Considering the high prevalence of thromboembolic events in COVID-19 patients it is mandatory for the emergency physician to systematically evaluate signs of pulmonary thromboembolism, in order to perform the most patient-tailored therapy as soon as possible.We discuss a patient who presented with fever, chills and rigors, myalgia, sore throat, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. The total white blood cell count was normal. The lymphocyte and platelet counts were within normal limits. There was no contact with confirmed COVID-19 patient, but the disease was circulating at the time of presentation. He admitted to anosmia and hypogeusia. A nasopharyngeal swab r-RT PCR test was positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. His chest examination and chest x-ray were normal. The patient had contact with animals and consumed unpasteurized camel milk. Both the blood culture and brucella serology tests were positive. This case illustrates that co-infection can occur and it is important to rule out endemic diseases in patients with COVID-19. Similarly, patients presenting with febrile endemic diseases may be harboring mild SARS-COV-2 virus infections and may need to be screened when the disease is suggested by epidemiological exposure.Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has rapidly spread around the world. As new complications associated with the virus become more apparent, concerns in the medical community continue to grow. One of the more commonly encountered and more troubling complications in critically ill patients has been hypercoagulable state and subsequent thrombotic events. Within the spectrum of observed thrombotic events, pulmonary embolism seems to prevail. These trends are concerning and reinforce current recommendations on anticoagulation in critically ill with the virus. To illustrate the variety of possible presentations of pulmonary emboli in COVID-19 population, two cases of patients in their sixties are described, one without any predisposing risk factors and one with history of asthma and obesity. These patients developed pulmonary emboli at different points during their hospital course, were treated differently, and had different outcomes. Important observations are made that may shed some light on possible etiology of pulmonary emboli. One of the patients presented still developed pulmonary embolism despite being on full dose anticoagulation. Literature review suggests that pulmonary clot burden in COVID-19 patients could be due to pulmonary thrombus rather than pulmonary embolism and is triggered by profuse vascular damage and severe inflammatory response. Literature review also proposes changes to the diagnostic work up in COVID-19 patients, such as earlier screening for pulmonary embolism in critically ill. In addition, rare and severe complications of current anticoagulation therapy is illustrated and discussed through one of the cases presented.A key focus of the CIRP CAT 2020 is the role of standardization in GPS specification, and the constraints and opportunities provided by standards throughout the design lifecycle, including in the verification of products. This focus is supported by two Keynote presentations from the chairmen of the ASME and ISO committees that develop standards for the specifications of geometric tolerances. The CIRP CAT conferences provide an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to exchange new ideas and discuss the implications of new and evolving research in the areas of geometrical tolerancing, assembly analysis, modeling of manufacturing processes, and standardization. COVID-19, which started as an epidemic from China in November 2019, was first reported to WHO in December 2019. It had spread to almost all countries globally by March 2020. The pandemic severely affected health and economy globally, prompting countries to take drastic measures to combat the virus. This study aims to analyze different governments' responses to the pandemic to gain insights on how best to fight the Coronavirus. Various data analysis operations like clustering and bivariate analysis were carried out using Python, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, and Matplotlib to clean up, consolidate, and visualize data. Insights were drawn from the analysis conducted. We identified that the mortality rate/case fatality rate is directly proportional to the percentage of elderly (people above 65 years of age) for the top thirty countries by cases. Countries in Western Europe showed the highest mortality rates, whereas countries in South Asia and the Middle East showed the lowest mortality rate (controlling for all other variables). Lockdowns are effective in curbing the spread of the virus. A higher amount of testing resulted in a lesser spreading of the virus and better control. In most regions, countries that were conducting a large number of tests also seemed to have lower mortality rates. Lockdowns are effective in curbing the spread of the virus. A higher amount of testing resulted in a lesser spreading of the virus and better control. In most regions, countries that were conducting a large number of tests also seemed to have lower mortality rates. Coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) is a public health emergency of international concern. The dental professionals are considered to be at high risk, as most of the treatments may lead to the spread of infection due to direct proximity with saliva, blood and aerosols generation. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the awareness, regarding COVID19 pandemic among dental practioners in state of Telangana. A self-administered, structured, pilot-tested close-ended 20 point questionnaire,was distributed among the dental practioners in Telangana state. A total of 385 participants completed the questionnaire. Data obtained was analyzed using SPSS 22.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) for data analysis. Among 385 participants a total of 115 (29.9%) exhibited high level of knowledge while 167 (43.4%) demonstrated moderate knowledge and 103 (26.8%) demonstrated low level of knowledge. Mean knowledge score was 12.46±2.47, minimum and maximum scores were 5 and 15 respectively among the dental practioners (DPs).