Results Regression analyses evaluated the main effects of target type, masker type, and their interaction. Across all three experiments, effects of target type were small ( less then 2 dB). In Experiment 1, SRTs were slightly poorer for coarticulated than concatenated sentences. In Experiment 2, coarticulation facilitated speech recognition compared to the concatenated KIM condition. When listeners had access to semantic context (Experiment 3), a coarticulation benefit was observed in noise but not in the speech masker. Conclusions Overall, differences between SRTs for sentences with and without between-word coarticulation were small. Beneficial effects of coarticulation were only observed relative to the concatenated KIM targets; for unscaled concatenated targets, it appeared that consistent audibility across the sentence offsets any benefit of coarticulation. Contrary to our hypothesis, effects of coarticulation generally were not more pronounced in speech maskers than in noise maskers.Purpose Studies have reported that clear speech has the potential to influence suprasegmental and segmental aspects of speech, in both healthy and dysarthric speakers. While the impact of clear speech has been studied on the articulation of individual segments, few studies have investigated its effects on coarticulation with multisegment sequences such as fricative-vowel. Objectives The goals of this study are to investigate, in healthy and dysarthric speech, the impact of clear speech on (a) the perception of anticipatory vowel coarticulation in fricatives and (b) the acoustic characteristics of this effect. Method Ten speakers with dysarthria secondary to idiopathic Parkinson's disease were recruited as well as 10 age- and sex-matched healthy speakers. A sentence reading task was performed in natural and clear speaking conditions. The sentences contained words with the initial fricatives /s/ and /ʃ/ preceded by /ə/ and followed by the vowels /i/, /y/, /u/, or /a/. For the perceptual measurements, five listedually, do not capture the entire complexity of fricative-vowel coarticulation.Purpose This study aimed to report an unusual case of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), who showed prolonged positional downbeat nystagmus without latency and was diagnosed with cupulolithiasis of the anterior canal (AC). We compared this case with one of typical AC-BPPV, and possible mechanisms underlying the atypical characteristics were discussed. Method Two patients diagnosed with AC-BPPV were reported. Positional testing using video-oculography goggles was performed, and outcomes were measured via medical records and analysis of videos of the nystagmus. Results Downbeat nystagmus was observed in the contralateral Dix-Hallpike test in both cases. The torsional component was subtle or absent, but motion was induced toward the affected ear. The two cases differed in latency and duration of vertigo, as well as habituation. The patient with atypical nystagmus showed little or no latency and longer duration. Moreover, there was no habituation on repeated tests. The nystagmus showed several differences from that of typical AC-BPPV. Conclusions Based on our case, AC-BPPV may induce various unusual clinical manifestations of nystagmus. Accurate diagnosis requires careful consideration of the patient's symptoms and the characteristics of the nystagmus. Supplemental Material https// The purpose of this study was to evaluate changes in cognitive-communication performance using Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests (WJIV) from pre-injury baseline to post sport-related concussion. It was hypothesized that individual subtest performances would decrease postinjury in symptomatic individuals. Method This prospective longitudinal observational nested cohort study of collegiate athletes assessed cognitive-communicative performance at preseason baseline and postinjury. Three hundred and forty-two male and female undergraduates at high risk for sport-related concussion participated in preseason assessments, and 18 individuals met criteria post injury. WJIV subtest domains included Word Finding, Speeded Reading Comprehension, Auditory Comprehension, Verbal Working Memory, Story Retell, and Visual Processing (letter and number). The power calculation was not met, and therefore data were conservatively analyzed with descriptive statistics and a planned subgroup analysis based on symptomatology. Results Individual changes from baseline to postinjury were evaluated using differences in standard score performance. For symptomatic individuals, mean negative decreases in performance were found for Retrieval Fluency, Sentence Reading Fluency, Pattern Matchings, and all cluster scores postinjury. Individual performance declines also included decreases in story retell, verbal working memory, and visual processing. Conclusions This study identified within-subject WJIV performance decline in communication domains post sport-related concussion and reinforces that cognitive-communication dysfunction should be considered in mild traumatic brain injury. Key cognitive-communication areas included speeded naming, reading, and verbal memory, though oral comprehension was not sensitive to change. Future clinical research across diverse populations is needed to expand these preliminary findings.The faithful and timely copying of DNA by molecular machines known as replisomes depends on a disparate suite of enzymes and scaffolding factors working together in a highly orchestrated manner. Large, dynamic protein-nucleic acid assemblies that selectively morph between distinct conformations and compositional states underpin this critical cellular process. In this article, we discuss recent progress outlining the physical basis of replisome construction and progression in eukaryotes.In 1961, Jacob and Monod proposed the operon model of gene regulation. At the model's core was the modular assembly of regulators, operators, and structural genes. To illustrate the composability of these elements, Jacob and Monod linked phenotypic diversity to the architectures of regulatory circuits. In this review, we examine how the circuit blueprints imagined by Jacob and Monod laid the foundation for the first synthetic gene networks that launched the field of synthetic biology in 2000. We discuss the influences of the operon model and its broader theoretical framework on the first generation of synthetic biological circuits, which were predominantly transcriptional and posttranscriptional circuits. We also describe how recent advances in molecular biology beyond the operon model-namely, programmable DNA- and RNA-binding molecules as well as models of epigenetic and posttranslational regulation-are expanding the synthetic biology toolkit and enabling the design of more complex biological circuits.