To date, there is no reported standard mating ratio for Nigerian native chickens despite their large population in the country. This study investigated the effect of mating ratio on behaviour, semen quality and level of stress. Sixty three (nine cocks and fifty four hens) sexually matured birds were randomly assigned to three mating ratios (MR) of 1 cock to 3 hens (1C3H), 1 cock to 6 hens (1C6H) and 1 cock to 9 hens (1C9H), each MR was replicated three times. Each cock spent two weeks in a particular MR before it was moved to another. By the 6th week, all cocks had experienced the three mating ratios. Behaviour of the hens and sexual behaviour of the cocks were observed in the morning and evening respectively for six weeks. At the end of 2nd week in each MR, semen samples were collected and evaluated for motility, morphology, liveability and concentration, blood samples were also taken from the cocks to determine the heterophil/lymphocyte (HL) ratio, an indicator of stress. There was also no significant effect of mating ratio on the fertility of eggs and hatchability of the chicks. The number of hen-hen aggression instances, frequency of visits to the nest box, and duration of nesting was not influenced by the mating ratio. However, the duration of nest seeking was higher at 1C3H and lower at 1C9H. A mating ratio of 1C9H is therefore recommended for farmers interested in raising Nigerian native chickens. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Important genomic imprinting changes usually occur following the in vitro production (IVP) of bovine embryos, especially in the imprinting pattern of components of the IGF system. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a transient episomal overexpression of the IGF2 gene in bovine IVP embryos following embryo cytoplasmic microinjection (CMI) at the 1-cell stage on embryo survival, early and late developmental kinetics and morphological quality up to Day 7 of development. Selected cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were matured and fertilized in vitro and subsequently segregated into six experimental groups non-CMI control group and five CMI groups at increasing doses (0, 10, 20, 40 and 80 ng/μl) of a GFP vector built for the episomal expression of bovine IGF2. Zygote CMI was effective in delivering the expression vector into the ooplasm, irrespective of the groups, with 58% of positive GFP fluorescence in Day 7 blastocysts. Considering developmental rates and late embryo kinetics, the 10-ng/μl CMI vector dose promoted a lower blastocyst rate (10.4%), but for blastocysts at more advanced stages of development (93.0% blastocysts and expanded blastocysts), and higher number of cells (116.0 ± 3.0) than non-CMI controls (23.3%, 75.0% and 75.0 ± 6.8 were obtained, respectively). In conclusion, CMI at the 1-cell stage did not compromise subsequent in vitro development of surviving embryos, with the 10-ng/μl group demonstrating a possible growth-promoting effect of the IGF2 gene on embryo development, from the 1-cell to the blastocyst stage. © 2020 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.BACKGROUND Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or repeated water avoidance stress (WAS) induces visceral allodynia and colonic hyperpermeability via corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and proinflammatory cytokines, which is considered to be a rat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) model. As losartan is known to inhibit proinflammatory cytokine release, we hypothesized that it improves these visceral changes. METHODS The threshold of visceromotor response (VMR), that is, abdominal muscle contractions induced by colonic balloon distention was electrophysiologically measured in rats. Colonic permeability was determined in vivo by quantifying the absorbed Evans blue in colonic tissue for 15 minutes spectrophotometrically. KEY RESULTS Lipopolysaccharide (1 mg kg-1 ) subcutaneously (s.c.) reduced the threshold of VMR and increased colonic permeability. Losartan (5-25 mg kg-1  s.c.) for 3 days inhibited these changes in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, repeated WAS (1 hour daily for 3 days) or intraperitoneal injection of CRF (50 µg kg-1 ) induced the similar visceral changes as LPS, which were also eliminated by losartan. These effects by losartan in LPS model were reversed by GW9662 (a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ [PPAR-γ] antagonist), NG -nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (a nitric oxide [NO] synthesis inhibitor), or naloxone (an opioid receptor antagonist). Moreover, it also inhibited by sulpiride (a dopamine D2 receptor antagonist) or domperidone (a peripheral dopamine D2 antagonist). CONCLUSION & INFERENCES Losartan prevented visceral allodynia and colonic hyperpermeability in rat IBS models. These actions may be PPAR-γ-dependent and also mediated by the NO, opioid, and dopamine D2 pathways. Losartan may be useful for IBS treatment. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.BACKGROUND AND AIMS Cues associated with winning may encourage gambling. We assessed the effects on risky choice of slot machine of 1) neutral sounds paired with winning, 2) casino-related cues (such as the sound of coins dropping and pictures of dollar signs), and 3) relative payouts. DESIGN Experimental studies in which participants repeatedly chose between safer and riskier simulated slot machines. Safer slot machines paid the same amount regardless of which symbols lined up. Risky machines paid different amounts depending on which symbols lined up. Effects of initially-neutral sounds paired with the best payout were assessed between-groups (Experiment 1a) and within-participants (Experiment 1b). In Experiment 2, pairing of casino-related audiovisual cues with payout was assessed within participants, and cue timing was assessed between groups. SETTING A university research laboratory in Edmonton, Canada. PARTICIPANTS Undergraduate students (N=692, 69% female, mean age 19 years). MEASUREMENTS Preference forayout memory (p=.013 and.006). Cue effects were not specific to risk people also preferred fixed-payout machines with casino-related cues (p less then .001, r2 =.16). CONCLUSIONS In a gambling simulation, student participants chose more risky slot machines when payouts were relatively higher and when casino-related cues were associated with payouts. Pairing a neutral sound with the best payout did not consistently affect slot machine choice, and the effect of casino cues did not depend on their timing. Casino-related cues enhanced payout memory. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.