, to better understand the role of miR-192 in the pathogenesis of OS during methotrexate (MTX) treatment, we restore miR-192 in the MG-63 cells and investigate the mechanisms, which are associated with MTX-resistance in OS. Exogenetic overexpression of miR-192 was established by transfecting miR-192 mimics into MG-63 cells using Lipofectamine. Trypan blue dye exclusion test was performed to evaluate the proliferation of the MG-63 cells. Chemo-resistance to MTX was determined using the MTT method after 48 h. ELISA cell death assay was performed to evaluate the apoptosis rate. The quantitative RT-PCR (RT-qPCR) was applied to determine the mRNA expression levels before and after the transfection. Our results illustrated that miR-192 is down-regulated in OS tumor cells. Transfection of miR-192 noticeably alleviated the mRNA expression levels of MMP9, c-Myc, K-Ras, CXCR-4, and ADAMTS compared with the control groups (P-values less then 0.05). MTX Combination treatment with miR-192 noticeably elevated the cytotoxic effect of MTX and alleviated its IC50 (P less then 0.05). Moreover, miR-192 significantly increased the apoptotic effect of MTX. These results implied that miR-192 enhances the sensitivity of MG-63 cells to MTX. Collectively, our results elucidated that miR-192 contributes to chemo-sensitizing MG-63 cells to MTX, and could be considered as a promising agent to overcome MTX-resistance in OS.FGFR3 mutations are frequently mutually exclusive of TP53 mutations in invasive high grade urothelial carcinoma (HGUC) and p53 immunohistochemistry is often used as a surrogate for TP53 mutations. A 10 % staining cut off has been used in HGUC for designation as p53 positive or negative however, a novel contemporary method we have previously proposed (0% or >50 % - abnormal vs. 1-49 % - wild type) has shown significant correlation with oncologic outcome as well. We aimed to compare how a ≥10 % vs. 0 % and ≥ 50 % cut off p53 assessment method correlates with TP53 and FGFR3 mutation status. Tissue microarrays created from three retrospective cohorts (two cystectomy cohorts (cohort A, n = 206 and cohort B, n = 91; one T1 transurethral resection cohort (cohort C, n = 47)) were stained with p53 and scored by two blinded reviewers using both p53 scoring schemes. 50 cases from cohort A were assessed for TP53 and FGFR3 mutation status using next generation sequencing and FGFR3 mutation status was separately assessed in cohorts B and C using SNaPshot methodology. 202 (58.7 %) and 142 (41.3 %) cases showed abnormal and wild type p53 staining, respectively. Using the 10 % cut off, 254 cases were positive (73.8 %) and 90 cases were negative (26.2 %). 27 (14.4 %) and 15 (30 %) assessed cases demonstrated FGFR3 and TP53 mutations, respectively; 19/27 FGFR3 mutated showed a wild type pattern of p53 expression while 15/15 TP53 mutated tumours showed an abnormal pattern of p53 expression. There was a significant correlation between the contemporary p53 scoring scheme and TP53 and FGFR3 mutations (p  less then  0.0001 and p = 0.002, respectively). Improved sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value for TP53 mutation was also seen compared to the 10 % cut off; specifically, the sensitivity and negative predictive value were 100 %. These findings might be of clinical relevance in the era of precision medicine.Antibodies against metabotropic glutamate receptor type 1 (mGluR1) have been described in adults with paraneoplastic or non-paraneoplastic subacute cerebellitis. Patients responded to immunotherapy depending on disease duration. Here, we report on a 3 years 2 months old male toddler with acute onset ataxia and mGluR1 antibodies in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). He was started on prednisolone 4 weeks after disease onset and remitted largely within half a year.The long-term care (LTC) sector will soon face a shortage of care workers. The consequences are potentially dramatic, urging the need to design policies aiming at reducing the turnover rate of LTC workers. Immigrant workers are an important part of the LTC workforce. Pooling data from the Annual Social and Economic (ASEC) supplement to the Current Population Survey (CPS) for years 2003-2019, we compare US-born and immigrant LTC workers' propensity to stay in the LTC workforce over one year. We distinguish two categories of LTC workers personal care workers and nurses. We show that for both categories, naturalized citizens, legal noncitizen immigrants, and unauthorized immigrants have a higher probability of staying in the LTC workforce compared to US-born citizens. We provide two potential explanations we show that immigrant personal care workers are more likely to report a better health, and that immigrant nurses have a lower wage variation sensitivity. Our results also suggest that wage increases are likely to be associated with higher retention rates in the profession.