The cardiotonic steroids (CTS), such as ouabain and marinobufagenin, are thought to be adrenocortical hormones secreted during exercise and the stress response. The catalytic α-subunit of Na,K-ATPase (NKA) is a CTS receptor, whose largest pool is located in skeletal muscles, indicating that muscles are a major target for CTS. Skeletal muscles contribute to adaptations to exercise by secreting interleukin-6 (IL-6) and plethora of other cytokines, which exert paracrine and endocrine effects in muscles and non-muscle tissues. Here, we determined whether ouabain, a prototypical CTS, modulates IL-6 signaling and secretion in the cultured human skeletal muscle cells. Ouabain (2.5-50 nM) suppressed the abundance of STAT3, a key transcription factor downstream of the IL-6 receptor, as well as its basal and IL-6-stimulated phosphorylation. Conversely, ouabain (50 nM) increased the phosphorylation of ERK1/2, Akt, p70S6K, and S6 ribosomal protein, indicating activation of the ERK1/2 and the Akt-mTOR pathways. Proteasomee IL-6/STAT3 pathway. Collectively, our results implicate a role for CTS and NKA in regulation of the IL-6 signaling and secretion in skeletal muscle.Berberine has been verified to protect cardiac function in patients with heart failure (HF). However, the mechanism(s) involved in berberine-mediated cardioprotective effects has not been clearly elucidated. The aim of this study was to further investigate the mechanism(s) involved in the beneficial effects of berberine on transverse aortic contraction (TAC)-induced chronic HF. Mice were randomly divided into four groups. Berberine was administered at a dose of 50 mg/kg/day for 4 weeks via oral gavage. Our findings showed that TAC-induced pressure overload (PO) prompted cardiac dysfunction, cardiac hypertrophy, interstitial fibrosis, cardiomyocyte apoptosis and mitochondrial injury, accompanied with suppressed mitophagy, the effects of which were attenuated by berberine. Furthermore, mitophagy regulators PINK1 and mito-Parkin were downregulated in TAC-induced HF, while berberine upregulated PINK1/Parkin-mediated mitophagy. Notably, knockdown of PINK1 by small interfering RNA significantly suppressed Parkin-mediated mitochondrial ubiquitination and nullified the beneficial actions on HF exerted by berberine. Taken together, our results indicated that berberine plays a critical role in attenuating cardiac hypertrophy and preserving cardiac function from PO induced HF. The potential underlying mechanism is the activation of mitochondrial autophagy via PINK1/Parkin/Ubiquitination pathway.A recent experiment proves the therapeutic effect of arm-in-arm walking, showing that if an aged participant walks in close synchrony with a young companion, the complexity matching effect results in the restoration of complexity in the former. A clear manifestation of complexity restoration is a perfect synchronization. The authors of this interesting experiment leave open two important problems. The first is the measure of complexity that is interpreted as a degree of multifractality. The second problem is the lack of a theoretical derivation of synchronization, which is experimentally observed with no theoretical derivation. The main goal of this paper is to establish a physiological foundation of these important results based on the recent advances on the dynamics of the brain, interpreted as a system at criticality. Criticality is a phenomenon requiring the cooperative interaction of units, the neurons of the brain, and is hypothesized as the main source of cognition. Using the criticality-induced intelligence, we define complexity as a property of crucial events, a form of temporal complexity, and we prove that the perfect synchronization is due to the interaction between the two systems, with the more complex system restoring the temporal complexity of the less complex system. The phenomenon of temporal complexity is characterized by ergodicity breaking that has made it difficult in the past to derive the perfect synchronization generated by complexity matching. For this reason, we supplement the main result of this paper with a comparison between complexity matching and complexity management.At the crossroad between biology and mathematical modeling, computational systems biology can contribute to a mechanistic understanding of high-level biological phenomenon. But as knowledge accumulates, the size and complexity of mathematical models increase, calling for the development of efficient dynamical analysis methods. Here, we propose the use of two approaches for the development and analysis of complex cellular network models. A first approach, called "model verification" and inspired by unitary testing in software development, enables the formalization and automated verification of validation criteria for whole models or selected sub-parts. When combined with efficient analysis methods, this approach is suitable for continuous testing, thereby greatly facilitating model development. A second approach, called "value propagation," enables efficient analytical computation of the impact of specific environmental or genetic conditions on the dynamical behavior of some models. We apply these two approaches to the delineation and the analysis of a comprehensive model for T cell activation, taking into account CTLA4 and PD-1 checkpoint inhibitory pathways. While model verification greatly eases the delineation of logical rules complying with a set of dynamical specifications, propagation provides interesting insights into the different potential of CTLA4 and PD-1 immunotherapies. Both methods are implemented and made available in the all-inclusive CoLoMoTo Docker image, while the different steps of the model analysis are fully reported in two companion interactive jupyter notebooks, thereby ensuring the reproduction of our results.Background Placebo/nocebo effects involve the autonomic nervous system, including cardiac activity, but studies have reported inconsistent findings on how cardiac activity is modulated following a placebo/nocebo effect. However, no systematic review has been conducted to provide a clear picture of cardiac placebo responses. Objective The main goal of the present study is to review the effects of placebo analgesia and nocebo hyperalgesia on cardiac activity as measured by blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rate variability. Methods Using several Boolean keyword combinations, the PubMed, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Cochrane Review Library, and ISI Web of Knowledge databases were searched until January 5, 2020, to find studies that analyzed blood pressure, heart rate, or heart rate variability indexes following a placebo analgesic/nocebo hyperalgesic effect. Results Nineteen studies were found, with some reporting more than one index of cardiac activity; eight studies were on blood pressure, 14 studies on heart rate, and six on heart rate variability.