Short incubation of positive blood cultures on solid media is now increasingly applied to speed up species identification by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Although Columbia blood agar (CBA) and chocolate agar (Choc) are widely used, a direct comparison of standard agars is lacking. We therefore compared the time to species identification of blood cultures incubated on CBA, Choc, and MacConkey agar (MAC, for Gram-negative rods). Positive aerobic/anaerobic blood cultures (2 drops = 50 μl) were incubated on CBA, Choc, MAC, and the required time of incubation to low-confidence identification (score of ≥1.7 to less then 2) and high-confidence identification (score of ≥2) by MALDI-TOF MS was measured. Exclusion criteria were (i) false-positive blood cultures, (ii) mixed cultures with different species, (iii) growth of anaerobes/fungi, and (iv) a total number of isolates of one group (i.e., Gram-positive/-negative cocci/rods) of less then 30. A total oto assess which solid medium is best to shorten the time to species identification using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. For that purpose, we used positive blood cultures from routine diagnostics and compared Columbia blood agar (CBA), Chocolate agar (Choc), and MacConkey agar (MAC, for Gram-negative rods). We found that MAC performed best for Gram-negative rods and CBA was quickest for Gram-positive cocci. However, Choc may represent a compromise if fastidious species should be covered.Candida auris is an emergent multidrug-resistant fungal pathogen considered a severe global threat due to its capacity to cause nosocomial outbreaks and deep-seated infections with high transmissibility and mortality. However, evidence on its pathogenicity and the complex host-pathogen interactions is still limited. This study used the in vivo invertebrate model in Galleria mellonella to assess its virulence, exploring the mortality