Cell-cell interactions influence all aspects of development, homeostasis, and disease. In cancer, interactions between cancer cells and stromal cells play a major role in nearly every step of carcinogenesis. Thus, the ability to record cell-cell interactions would facilitate mechanistic delineation of the role of the cancer microenvironment. Here, we describe GFP-based Touching Nexus (G-baToN) which relies upon nanobody-directed fluorescent protein transfer to enable sensitive and specific labeling of cells after cell-cell interactions. G-baToN is a generalizable system that enables physical contact-based labeling between various human and mouse cell types, including endothelial cell-pericyte, neuron-astrocyte, and diverse cancer-stromal cell pairs. A suite of orthogonal baToN tools enables reciprocal cell-cell labeling, interaction-dependent cargo transfer, and the identification of higher order cell-cell interactions across a wide range of cell types. The ability to track physically interacting cells with these simple and sensitive systems will greatly accelerate our understanding of the outputs of cell-cell interactions in cancer as well as across many biological processes.The characterization of prostate epithelial hierarchy and lineage heterogeneity is critical to understand its regenerative properties and malignancies. Here, we report that the transcription factor RUNX1 marks a specific subpopulation of proximal luminal cells (PLCs), enriched in the periurethral region of the developing and adult mouse prostate, and distinct from the previously identified NKX3.1+ luminal castration-resistant cells. Using scRNA-seq profiling and genetic lineage tracing, we show that RUNX1+ PLCs are unaffected by androgen deprivation, and do not contribute to the regeneration of the distal luminal compartments. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a transcriptionally similar RUNX1+ population emerges at the onset of embryonic prostate specification to populate the proximal region of the ducts. Collectively, our results reveal that RUNX1+ PLCs is an intrinsic castration-resistant and self-sustained lineage that emerges early during prostate development and provide new insights into the lineage relationships of the prostate epithelium.During chronic infections and in microbiota, bacteria predominantly colonize their hosts as multicellular structures called biofilms. A common assumption is that biofilms exclusively interact with their hosts biochemically. However, the contributions of mechanics, while being central to the process of biofilm formation, have been overlooked as a factor influencing host physiology. Specifically, how biofilms form on soft, tissue-like materials remains unknown. Here, we show that biofilms of the pathogens Vibrio cholerae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa can induce large deformations of soft synthetic hydrogels. Biofilms buildup internal mechanical stress as single cells grow within the elastic matrix. By combining mechanical measurements and mutations in matrix components, we found that biofilms deform by buckling, and that adhesion transmits these forces to their substrates. Finally, we demonstrate that V. cholerae biofilms can generate sufficient mechanical stress to deform and even disrupt soft epithelial cell monolayers, suggesting a mechanical mode of infection.It is thought that the brain does not simply react to sensory feedback, but rather uses an internal model of the body to predict the consequences of motor commands before sensory feedback arrives. Time-delayed sensory feedback can then be used to correct for the unexpected-perturbations, motor noise, or a moving target. The cerebellum has been implicated in this predictive control process. Here, we show that the feedback gain in patients with cerebellar ataxia matches that of healthy subjects, but that patients exhibit substantially more phase lag. This difference is captured by a computational model incorporating a Smith predictor in healthy subjects that is missing in patients, supporting the predictive role of the cerebellum in feedback control. Lastly, we improve cerebellar patients' movement control by altering (phase advancing) the visual feedback they receive from their own self movement in a simplified virtual reality setup. Kleine-Levin syndrome is a rare neurological disease of unknown cause beginning typically during adolescence, characterized by remittent-relapsing episodes of severe hypersomnia associated with cognitive and behavioral disturbances. Triggering factors at Kleine-Levin syndrome onset include infection, sleep deprivation, as well as alcohol, drug, and substance intake. A young woman had 6 episodes over 2 years, including hypersomnia, confusion, derealization, cognitive impairment, anxiety, feeling of being scrutinized, anorexia (and sweet craving once) but no hypersexuality. https://www.selleckchem.com/ The first episode started after a party where she experienced a complete, 4-hour-long blackout despite moderate alcohol intake. The patient suspected having been poisoned. Twenty-five months after the party, when Kleine-Levin syndrome was eventually diagnosed, her long hair was analyzed and exogenous γ-hydroxybutyrate was found in the tips (corresponding to the party time). This case illustrates the interest of looking for γ-hydroxybutyratcase illustrates the interest of looking for γ-hydroxybutyrate in the hair when Kleine-Levin syndrome starts after a party. To identify and record lymphomas of T cell origin in a single centre cohort of 110 Sjögren's syndrome (SS)-associated non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) patients, followed up from 1993 to June 2020. We searched for patients diagnosed with T cell lymphoma among 110 SS-associated NHL cases. Demographic data, history of previous lymphoma, histologic subtype, lymphoma stage, treatment schedules, and response to therapy were documented. Among the 110 SS-associated NHL patients, we identified five NHL cases of T cell origin, all of whom were women. The median time from SS diagnosis to T cell lymphoma development was 3.25 years. They all expressed at least one adverse predictive factor for lymphoma development. Lymphoma subtypes were identified as two peripheral T cell lymphomas not otherwise specified (NOS) lymphomas, one primary cutaneous T cell lymphoma, one T large granular lymphocyte (T-LGL) leukaemia and one angioimmunoblastic T cell lymphoma. All lymphomas were stage IV, apart from the latter case that was stage III, according to the Ann Arbor staging system.