This study evaluates the hazards posed by foodborne bacteria of the Listeria genus by analyzing the occurrence, diversity and virulence of Listeria food and food-manufacturing plants. Seventy-five isolates obtained from the routine analysis of 653 samples taken by three diagnostic laboratories in Northern Italy were genotypically differentiated by Repetitive Extragenic Palindrome (rep) PCR, with the GTG5 primer identified by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene and examined by specific PCR tests for the presence of L. monocytogenes virulence determinants occasionally found to occur in other species of the genus. Within this sample, 76% (n = 57) isolates were identified as L. innocua, 16% (n = 12) as L. monocytogenes, 6.6 % (n = 5) as L. welshimeri and 1.3% (n = 1) as L. seeligeri. All L. monocytogenes isolates belonged to the serotype 1/2a and were predicted to be virulent for the presence of the inlJ internalin gene. Potentially virulent strains of L. innocua, L. seeligeri and L. welshimeri, carrying the L. monocytogenesinlA gene and/or hly gene, were identified, and most isolates were found to possess the toxin-antitoxin system mazEF for efficient adaptation to heat shock. Results indicated the need to reinforce food-contamination-prevention measures against all Listeria species by defining efficiently their environmental distribution.Duck Tembusu virus (DTMUV) is an emerging pathogenic flavivirus responsible for massive economic losses in the duck industry. However, commercially inactivated DTMUV vaccines have been ineffective at inducing protective immunity in ducks. The widely used adjuvant cytosine-phosphate-guanine oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG ODNs) reportedly improve humoral and cellular immunities in animal models. However, its effectiveness in DTMUV vaccines requires validation. Here, we assessed the protective efficacy of pUC18-CpG as an adjuvant in an inactivated live DTMUV vaccine in ducks. Our results revealed that the serum hemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody titers, positive rates of anti-DTMUV antibodies, the concentration of serum cytokines, and protection efficacy were significantly increased in ducks immunized with pUC18-CpG compared to that in the control group. Moreover, ducks immunized with a full vaccine dose containing a half dose of antigen supplemented with 40 μg of pUC18-CpG exhibited the most potent responses. This study suggests that pUC18-CpG is a promising adjuvant against DTMUV, which might prove effective in treating other viral diseases in waterfowl.Childhood wasting is among the most prevalent forms of undernutrition globally. The Southeast Asia region is home to many wasted children, but wasting is not recognized as a public health problem and its epidemiology is yet to be fully examined. This analysis aimed to determine the burden of wasting, its predictors, and the level of wasting and stunting concurrence. Datasets from Demographic and Health Surveys and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys in six countries in the region were analyzed. The pooled weighted prevalence for wasting and concurrent wasting and stunting among children 0-59 months in the six countries was 8.9%, 95% CI (8.0-9.9) and 1.6%, 95% CI (1.5-1.8), respectively. This prevalence is approximately 12-fold higher than the 0.7% prevalence of high-income countries; and translated into an absolute number of 1,088,747 children affected by wasting and 272,563 concurrent wasting and stunting. Wasting prevalence was 50 percent higher in the 0-23-month age group. Predictors for wasting included source of drinking water, wealth index, urban residence, child's age and history of illness and mother's body mass index. In conclusion, our analysis showed that wasting is a serious public health problem in the region that should be addressed urgently using both preventive and curative approaches.Enteroviral infections are implicated in islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes (T1D) pathogenesis. Significant β-cell stress and damage occur with viral infection, leading to cells that are dysfunctional and vulnerable to destruction. Human stem cell-derived β (SC-β) cells are insulin-producing cell clusters that closely resemble native β cells. To better understand the events precipitated by enteroviral infection of β cells, we investigated transcriptional and proteomic changes in SC-β cells challenged with coxsackie B virus (CVB). We confirmed infection by demonstrating that viral protein colocalized with insulin-positive SC-β cells by immunostaining. Transcriptome analysis showed a decrease in insulin gene expression following infection, and combined transcriptional and proteomic analysis revealed activation of innate immune pathways, including type I interferon (IFN), IFN-stimulated genes, nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) and downstream inflammatory cytokines, and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I. Finally, insulin release by CVB4-infected SC-β cells was impaired. These transcriptional, proteomic, and functional findings are in agreement with responses in primary human islets infected with CVB ex vivo. Human SC-β cells may serve as a surrogate for primary human islets in virus-induced diabetes models. Because human SC-β cells are more genetically tractable and accessible than primary islets, they may provide a preferred platform for investigating T1D pathogenesis and developing new treatments.Sawdust-reinforced ice-filled flax fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) tubular (SIFFT) columns are newly proposed to be used as structural components in cold areas. A SIFFT column is composed of an external flax FRP tube filled with sawdust-reinforced ice. The compressive behavior of circular SIFFT short columns was systematically investigated. Four types of short columns with circular sections, including three plain ice specimens, three sawdust-reinforced ice specimens (a mixture of 14% sawdust and 86% ice in weight), nine plain ice-filled flax FRP tubular (PIFFT) specimens and nine SIFFT specimens, were tested to assess the concept of the innovative composite columns. The test variables were the thickness of flax FRP tubes and the type of ice cores. The test results indicated that the lateral dilation and the development of cracks of the ice cores were effectively suppressed by outer flax FRP tubes, thus causing a considerable enhancement in the compressive strength. Moreover, the compressive behavior, energy-absorption capacity, and anti-melting property of sawdust-reinforced ice cores were better than those of plain ice cores confined by flax FRP tubes with the same thicknesses.