[J Nurs Educ. 2021;60(7)404-407.]. Doctoral programs continue to have high attrition rates. This article discusses barriers and success strategies for developing a new PhD program in nursing. A university in the southeastern United States surveyed current Master of Science in Nursing students and graduates regarding barriers to enrolling in a doctoral program. The faculty and administrators developed strategies to guide students to success in a new PhD program. Significant barriers to entering nursing doctoral education included financial constraints, job and family responsibilities, lack of program flexibility and faculty mentoring, and fear of research and the dissertation process. Strategies instituted were accelerated learning, convenient scheduling, and early guided dissertation work. Recommendations for strengthening doctoral education are aimed at three significant components to guide the dissertation process commitment, connectedness, and continuous improvement. . Recommendations for strengthening doctoral education are aimed at three significant components to guide the dissertation process commitment, connectedness, and continuous improvement. [J Nurs Educ. 2021;60(7)400-403.]. Nurse identity in the Republic of Moldova is undergoing change to achieve recognition as a profession. This article describes a faculty development program designed to help articulate the professional nurse role and scope of practice through enhanced teaching pedagogies used in basic nursing education. Experiential learning strategies such as high-fidelity simulation, unfolding geriatric case study, role-play, task trainers, moulage, and teach-back were used to demonstrate the nursing process and scope of practice. Fifteen faculty from five technical colleges of nursing participated in the Geriatric Nursing Institute (GNI). Debriefings yielded positive responses on using experiential learning strategies to augment didactic methods to facilitate student competencies, nurse identity, and scope of practice. The GNI contributed to the professional development of faculty with potential impact on nursing students to achieve enhanced preparedness in global nurse competencies. Although the pedagogical innovations were welcomed, future initiatives building on the GNI are needed. . The GNI contributed to the professional development of faculty with potential impact on nursing students to achieve enhanced preparedness in global nurse competencies. Although the pedagogical innovations were welcomed, future initiatives building on the GNI are needed. [J Nurs Educ. 2021;60(7)377-385.]. Burnout, depression, and suicide among health care professionals and learners have reached a rampant level. This systematic review aimed to synthesize literature findings of nursing student burnout and its impact on psychological well-being and academic performance. This systematic review followed PRISMA guidelines and included data-based studies on nursing student burnout published in peer-reviewed journals between January 2015 and January 2020. This review included 17 articles. Four major themes were identified 1) a negative relationship between burnout and student self-concept, 2) a negative association between burnout and student engagement, 3) risk factors contributing to student burnout, and 4) interventions to mitigate student burnout. Promoting positive self-concept, engagement, and resilience may alleviate student academic burnout. Student burnout has negative influences on health and academics, and interventions to mitigate burnout should be considered early in nursing programs. Nurse educators can create an engaging learning environment to build resilience and reduce burnout. . Student burnout has negative influences on health and academics, and interventions to mitigate burnout should be considered early in nursing programs. Nurse educators can create an engaging learning environment to build resilience and reduce burnout. https://www.selleckchem.com/peptide/box5.html [J Nurs Educ. 2021;60(7)369-376.]. Due to their abstract nature and lack of real-world application, theory development and testing are often difficult concepts for PhD students to embrace, especially within a virtual learning environment. Although experiential learning is a preferred method, there is a lack of evidence regarding its use in online PhD programs. Four PhD nursing students enrolled in a Foundations of Theory course participated in an innovative experiential learning project designed to introduce the process of theory development and testing. Participants, led by a faculty-researcher, tested the applicability of a conceptual model using the Framework Method with the diary of a Holocaust survivor. This experience increased the learners' understanding and appreciation of theory development and testing processes as they relate to the nurse scientist's role. Experiential learning in an online theory course is a viable option to promote learning, student engagement, and professional socialization. . Experiential learning in an online theory course is a viable option to promote learning, student engagement, and professional socialization. [J Nurs Educ. 2021;60(7)391-393.]. The inclusion of perioperative clinical learning experiences in prelicensure nursing education reinforces foundational nursing skills. However, perioperative experiences in clinical settings are not consistently available for student learning. An unfolding perioperative simulation day was created as an alternate to traditional clinical learning. Three simulation-based experiences were designed to include nursing care of the patient during the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative phases of the perioperative experience. Implementation of a perioperative simulation as an alternative to traditional clinical learning in one prelicensure program had positive effects on students' ability to achieve learning outcomes, to collaborate, and to improve self-confidence. A simulated perioperative clinical day provides an engaging learning experience, reinforcing foundational clinical skills such as patient safety, infection control, patient mobility, teamwork, and communication. . A simulated perioperative clinical day provides an engaging learning experience, reinforcing foundational clinical skills such as patient safety, infection control, patient mobility, teamwork, and communication.