In addition, SMRs of municipalities with the lowest educational level deteriorated from 2010 to 2019 for many cancer types among men and women, and the difference between municipalities with the highest and lowest educational level for the SMR of cancer in all sites widened in 2019 for men. On the other hand, the SMR of municipalities with the highest educational level or the largest total population tended to be higher than municipalities with lower counterparts in both 2010 and 2019 for women. There was a difference in the trend of the SMRs of multiple types of cancer depending on municipal educational level, whereas municipalities with larger population or educational level continued to have higher SMRs of cancer in all sites for women.<br />. . To explore the treatment outcomes of locally advanced cervical cancer (LACC) patients with pelvic lymph node enlargement (PLNE) or stage IIIC1 when compared with no PLNE and unknown PLN status (UNK). Retrospective cohort study was designed by matching with the ratio of 144 for patients with PLNE, no PLNE and UNK between 2003 and 2017. The main factor which was used to match was clinical staging. All 360 LACC patients who treated as concurrent chemoradiation therapy (CCRT) were composed of 40 with PLNE, 160 with no PLNE and 160 with UNK. The majority of tumor histology (78.9%) was squamous cell carcinoma and 51.1% were diagnosed in stage IIB. Five-year progression free survival rates of patients with PLNE, no PLNE and UNK were 42.7%, 64.5% and 59.0%, respectively (P = 0.191), and corresponding with 5-year overall survival rates of 57.0%, 66.0% and 61.9% (P = 0.608). Patients with PLNE had local recurrence (LR) at 22.5%, compared with no PLNE at 11.3% and UNK at 11.9%. The most common site of LR for patients with PLNE was PLN with odds ratio of 19.7 when using no PLNE as reference (P < 0.001). There was no statistically significant difference between distant metastasis rates in PLN statuses of patients with PLNE, no PLNE and UNK at 20.6%, 30.0% and 26.3%, respectively. Conclusions LACC patients with PLNE had a trend of poorer survival rates than patients with no PLNE, while treatment outcomes of patients with UNK were not inferior to no PLNE.<br />. . To analyze the effect of psycho-educational intervention on knowledge of oral hygiene and psychological distress to the parents of children suffering from leukemia. Design of this study was a quasi-experimental pre-posttest control group design. The sample were 70 mothers who had children with leukemia (intervention group = 35 mothers; control group = 35 mothers). The independent variable was psycho-educational, while the dependent variables were oral hygiene knowledge and psychological distress. The instruments used were the knowledge questionnaire and the Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale (DASS-21). Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test and the Mann Whitney U-test with the significance α =0.05. The knowledge most widely known by parents was about how to perform of oral care (37.3%). All parameters of knowledge about oral hygiene have increased after being given a psycho-educational intervention. Psycho-educational interventions had an effect on reducing psychological distress; depression (p=0.000), anxiety (p=0.001) and stress (p=0.000). Most parents whose children suffer from cancer experience psychological distress in the form of depression, anxiety and stress with a range of symptoms ranging from mild to moderate. Psycho-educational interventions can increase knowledge about oral hygiene and decrease psychological distress in parents.<br />. . To investigate the oral psychosomatic disorders (PSDs) in family caregivers (FCs) of oral cancer (OC) patients and to evaluate the correlation between these oral PSDs to severity of depression anxiety and stress. A total of 50 participants were included each in first degree relative (FDR), second degree relative (SDR) and control group. All the participants completed DASS-21 questionnaire and were subjected to thorough clinical history and oral examination. All the FCs reported statistically significant higher mean levels of depression, anxiety and stress compared to controls (p˂0.001). A significantly greater number of FCs (40.00%) reported oral PSDs than control group (12.00%). Most prevalent oral PSD in FCs was aphthous stomatitis followed by oral lichen planus, bruxism, burning mouth syndrome and myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome. Moreover, there was a preponderance of these diseases in FDR (60.86%) compared to SDR (26.08%). FCs with moderate to very severe depression, anxiety and stress showed higher prevalence of these oral PSDs compared to the ones with mild depression, anxiety and stress. The observations of higher prevalence of oral PSDs in FCs with psychological alterations can enhance healthcare professionals' awareness to better understand FCs' oral healthcare needs.<br />. . This study aimed to measure the effects of reproductive health savings (tabungan kesehatan reproduksi, Takespro) on human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine initiation program and the quality of the decision making to get vaccinated, as measured by knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and self-efficacy toward HPV vaccination. This quasi-experimental study was conducted on 128 students randomly allocated to intervention and control groups. This research was conducted in junior high schools. The intervention group received the health education "Takespro HPV" intervention through videos and booklets for 6 months at school. Participants in the control group received usual care from the school. Data were collected using a questionnaire of knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and self-efficacy about HPV vaccination modified by researchers based on previous research and tested for validity and reliability. Data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney test and independent t-test. A total of 40 participants were actively enrolled in the intervention group, and 88 were passively enrolled in the control group. The health education that was part of the Takespro HPV intervention improved the knowledge (p < 0.05) and self-efficacy (p < 0.05) of the intervention group compared with the control group. The attitude and belief variables showed no significant difference (p > 0.05). Forty students exhibited the health reproduction savings behavior at schools. However, the savings amount was insufficient to get HPV vaccination at the initiation phase. "Takespro" HPV intervention can be considered an alternative to increasing the coverage of HPV vaccination in adolescents in Yogyakarta.<br />. .