MicroRNAs control plant development and are key regulators of plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. Thus, their expression must be carefully controlled since both excess and deficiency of a given microRNA may be deleterious to plant cell. MicroRNA expression regulation can occur at several stages of their biogenesis pathway. One of the most important of these regulatory checkpoints is transcription efficiency. mirEX database is a tool for exploration and visualization of plant pri-miRNA expression profiles. It includes results obtained using high-throughput RT-qPCR platform designed to monitor pri-miRNA expression in different miRNA biogenesis mutants and developmental stages of Arabidopsis, barley, and Pellia plants. A step-by-step instruction for browsing the database and detailed protocol for high-throughput RT-qPCR experiments, including list of primers designed for the amplification of pri-miRNAs, are presented.Northern blotting is a classical technique that allows the detection of specific nucleic acids using radioactive or non-radioactive probes. Normally, nucleic acids are denatured and separated by agarose or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and transferred and fixed to a membrane prior to detection. Here, we describe a method to analyze specific RNA in native ribonucleoprotein complexes using blue native PAGE with subsequent northern blotting, crosslinking of RNA onto a suitable membrane, and detection using non-radioactive probes.Laser capture microdissection (LCM) has become a powerful technique that allows analyzing gene expression in specific target cells from complex tissues. Widely used in animal research, still few studies on plants have been carried out. We have applied this technique to the plant-nematode interaction by isolating feeding cells (giant cells; GCs) immersed inside complex swelled root structures (galls) induced by root-knot nematodes. For this purpose, a protocol that combines good mor