Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a globally important oil crop, which often experiences poor growth and seedling necrosis under low nocturnal temperatures (LNT). This study assessed the effects of supplementary calcium (Ca2+) and a calmodulin inhibitor on peanut growth and photosynthetic characteristics of plants exposed to LNT, followed by recovery at a higher temperature. We monitored key growth and photosynthetic parameters in a climate-controlled chamber in pots containing soil. LNT reduced peanut growth and dry matter accumulation, enhanced leaf nonstructural carbohydrates concentrations and non-photochemical quenching, decreased the electron transport rate, increased the transmembrane proton gradient, and decreased gas exchange rates. In peanuts subjected to LNT, foliar application of Ca2+ restored growth, dry matter production and leaf photosynthetic capacity. In particular, the foliar Ca2+ application restored temperature-dependent photosynthesis feedback inhibition due to improved growth/sink demand. Foliar sprays of a calmodulin inhibitor further deteriorated the effects of LNT which validated the protective role of Ca2+ in facilitating LNT tolerance of peanuts. Copyright © 2020 Song, Liu, Pang, Yong, Chen, Bai, Gille, Shi, Wu, Han, Li, Siddique and Lambers.Wheat sheds tricellular short-lived pollen at maturity. The identification of viable pollen required for high seed set is important for breeders and conservators. The present study aims to evaluate and improve pollen viability tests and to identify factors influencing viability of pollen. In fresh wheat pollen, sucrose was the most abundant soluble sugar (90%). Raffinose was present in minor amounts. However, the analyses of pollen tube growth on 112 liquid and 45 solid media revealed that solid medium with 594 mM raffinose, 0.81 mM H3BO3, 2.04 mM CaCl2 at pH5.8 showed highest pollen germination. Partly or complete substitution of raffinose by sucrose, malt