mplication found definitely to have significantly higher prevalence with the MGMH implant design. Cite this article Bone Joint J 2021;103-B(5)813-821.Pseudomonas chlororaphis subsp. aureofaciens SPS-41 is a plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium with biocontrol potential that was isolated from the rhizosphere of sweet potato in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, China. Our previous study demonstrated that volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by SPS-41 inhibited black spot disease fungi Ceratocystis fimbriata in postharvest sweet potatoes and a variety of other plant pathogens, and the VOCs also displayed strong nematocidal activity. In order to further explore the application potential of this strain, we here report the complete genome sequence of strain SPS-41. The genome consists of one chromosome (6,757,898 bp) with a G+C content 63.10%, which contains 5,951 coding genes, 67 transfer RNA genes, 16 ribosome RNA genes, and 85 other non-coding RNA genes. No plasmid was detected. The information of the genome will provide resources for studying the biocontrol mechanism of this strain.[Formula see text] Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by repetitive intermittent oxygen desaturation during sleep. Carbon monoxide poisoning (COP) is the second most common cause of death among non-medicinal poisonings, and oxygen therapy is the current standard of treatment for COP. We herein report a case of a 50-year-old woman diagnosed with severe OSA associated with COP. Both the OSA and COP gradually resolved by automatic continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. New OSA symptoms appeared following the development of delayed encephalopathy after acute COP (DEACMP) 3 weeks later. Severe OSA was diagnosed 76 days after COP with an apnea-hypopnea index of 66 events/hour, and CPAP therapy was immediately administered. The patient's DEACMP symptoms and OSA both improved with CPAP therapy (her apnea-hypopnea index decreased to 32.4 and 16.5 events/hour at 161 and 204 days after COP, respectively). To our knowledge, this is the first case report of OSA caused by COP based on the occurrence and disappearance of OSA symptoms and laboratory findings associated with the emergence and improvement of DEACMP.Late blight (caused by Phytophthora infestans) poses a serious threat to tomato production but the number of late blight resistance genes isolated from tomato is limited, making resistance gene mining a high research priority. In this study, highly resistant CLN2037E and susceptible No. 5 tomato inbred lines were used to identify late blight resistance genes. Using transcriptome sequencing, we discovered 36 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), including 21 nucleotide binding site-leucine-rich repeat and 15 pathogenesis-related (PR) disease resistance genes. Cluster analysis and real-time quantitative PCR showed that these 36 genes possessed similar expression patterns in different inbred lines after inoculation with P. infestans. Moreover, two PR genes with unique responses were chosen to verify their functions when exposed to P. infestans Solyc08g080660 and Solyc08g080670, both of which were thaumatin-like protein genes and were clustered in the tomato genome. Functions of these two genes were identified by gene overexpression and gene editing technology. Overexpression and knockout of single Solyc08g080660 and Solyc08g080670 corresponded to an increase and decrease in resistance to late blight, respectively, and Solyc08g080660 led to a greater change in disease resistance compared with Solyc08g080670. Cotransformation of dual genes resulted in a much greater effect than any single gene. This study provides novel candidate resistance genes for tomato breeding against late blight and insights into the interaction mechanisms between tomato and P. infestans.Phytophthora ramorum is an invasive, broad host range pathogen that causes ramorum blight and sudden oak death in forest landscapes of western North America. In commercial nurseries, asymptomatic infections of nursery stock by P. ramorum and other Phytophthora species create unacceptable risk and complicate inspection and certification programs designed to prevent introduction and spread of these pathogens. In this study, we continue development of a volatile organic compound (VOC)-based test for detecting asymptomatic infections of P. ramorum in Rhododendron sp. We confirmed detection of P. ramorum from volatiles collected from asymptomatic root-inoculated Rhododendron plants in a nursery setting, finding that the VOC profile of infected plants is detectably different from that of healthy plants, when measured from both ambient VOC emissions and VOCs extracted from leaf material. Predicting infection status was successful from ambient volatiles, which had a mean area under the curve (AUC) value of 0.71 ± 0.17, derived from corresponding receiver operating characteristic curves from an extreme gradient boosting discriminant analysis. This finding compares with that of extracted leaf volatiles, which resulted in a lower AUC value of 0.51 ± 0.21. In a growth chamber, we contrasted volatile profiles of asymptomatic Rhododendron plants having roots infected with one of three pathogens P. ramorum, P. cactorum, and Rhizoctonia solani. Each pathogen induced unique and measurable changes, but generally the infections reduced volatile emissions until 17 weeks after inoculation, when emissions trended upward relative to those of mock-inoculated controls. Forty-five compounds had significant differences compared with mock-inoculated controls in at least one host-pathogen combination. This prospective, dose-escalation phase I study evaluated the safety and efficacy of intraperitoneal bevacizumab in managing refractory malignant ascites and explored the recommended dose of bevacizumab for further study. Patients with refractory malignant ascites were enrolled. Bevacizumab was intraperitoneal administered weekly at an initial dose of 2.5 mg/kg, with dose escalation to 5 and 7.5 mg/kg performed following the standard "3 + 3" rule. The total duration of treatment was 2 or 3 weeks. Between December 2013 and September 2014, 13 patients (2.5 mg/kg, n = 4; 5 mg/kg, n = 3; 7.5 mg/kg, n = 6) with refractory malignant ascites were enrolled. Bevacizumab was well tolerated, and the most common treatment-related adverse events were abdominal pain (5/13), abdominal distension (2/13), and fatigue (2/13). The dose-limiting toxicity at 7.5 mg/kg was grade 3 bowel obstruction (1/13). The maximum tolerated dose (MTD) was not reached. The overall response and disease control rates were 7.7 and 61.5%, respectively.