This article tests five major economies of the world, United Kingdom, Japan, Brazil, Chin and lastly, India, for the changes in the monetary policy decisions that have been implemented following the Covid-19 outbreak. The assessment was undertaken in the form of an event study analysis, further substantiated with a regression analysis conducted for exploring the significance of CPI and real GDP in predicting the policy interest rates in the economy. The results of the event study analysis presented that the abnormal changes in the interest rates were statistically significant in the case of the United Kingdom, Brazil, and China, while the abnormal changes were found to be statistically insignificant in the case of India and Japan.Introduction Safety behaviors are key elements in reducing the spread of the COVID-19 virus, but have also assumed excessive proportions in form of panic buying groceries. This raises the question whether these behaviors are independent or related to each other. Adherent safety behavior including increased hygiene and physical distancing appears inherently adherent and prosocial, while dysfunctional safety behavior such as panic buying most probably emerges from other motives and contextual variables. Methods Data from 15,308 participants collected from March 10 to May 4, 2020, during the COVID-19 acute period in Germany, was analyzed to assess whether adherent and dysfunctional safety behavior are predicted by the same or divergent variables. Two multiple regression models are presented including various sociodemographic, trait, attitudinal, and COVID-19-specific variables as predictors. Results Some variables similarly predict both, adherent and dysfunctional safety behavior. Yet, adherent safety behavior is stronger predicted by COVID-19-related fear than generalized anxiety, while a trend toward a reverse pattern emerged for dysfunctional safety behavior. Adherent safety behavior was also related to higher trust in governmental actions to face COVID-19, subjective level of information, as well as use of public media and TV to remain informed on COVID-19. Higher age was related to dysfunctional, but not adherent safety behavior. Respondents living in rural communities report more adherent safety behavior than urban dwellers. Discussion Divergent psychological variables underlie adherent and dysfunctional safety behavior. This hints toward a theoretical separation with practical relevance in behavioral engineering and public health campaigning.Excess dietary sodium contributes to the burden of chronic disease, including cardiovascular disease and stroke. Media-based health education campaigns are one strategy to raise awareness among populations at greater risk for stroke, including African Americans. During 2014-2015, the Philadelphia Department of Public Health conducted a health education campaign using radio, print news, and transit ads, to promote awareness of the link between dietary sodium, hypertension and stroke, and encourage reduced consumption of high sodium foods. Using a repeated cross-sectional design, street intercept surveys were conducted with ~400 Philadelphia residents representing the campaign's priority audience (African Americans ages 35-55) before and 6-13 weeks after the campaign, to evaluate both process (campaign exposure) and impact (recall of key health messages). Thirty percent of post-campaign respondents reported familiarity with one of the most engaging radio spots, and 17% provided accurate unaided recall of its key content, with greater recall among older respondents and frequent radio listeners. Forty-one percent of post-campaign respondents named stroke as a consequence of excess salt consumption, compared to only 17% of pre-campaign respondents, with greater awareness of the salt-stroke connection among those accurately recalling the radio spot from the campaign. Results suggest that priority populations for sodium reduction can be effectively reached through radio and transit campaigns. From a pragmatic perspective, street intercept surveys may offer one low resource strategy for evaluating public health education campaigns conducted by local health departments, especially among urban populations.Background and objective Physical activity is an important behavior to reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases. Providing the context for physical activity in the workplace in addition to promoting the employees' physical and mental health has significant economic benefits for organizations. We conducted the present study using a social marketing model to explain the determinants of a Workplace Health Promotion in promoting physical activity among employees of government organizations in Yasuj, Iran. Materials and methods The present study was qualitative research with directed content analysis based on the social marketing model. Thirty-three employees of government organizations in Yasuj were included in the study using the purposive sampling method. The data collection method included semi-structured interviews and observation. Data analysis was performed manually and by the qualitative content analysis method. The implementation data were systematically sorted and analyzed and classified into five steps. Results Organizational structure, organizational policies, and a supportive interpersonal climate were extracted and categorized as characteristics of workplace health promotion programs from participant interviews. In addition to participants' emphasis on receiving information from reputable sources, virtual communication networks such as WhatsApp and real communication networks such as physicians and specialists were their preferred media for education and information. Conclusion Due to the complexity of workplace, diversity, and multiplicity of factors and determinants of physical activity, the findings of the present study will be a basis for designing an appropriate and effective intervention and organizational changes to promote physical activities among employees in the future.In this study, we examine the relationship between financial literacy, financial education, and smoking behavior among the Japanese population. We hypothesize that financially literate and financially educated people, who have the ability to make more rational decisions, are less likely to smoke. Using the Preference Parameters Study of Osaka University, conducted in 2010 (N = 3,706), the probit regression results show that both financial literacy (with an emphasis on knowledge of investments) and financial education (with an emphasis on savings behavior) have a significant negative impact on smoking behavior. In addition, gender, age, education, marital status, household income and assets, risky behaviors, a myopic view of the future, risk preference, and level of happiness also significantly predict the likelihood of a person being a current smoker. This study provides empirical evidence that enhancing the rational decision-making ability of individuals through financial literacy and financial education may curtail smoking behavior.