PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS The GTR-101 prepared from L. chinense Miller roots may be useful for enhancing body's defense systems especially in the elderly and cancer patients with an impaired or reduced immune response and may thus be effectively used as a natural immunostimulating ingredient in health foods or complementary medicine. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.AIMS To examine the relationships between perceived ethical leadership, perceived interactional justice climate and patient-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. DESIGN A cross-sectional non-experimental design was employed. METHODS The convenience sampling was adopted. Data were collected in July and August, 2018. A total of 738 nurses were recruited from eight Chinese hospitals. The survey included instrument scales of ethical leadership, interactional justice climate and patient-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. SPSS version 22 was used to compute means, standard deviations and intercorrelations. The partial least squares structural equation modeling was chosen to estimate the path coefficients of the relationships. RESULTS Relationships among perceived ethical leadership, perceived interactional justice climate and organizational citizenship behaviors were statistically significant. Perceived interactional justice climate mediated the relationship between perceived ethical leadership and nurses' organizational citizenship behaviors. CONCLUSIONS Ethical leadership is related to interactional justice climate, which in turn, increases nurses' organizational citizenship behavior. Nurse leaders are encouraged to exhibit ethical behaviors and to create justice climate. Ethical leadership scale can be used to select, train and evaluate the nurse supervisors and managers. IMPACT Hospital administrators are encouraged to recruit and promote those with both moral compass and leadership potential to nursing leadership positions. Nursing managers should create a justice climate in their hospitals. Hospital administrators could use ethical leadership scale to develop ethical leadership training programs. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.PURPOSE To detect variants in 17 known potentially causative genes for non-syndromic myopia in 67 Tujia Chinese patients with early-onset high myopia (eo-HM). METHODS DNA from 67 unrelated patients with early onset ( A, p.His320Gln) in NDUFAF7. Sequence changes were confirmed by Sanger sequencing; all had an allele frequency less then 0.01 in the 1000G, EVS, ExAC and gnomAD databases. Additionally, both the pathogenic and potentially pathogenic mutations were predicted to be damaging by SIFT, Polyphen-2, PROVEAN, MutationTaster2, CADD and REVEL except the p.Tyr1089Cys and p.Glu305Lys changes were predicted to be neutral by PROVEAN. CONCLUSION Our research provides more evidence to support the hypothesis that mutations in ARR3, SLC39A5 and NDUFAF7 are disease-causing genes for eo-HM and broadens the eo-HM mutation spectrum among different ethnic groups. It also deepens understanding of the contributions of ARR3, SLC39A5, and NDUFAF7 to eo-HM. © 2020 The Authors Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics © 2020 The College of Optometrists.In x-ray computed tomography (CT), materials with different elemental compositions can have identical CT number values, depending on the mass density of each material and the energy of the detected x-ray beam. Differentiating and classifying different tissue types and contrast agents can thus be extremely challenging. In multi-energy CT, one or more additional attenuation measurements are obtained at a second, third or more energy. This allows the differentiation of at least two materials. Commercial dual-energy CT systems (only two energy measurements) are now available either using sequential acquisitions of low- and high-tube potential scans, fast tube-potential switching, beam filtration combined with spiral scanning, dual-source, or dual-layer detector approaches. The use of energy-resolving, photon-counting detectors is now being evaluated on research systems. Irrespective of the technological approach to data acquisition, all commercial CT multi-energy systems today provide dual-energy data. Material deach of the current technical approaches described. In addition, current and evolving clinical applications are introduced. Finally, the impact of multi-energy CT technology on patient radiation dose is summarized. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.PURPOSE Trajectory-based treatment planning involves the combination of a gantry-couch trajectory with volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) treatment plan optimization. This work presents the implementation of an optimization methodology that generates a trajectory simultaneous with treatment plan optimization (simTr-VMAT). METHODS The optimization algorithm is based on the column generation approach, in which a treatment plan is iteratively constructed through the solution of a subproblem called the "pricing problem". The property of the pricing problem to rank candidate apertures based on their associated price is leveraged to select an optimal aperture while simultaneously determining the trajectory path. A progressively increasing gantry-couch grid resolution is used to provide an initial coarse sampling of the angular solution space while maintaining fine control point spacing with the final treatment plan. The trajectory optimization was applied and compared to coplanar VMAT treatment plans for a lunthe distribution of randomly generated trajectories for the lung, glioblastoma, and prostate patients, respectively. CONCLUSION The simTr-VMAT optimization methodology resulted in treatment plans with equivalent or improved dosimetric outcomes compared to coplanar VMAT treatment plans, with the trajectories resulting from the optimization ranking among the optimal trajectories for each patient case. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.We read with interest the informative review article by Ball et al. It discussed the assessment and management of patients with a suspected functional dermatological disorder, which appeared in a recent issue of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.