Cathepsins have emerged out as significant targets in variety of tissue degenerative disorders such as inflammation, alzeimers, tumerogenesis including metastasis and invasion. Elevated levels of cathepsins and reduced cellular inhibitors at the site of these diseased conditions suggest the exploration of novel inhibitors of cathepsins. In the search of effective novel inhibitors as anti-cathepsin agents different natural products are also screened. One such molecule, curcumin has been reported as potential anti-cathepsin agent in recent past. Low solubility of curcumin makes it an important subject for screening effect of different pharmaceutical excipients toward enhanced solubility. In the present work we report serum protein protecting and anti-cathepsin activities of 28 different formulations of curcumin. The formulations have been prepared using four ingredients used in traditional medicinal system. Milk has been found to enhance solubility to a significant level. Cow milk fat, sucrose and piperine exhibited positive cooperation. The results have been explained on the basis of chemical behavior of different ingredients.A series of benzophenone derivatives bearing naphthalene moiety were designed, synthesized, characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, and HRMS and evaluated for their antiproliferative activity against human breast cancer cell line (MCF-7). Most of the tested derivatives showed good to moderate cytotoxicity against MCF-7 cell line. Among them, compound 4u (IC50 = 1.47 ± 0.14 μM) was found to be the most active compound, which is more active than the standard drug cisplatin (IC50 = 15.24 ± 1.27 μM). In vitro tubulin polymerization inhibition assay, EBI competition assay, cell cycle analysis, and cell apoptosis assay identified that compound 4u was a new tubulin polymerization inhibitor by targeting the colchicine binding site. Besides, molecular docking study showed that compound 4u has high binding affinities with the colchicine binding site of tubulin through hydrogen bond, cation-π, and hydrophobic interaction.Countries around the world face increasing demand for long-term care in the older population. Yet, the longitudinal patterns of long-term care use and the underlying predictors have not been well understood, which impedes efficient care planning and timely service delivery. This study investigates the trajectories of informal care intensity in the oldest-old Chinese population and identifies the most important predictors of care trajectories. The data come from four waves of the Chinese Longitudinal Health Longevity Survey (CLHLS 2005-2014, N = 10,292). We conducted the latent trajectory analysis (LTA) to cluster people's diverse trajectories into a finite number of groups. We built machine learning (ML) models to predict people's care trajectories and ranked the relative importance of the predictors. The LTA identified three distinct trajectories of informal care intensity the low, increased and high intensity trajectories. Care intensity increases in all three trajectories. Older people with more severe limitations, females, urban residents, people with a higher income, and people with more daughters in the first wave are more likely to follow the increased or high intensity trajectory rather than the low intensity trajectory in the following decade. The random forest classifier has the best overall prediction performance among the four machine learning models. Its prediction accuracy can be further improved via model optimisation. Oldest-old people in China follow divergent trajectories of care utilisation, and inequality of informal care intensity is discernible across time, demonstrating the need for timely and targeted delivery of government support to those who need it most. Accurate prediction of care trajectories will be of great value to policy makers and practitioners in relation to the planning of personalised care and the equitable allocation of care resources.Danondisease is a rare genetic disorder with an X-linked dominant inheritance affecting both skeletal and cardiac muscle. Its characteristic cardiac phenotype consists on a severe, non-obstructive and concentric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) usually associated with a Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) type preexcitation pattern. Whether this corresponds to the presence of an AV or another type of accessory pathways, such as fasciculoventricular pathways (FVP) remains controversial in the literature. However, we describe the case of a teenager with Danon disease and preexcitation who develops a first degree AV block without any change in his QRS morphology, fact that favors the hypothesis of the presence of a FVP. This finding has important clinical implications in the management and prognosis of these complex patients. The absence of an AV accessory pathway decreases their risk of potential SCD in the context of a fast atrial arrhythmia and their chances of having a reentrant AV tachycardia.In order to have a wider understanding of the impacts of plastics on marine ecosystems, studies should approach different environmental compartments, such as seafloor and biota, at the same time. The aim of this research is to study the relation between microplastic ingestion in species and the amount of seafloor plastics caught in the same bottom trawls hauls of the western Mediterranean Sea to describe a potential overlap between these two indicators of plastic pollution. According to results, 15% of the sampled individuals ingested microplastics with a mean value of 0.30 ± 0.40 microplastics/individuals. Regarding seafloor plastics, these were present in 58% of the hauls with a mean value of 1.31 ± 0.09 kg/km2. The highest overlap between ingestion of microplastic in species and seafloor plastics was observed in the bay of Palma, the most urbanized area, but also in areas close to Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) are worldwide considered as emerging contaminants of large interest, and a primary threat to human health. It is becoming clear that the environment plays a central role in the transmission, spread, and evolution of antibiotic resistance. Although marine systems have been largely investigated, only a few studies have considered the presence of ARGs in meso- and bathypelagic waters. To date, no molecular based studies have yet been made to investigate the occurrence of ARGs in the Black Sea, the largest meromictic basin in the world, receiving water from a number of important European rivers and their residues of anthropogenic activities in permanently stratified mesopelagic water masses. In this study, we determined the presence and the abundance of five ARGs (blaCTXM, ermB, qnrS, sul2, tetA) and of the heavy metal resistance gene (HMRG) czcA, in different sampling sites in the eastern and western Black Sea, at several depths (up to 1000 m) and various distances from the shoreline.