Tooth autotransplantation with a complete root formation to replace one or more lost teeth is indicated as a cost-effective alternative to implants. The aim of this case report was to describe a successfully guided autotransplantation of a maxillary third molar with fully formed roots into a surgically created socket after orthodontic space opening. A guided autotransplantation of the maxillary left third molar into the missing maxillary left first molar site was chosen. After virtually orientating donor tooth to confirm its optimum fit, it was deemed necessary to open 4 mm the mesiodistal space. Following the orthodontic movement, a 3-dimensional (3D)-guiding template and a milled surgical guide were manufactured to allow the donor tooth to be transplanted exactly in the planned position. The 2-year follow-up periapical radiograph showed a continuous periodontal space with no signs of apical periodontitis or root resorption. Virtual planning and 3D-printed tooth replica combined with guided surgery can simplify the autotransplantation technique for both the clinician and the patient, particularly when the socket has been completely created during surgery. Virtual digital planning, which can accurately calculate the exact space to open orthodontically before an autotransplantation, could prove essential to enhancing the precision of 3D placement of the donor tooth in the recipient site. Virtual digital planning, which can accurately calculate the exact space to open orthodontically before an autotransplantation, could prove essential to enhancing the precision of 3D placement of the donor tooth in the recipient site.Obesity is a well-known risk factor for atrial fibrillation (AF). Local epi-myocardial or intra-myocardial adiposity caused by aging, obesity, or cardiovascular disease (CVD) is considered to be a better predictor of the risk of AF than general adiposity. Some of the described mechanisms suggest that epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) participates in structural remodeling owing to its endocrine activity or its infiltration between cardiomyocytes. Epicardial fat also wraps up the ganglionated plexi that reach the myocardium. Although the increment of volume/thickness and activity of EAT might modify autonomic activity, autonomic system dysfunction might also change the endocrine activity of epicardial fat in a feedback response. As a result, new preventive therapeutic strategies are focused on reducing adiposity and weight loss before AF ablation or inhibiting autonomic neurotransmitter secretion on fat pads during open-heart surgery to reduce the recurrence or postoperative risk of AF. In this manuscript, we review some of the novel findings regarding the pathophysiology and associated risk factors of AF, with special emphasis on the role of EAT in the electrical, structural, and molecular mechanisms of AF initiation and maintenance. In addition, we have included a brief note provided on epicardial fat preclinical models that could be useful for identifying new therapeutic targets.The fossil history of turtle and whale barnacles (Coronuloidea Chelonibiidae, Platylepadidae, Coronulidae and †Emersoniidae) is fragmentary and has only been investigated in part. Morphological inferences and molecular phylogenetic analyses on extant specimens suggest that the roots of whale barnacles (Coronulidae) are to be found among the chelonibiid turtle barnacles, but the hard-part modifications that enabled early coronuloids to attach to the cetacean skin are still largely to be perceived. Here, we reappraise a fossil chelonibiid specimen from the Miocene of insular Tanzania that was previously referred to the living species Chelonibia caretta. This largely forgotten specimen is here described as the holotype of the new species †Chelonibia zanzibarensis. While similar to C. caretta, †C. zanzibarensis exhibits obvious external longitudinal parietal canals occurring in-between external longitudinal parietal septa that abut outwards to form T-shaped flanges, a character so far regarded as proper of the seemingly more derived Coronulidae and Platylepadidae. Along with these features, the presence of a substrate imprint on the shell exterior indicates that †C. zanzibarensis grasped its host's integument in much the same way as coronulids and platylepadids, albeit without the development of macroscopic parietal buttresses and bolsters. Thin section analyses of the inner parietal architecture of some extant and extinct coronuloids conclusively demonstrate that vestiges of comparable external parietal microstructures are present in some living members of Chelonibiidae. This observation strengthens the unity of Coronuloidea while significantly contributing to our understanding of the evolution of the coronuloid shell structure in adapting to a diverse spectrum of hosts.The severe acute respiratory syndrome - coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the infectious agent responsible for COVID-19 - has caused more than 2.5 million deaths worldwide and triggered a global pandemic. Even with successful vaccines being delivered, there is an urgent need for novel treatments to combat SARS-CoV-2, and other emerging viral diseases. While several organic small molecule drug candidates are in development, some effort has also been devoted towards the application of metal complexes as potential antiviral agents against SARS-CoV-2. Herein, the metal complexes that have been reported to show antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 or one of its target proteins are described and their proposed mechanisms of action are discussed.The Phanerozoic Eon marked a major transition from marine silica deposition exclusively via abiotic pathways to a system dominated by biogenic silica sedimentation. For decades, prevailing ideas predicted this abiotic-to-biogenic transition were marked by a significant decrease in the concentration of dissolved silica in seawater; however, due to the lower perceived abundance and uptake affinity of sponges and radiolarians relative to diatoms, marine dissolved silica is thought to have remained elevated above modern values until the Cenozoic radiation of diatoms. Studies of modern marine silica biomineralizers demonstrated that the Si isotope ratios (δ30 Si) of sponge spicules and planktonic silica biominerals produced by diatoms or radiolarians can be applied as quantitative proxies for past seawater dissolved silica concentrations due to differences in Si isotope fractionations among these organisms. We undertook 446 ion microprobe analyses of δ30 Si and δ18 O of sponge spicules and radiolarians from Ordovician-Silurian chert deposits of the Mount Hare Formation in Yukon, Canada.