Health professionals need to be aware of the complications of LCHF diet in this population to prevent mortality associated with this condition.Peripheral route for administration of vasopressors is often opted due to resource limitations or as a rescue until central venous access is established. This, however, is not devoid of complications, the most common being extravasation and tissue injury. Phentolamine is the only drug approved for management of vasopressor extravasation; however, successful use of other agents has been reported. Here we report a case of peripheral extravasation of vasopressors, successfully managed with topical nitroglycerin in intensive care unit in Kathmandu. To our knowledge, this is the first report of such kind from Nepal.Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an arthropod-borne virus that is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, and its main features are high fever and (debilitating) arthritis. Infection with CHIKV, as well as other viruses, has been associated with hypercoagulable states and may be linked with the development of venous thrombosis. In fact, the development of deep venous thrombosis has been described in CHIKV infection. We present a case of superficial thrombophlebitis of the thoracic wall, known as Mondor's disease, associated with CHIKV infection. To our knowledge, this probable association has never been described before.Lupoid cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL) is a rare, atypical presentation of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). In this report, the authors present the case of a severe LCL in an elderly patient who presented to our dermatology department with severe, painful ulcerated lesion on his midface with cosmetic deformity to his nose. He had a history of CL 3 years ago at the same place. Histopathologic examination showed epidermal and dermal changes with chronic inflammatory infiltrate and no leishmaniasis bodies were detected. He was admitted and treated with systemic glucantime (60 mg/kg) for a month followed by hydroxychloroquine (200 mg twice a day) for another month with favorable outcome. Countries with endemic CL should consider LCL in patients with a history of leishmaniasis and a similar clinical presentation, especially that it could be misdiagnosed with other granulomatous cutaneous conditions, thus leading to cosmetic deformities that can be avoided with early adequate treatment.Percutaneous transvenous mitral valvuloplasty (PTMV) is an established therapy for rheumatic mitral stenosis (MS). While the Wilkins score standardizes the description of valve anatomy and predicts successful PTMV, echocardiographic assessment has some limitations. The 'balloon impasse' sign is the inability to cross a stenotic valve with a deflated Inoue balloon. This sign was described in the 1990s as an indicator of severe subvalvular thickening (regardless of the echocardiographic findings), portending an increased risk of severe mitral regurgitation (MR) post-PTMV. Despite its implications for management, it has been seldom reported. A 57-year-old woman with symptomatic, severe MS and a Wilkins score of 7 underwent PTMV. The 'balloon impasse' sign was observed when attempting to cross the stenotic valve. When the balloon was fully inflated, severe MR was noted, and the patient required mitral valve replacement. This case demonstrates the continued importance of the 'balloon impasse' sign and its implications for the therapeutic efficacy of PTMV.Hippopotamus is one of the most-loved animals in Africa, yet it is aggressive and dangerous. The co-existence of humans in close proximity to their natural habitat increases the probability of human injury. Hippopotamus attacks have long been recognized to cause serious injuries, but its magnitude and burden are still unknown. The medical literature is very scarce when it comes to documenting hippopotamus bite injuries and their outcomes. We present a cohort of 11 patients who suffered hippopotamus bite injuries in Burundi. To our knowledge, this is the largest case series reporting on the clinical presentation, injury patterns and surgical outcomes of hippopotamus bites. The results show a high incidence of wound infections, amputations and permanent disability among other complications. Hippopotamus-inflicted injuries should, therefore, be triaged as major trauma rather than just 'mammalian bites'.The USA is witnessing an outbreak of vaping-induced lung injuries associated with the drastic rise in e-cigarette use, especially among teenagers and young adults. Our understanding of the harmful effects of these products is expanding as an increasing amount of consumers seek medical care for lung-related illnesses. The knowledge of the long-term sequelae of e-cigarette use is limited due to their novelty, but a growing association exists between use and acute lung injury. We describe a case vignette of vaping-induced lung injury to increase physician awareness and discuss the applicability of preliminary diagnostic criteria.We report the case of a pregnant woman with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. During pregnancy, she presents with a large, rapidly growing, tumor on her right forearm, whose biopsy revealed an invasive squamous cell carcinoma. Amputation by the middle third of the forearm was performed at 21 weeks of pregnancy, without intra- or post-operative complications. The remainder of pregnancy was unremarkable and, at 36 weeks, she gave birth to a healthy baby. One month after delivery, a large lymph node conglomerate was detected in the right axilla, highly suggestive of metastatic disease and complete lymph node dissection was then performed. Despite the prompt institution of chemotherapy, the patient died a few months later due to metastatic disease.Closure of chronic lower extremity wounds is important for minimizing the risk of infection and amputation in a very high-risk population. Developments in tissue cultures and matrix therapies have shown promise in enhancing healing. The use of autologous homologous skin constructs in wound treatment may enable the regeneration of functional dermal structures. We present the case of a chronic medial heel ulcer that dehisced following intraoperative debridement, which was subsequently treated using a combination of an autologous homologous skin construct and total contact casting. This case emphasizes the importance of proper offloading for healing and preventing recurrence of lower extremity wounds.